12-07-2012, 08:43 AM
(12-07-2012, 02:59 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:(12-06-2012, 11:49 PM)hogey11 Wrote: I am really really curious about ayahuasca and I can get it where I live pretty easily (there's a 'shaman' shop in the city that sells it apparently) but I don't think I have IRL friends that are 'spiritual' enough to not freak out at whatevers happening. Maybe my wife, but she'd probably be more nervous than I. So I will wait for the signs to be there that the time is right
Thanks for the stories both of you! Always fun to read
I would recommend to have a trained guide for your journey, i.e. a shaman.
I would insist on a quide and call you a risktaking *grumpy old man voice*hellraise*endgrumpyoldmanvoice* if you do it without a guide.
No but seriously, from someone who has taken it before and been around people who take it, have a guide with you. For one you may suddenly pass out if you are spiritually inclined and not just complain that it hurts and if you pass out its not "hmm, i feel i faint coming on, i may need to find a comfortable position" its "hmm, i feeeeeeee *knock head hits the floor from sitting down over the toilet from 4 hours of non stop vomiting and diahrea and you end up with your head in the toilet*
Its stuff like that you really need to keep an eye on, that and the tendency to regress to an earlier, pre-non-dumbbutt level of intelligence that thinks its a good and liberating idea to run around buck nekkid through the streets. The quide isnt there to forcibly push you down (they most likely cant) but rather, to hand you stuff like shiny pieces of metal to look at so you can go "oooooh, thats sooo shiny" and forget alll about running around buck nekkid.
Anyway. For the most part it will most likely involve vomiting, feelings of dying or having alrady died, intense borderline insane fear, heart racing like a marathon runner, emptying from both ends of your corporal form with a intensity like a jet engine. Followed by 2-3 weeks aftewards of feeling clean as a whistle.
After the first 2-3 times you may get the hang of the cleaning process and manage to do or say something relevant during the process.
For the first times, thats unlikely...
Anyway, thats my take on it, always always always have a guide/sitter present, preferably 2 due to the interplay of the 2 components being much more interesting to behold than just 1 dude. But, the 1 watcher setting if carefully selected watcher will allow you to peer back into your own soul on a level tha tyou do not consider possible in a veiled state.
Good luck, good bless, and dont be running around buck nekkid now.
Sinfest is being funny. Rolling down green hills with the year 2012 with a Lil D and a renegade Devil chick that just want to run around doing fun things and not be stuck in the service!