(02-12-2010, 09:56 PM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: It is not just the "third world" that needs assistance. There are those in your own area that are in need of physical assistance. Next time you walk the streets of a city take notice of the children hiding in the shadows and homeless people on the streets... better yet go walk around a Walmart parking lot and you will see plenty of mothers and young children with no home or who have lost their home due to foreclosure, addiction, domestic violence or they have lost their jobs. The rising class in the Western World is that of the working poor class. What this means is hard choices must be made... do I feed the children everyday or every other day so that I can pay the electric bill, so I can put gas in my car so I can get to my job... do I leave my child unattended so that I can go to work because I can not pay childcare expenses.. but if I don't go to work I can not pay the rent. These are real live realities for many many people in the Western World... yet no one seems to notice them.The thing is, the area I live in now is pretty affluent where you dont really see homeless out in the open often- so I am very sheltered. Thats why I wanted to work in a bad area in a 3rd world country so I can experience the the far end of the spectrum in the other direction, this would help me see things from a larger perspective. Either way I will work with mentally ill, I can easily connect with them as I try to treat them as brothers and sisters instead of condescendingly like so many other people do with out realizing it.
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