12-23-2012, 01:01 PM
just as an update:
I did finish up my fast; I got a little bit into the 4th day, and learnt what I needed to learn.
it was the obvious lesson: to be more grateful for food (and in general) all inputs into my experience. Because I have not appreciated them in the past as fully as I do today, I just had to offer myself some forgiveness for past oversights.
so that was the lesson from my unconsconisous. Message received!
@Pickle I actually felt quite strong and robust during my fast. Energy not expended for digestion just continues recirculating. Although, with your diets, they have less strain on the body to begin with.
also; I was on vacation too; its the best time to do these type of things.
I did finish up my fast; I got a little bit into the 4th day, and learnt what I needed to learn.
it was the obvious lesson: to be more grateful for food (and in general) all inputs into my experience. Because I have not appreciated them in the past as fully as I do today, I just had to offer myself some forgiveness for past oversights.
so that was the lesson from my unconsconisous. Message received!
@Pickle I actually felt quite strong and robust during my fast. Energy not expended for digestion just continues recirculating. Although, with your diets, they have less strain on the body to begin with.
also; I was on vacation too; its the best time to do these type of things.