12-11-2012, 04:40 PM
(10-11-2012, 08:23 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Of course, the notion that a star, such as our Sun, could act as a transducer and/or amplifier for light/information traveling to and from other celestial bodies is a conjecture of astrology, and has never been proven by science.
In addition, the idea that certain numerical dates, such as 12/12/12 have any significance whatsoever, especially considering the arbitrariness of our calendar system, is also highly questionable.
But nevertheless, it is still interesting to the mind to ponder such ideas, even if they are mere contrivances.
We would first need to estabilish whether a proof by the standards of the current scientific consensus is actually a requirement for such an event or not. I do not feel like that in order to experience a Disclosure or a Harvest, for example, one would need a peer reviewed document on it, although it would clearly be a lot of fun seeing that unfolding : D
Regardless whether we need proof or not, a question naturally arises. If the obviously malleable dates are just "arbitrary" labels, then what is in this reality that is not arbitrary as well? If certain people set their minds on something that is connected to dates like this, will that make the power of 12-12-12 more "real" than, say, the power of 11-12-12?
(Needless to say, I think that the power is never in the date. It is with us. All of us.)