12-06-2012, 12:27 AM
Perhaps this might be helpful:
We have spoken through all of our trusted channels about the clearing of your old fears and hurts, dearest friends. And yet, even though we know you have seen these messages, we see you continuing to identify with the situations that these energies bring to your attention as they arise. These things are not you. It makes you feel stressed, sad, and helpless when you see them as part of your selves, part of your lives.
Realize, please, that this is no longer so, and in fact, never was. These are but experiences that you have had, lessons you had chosen to learn. Let them go. They are arising now simply for the purpose of lightening your load, so to speak. Allow yourselves to see that they are not a part of you, and let them go into the light.
As we have urged you before, you may want to thank them for helping you to reach your present level of understanding. But do not identify with them any longer. Float them away in a balloon of light. Float them down a stream in a paper boat. Whatever image works for you, use it. But do not allow yourselves any longer to become engaged in the dramas that they bring to your minds or your hearts.
We know you can feel how this weakens you and draws you down. And do not worry that this is holding you back from your stated intentions to walk through this gateway that approaches. It will not. So save yourselves the heartache and take control. Let them go. Tell them to “begone”. Find the thoughts, the words, that work for you.