02-12-2010, 08:11 PM
It sounds like you have synesthesia. It's an actual medical condition where the wires in the brain get crossed and your senses blur into each other. Hearing color, tasting sounds...stuff like that. I think this trait could be common in wanderers, and can also probably be achieved through effort, but some people are just born that way...perhaps it is a trait of being dual activated...not really sure, but it seems like it could be useful for people like us. I have a slight touch of it, having mostly to do with my sense of touch. It seems to extend into all my other senses.
Visualizing has always come easy for me, eyes open or closed, though I actually see the particles with my eyes open more than when they are closed. I used to ask people "what are all those little things in the air?" and no one knew what I was talking about. I can see things so clearly in my head that I can void out whatever visual stimulation my eyes are getting, but I can still react to my environment- moving out of the way of something, etc. Very rarely is my eyesight completely replaced. I tend to have the problem of drifting off into other worlds when I'm supposed to be working and I don't pay attention to anything going on around me. The people and places I see in my head seem clearer than the ones I see in reality.
I think it is very common for wanderers to have all these traits. Ra calls the ability to clearly visualize for minutes at a time a trait of the adept and it is associated with the magical self. Apparently in higher densities, where thoughts are literally things, it is extremely common, but here a lot of people have problems with it. It seems to just be something that naturally happens when you begin to awaken. Obviously opening the third eye can impact visual experience as well. I would just say it is cool and you should work on honing the ability. From what I get from the LOO material, it is an ability that could be of great use in the near future.
Visualizing has always come easy for me, eyes open or closed, though I actually see the particles with my eyes open more than when they are closed. I used to ask people "what are all those little things in the air?" and no one knew what I was talking about. I can see things so clearly in my head that I can void out whatever visual stimulation my eyes are getting, but I can still react to my environment- moving out of the way of something, etc. Very rarely is my eyesight completely replaced. I tend to have the problem of drifting off into other worlds when I'm supposed to be working and I don't pay attention to anything going on around me. The people and places I see in my head seem clearer than the ones I see in reality.
I think it is very common for wanderers to have all these traits. Ra calls the ability to clearly visualize for minutes at a time a trait of the adept and it is associated with the magical self. Apparently in higher densities, where thoughts are literally things, it is extremely common, but here a lot of people have problems with it. It seems to just be something that naturally happens when you begin to awaken. Obviously opening the third eye can impact visual experience as well. I would just say it is cool and you should work on honing the ability. From what I get from the LOO material, it is an ability that could be of great use in the near future.