12-18-2012, 11:25 AM
(12-18-2012, 08:28 AM)Ankh Wrote: and here is the session where Q'uo addressed a similar confusion back then.
Within your next decade or two this transformation will have taken place. This is the time to acknowledge fully the need to learn the ways of the self, to become more and more familiar with the thoughts of the heart with an eye to working with these thoughts, to accentuating the tendency towards positivity, towards compassion, towards tolerance, towards creativity, towards hope and faith. For that which has crashed your tower of the physical world and brought it down is a very literal symbol of an archetypal process. The Matrix of the Spirit in this tarot system is called the Devil. And the Lightning-Struck Tower is the Potentiator of the Spirit. The Matrix of the Spirit is called this because those who bring light have always had a bad reputation. Lucifer is one of the names that is most telling that is used for the Devil in your culture. The roots of this word mean “light-bringer.”
That this event would be seen and experienced as that which is catastrophic is as you have correctly surmised, a necessary culmination of those energies which have, for many of your millennia, been in motion upon your planet, and this present expression of anger and hatred is that which can be seen in one of two ways: as that which demands retribution and a continuation of those energies of which it was born, or it can be seen as the alarm which rings the alert to those observing that there is something tremendously dislocated, shall we say, in the relationship between the various members of the family of humanity upon your planet and which needs attention, which needs understanding, which needs love and compassion. So difficult is it to look beneath the surface of events to see the genesis of such that most of your peoples do not make this effort. It is far easier to rest upon the simple and quick assessment of things.
Thus this experience of the loss of life and love can be that which ignites many hearts to love, to light and to service. For each entity upon this planet can be of service in this event, for each has those with whom difficulties have arisen in the daily round of activities. Each experiences this same loss of love, and each has the power within the heart to open in love to those with whom one is in relationship. Each time that love is given instead of hate, instead of confusion, instead of reprimand, instead of ignoring, instead of walking away, then there is the magical transformation that is possible when faith and will work together in each life. Then it is possible that such an event such as this great tragedy can bring more of the peoples of this planet into an awareness of the heart of their heart, of that which wishes to be awakened, of that which each took incarnation to awaken.
There have been tragedies aplenty throughout the many millennia of human inhabitation of this planet. None before have brought this awareness of the need of love to the consciousness in a strong enough way that there was a general response of love. It may be that this event also does not draw this response. It may be that this event does indeed draw that response. As we have said, the future is liquid. It is determined moment by moment by each of the many billions of entities upon this planet. Each entity can love. Each entity can heal. Each entity can have an effect upon how this scenario plays its course.