Since we're on the idea of solutions, just wanted to say:
I for one think we have seen some pretty big positive things recently embraced here in the US: the idea of health care as a basic human right (whether or not you agree with the incarnation of Obamacare). I think we've also made great strides in racial equality.
Things I hope to see change in the future that I only really talk about (but then again, my friends are people who have some sort of power so hopefully there is a percolation of ideas):
1) change into a currency backed by something tangible, such as a precious metal or an assortment of commodities.
2) realization that free market is the most efficient system, but there are values more important than efficiency such as equality between people which requires heavy regulation/limitation on the powers of certain companies and financial institutions, such as banks.
3) Move away from allowing unlimited corporate money into campaigns, by basically accepting that money is a force multipler in all situations and should be removed from political equations where we believe in one person, one voice, one vote.
4) A fundamental acceptance of the principle that prevention is the best approach in all situations, but in particular as applied to crime. As such, regarding crime, in areas of high crime more money would be spent on addressing the socieoecnomic/educational issues that play a large role, in addition to increasing police and prison funding.
Certainly these ideas are focused on financial issues, but those are the ones that I've been thinking about lately and frankly I do think we may just see positive change on them in our lifetime.
I for one think we have seen some pretty big positive things recently embraced here in the US: the idea of health care as a basic human right (whether or not you agree with the incarnation of Obamacare). I think we've also made great strides in racial equality.
Things I hope to see change in the future that I only really talk about (but then again, my friends are people who have some sort of power so hopefully there is a percolation of ideas):
1) change into a currency backed by something tangible, such as a precious metal or an assortment of commodities.
2) realization that free market is the most efficient system, but there are values more important than efficiency such as equality between people which requires heavy regulation/limitation on the powers of certain companies and financial institutions, such as banks.
3) Move away from allowing unlimited corporate money into campaigns, by basically accepting that money is a force multipler in all situations and should be removed from political equations where we believe in one person, one voice, one vote.
4) A fundamental acceptance of the principle that prevention is the best approach in all situations, but in particular as applied to crime. As such, regarding crime, in areas of high crime more money would be spent on addressing the socieoecnomic/educational issues that play a large role, in addition to increasing police and prison funding.
Certainly these ideas are focused on financial issues, but those are the ones that I've been thinking about lately and frankly I do think we may just see positive change on them in our lifetime.