(12-24-2012, 08:45 PM)ScottK Wrote: Hi Siren,
Indeed, service comes in many forms and we all choose freely the manner of our service.
With my query, I was seeking those who do have ideas on how to be of service to many other selves - those who have a strong desire to help others in tangible ways, who have an idea, and who may not feel empowered to implement their idea at the current time. A time is coming when their ideas may be implemented in this physical reality illusion in order to bring more fun, happiness, love, and peace to our world.
Comment on the words I put in bold...
That time you speak of, whether vague or specific, is not worth waiting for. Waiting for a future date to do what you feel called to do is not necessary in my opinion. Whatever you can do, each and every day, that involves your calling, whether it's one thing or several, then simply do it with joy and repeat the process until you pass away!