02-10-2010, 08:33 AM
I have been feeling the need to make contact with a friendly entity for the past few days. I guess a part of me just wants to know that they are there and I will be able to speak with them as times change rapidly in the near future. Maybe I'm just in a state of unease because I'm feeling us switching and flowing through all the prospective timelines as our consciousness changes during this time of transformation.
I've noticed that every time I even think about "vibrationally aligning myself with those of Q'uo" as I put it in my own head, I feel a sort of "pressure" that's hard to describe. It could be viewed as a presence. This happens whenever I "plan on contacting them soon" or actually attempt to contact them. Since they are outside of time, it could be that whenever I mentally align with their vibration, I am metaphysically approaching them whether I'm trying to contact them to speak or not.
Last night, with a clear mind, I directed a thought towards those of Q'uo addressing them as a sentient being and contacting them with the purpose of "just to talk" seeing as I had been feeling the difficulties of life and learning lessons at a great rate for the past couple of weeks. I felt the same mental "pressure" but stronger. It's like there was silence, and only my own presence and then all of a sudden something was "there". It didn't feel malicious in the slightest. In fact, I'd say it felt loving, caring. "Detached but compassionate." was the vibe I got. I rule out the possibility of it being my own mental construct because frankly, it was way too complicated and indescribable to be something I'd thought up on my own! Usually I create concepts that can at least be in some way describable with words! lol
I directed a thought at them saying "Are you those of Q'uo?" and waited in silence for an answer. I didn't receive an answer, not in words, but the loving presence remained. I know that communication took place, but not in the way that I "wanted" it to happen, through English language-thought. Instead throughout, I received vague ideas or concepts that would be there one moment, and then vanish once I "understood" (but not necessarily mentally processed) them. The overarching concept seemed to say "Presence is enough. For now, go forward."
I understand that I'm an extreme newbie when it comes to this, so don't assume that those are for sure our friend Q'uo's words. There's no way for me to be sure that it was even Q'uo. The only thing I'm sure of was that communication took place. I can definitely see how this can be dangerous to one's well-being if one contacted a mixed or negative entity. After feeling that presence and feeling those concepts given towards the heart of self, I can imagine how terrifying a huge negative presence, firing its own concepts into the core of your heart, could be. I imagine it would be much like when poor Frodo sees the eye of Sauron, and feels the gripping terror and horrifying presence. I think that much of the uncomfortableness of the situation when greeted by a negative entity is the inclination of negative ones to EXAMINE you so very closely, processing you through their intelligence and judging what is of worth to them and what is not. We've all felt some of this when mentally connected to the negativity flowing through our fellow humans here on earth!
Thankfully, with the contact that I established, I felt no judgement! Just sincerity, compassion, and a bit of comedy in the fact that I was even trying to contact them at that time.
I've noticed that every time I even think about "vibrationally aligning myself with those of Q'uo" as I put it in my own head, I feel a sort of "pressure" that's hard to describe. It could be viewed as a presence. This happens whenever I "plan on contacting them soon" or actually attempt to contact them. Since they are outside of time, it could be that whenever I mentally align with their vibration, I am metaphysically approaching them whether I'm trying to contact them to speak or not.
Last night, with a clear mind, I directed a thought towards those of Q'uo addressing them as a sentient being and contacting them with the purpose of "just to talk" seeing as I had been feeling the difficulties of life and learning lessons at a great rate for the past couple of weeks. I felt the same mental "pressure" but stronger. It's like there was silence, and only my own presence and then all of a sudden something was "there". It didn't feel malicious in the slightest. In fact, I'd say it felt loving, caring. "Detached but compassionate." was the vibe I got. I rule out the possibility of it being my own mental construct because frankly, it was way too complicated and indescribable to be something I'd thought up on my own! Usually I create concepts that can at least be in some way describable with words! lol
I directed a thought at them saying "Are you those of Q'uo?" and waited in silence for an answer. I didn't receive an answer, not in words, but the loving presence remained. I know that communication took place, but not in the way that I "wanted" it to happen, through English language-thought. Instead throughout, I received vague ideas or concepts that would be there one moment, and then vanish once I "understood" (but not necessarily mentally processed) them. The overarching concept seemed to say "Presence is enough. For now, go forward."
I understand that I'm an extreme newbie when it comes to this, so don't assume that those are for sure our friend Q'uo's words. There's no way for me to be sure that it was even Q'uo. The only thing I'm sure of was that communication took place. I can definitely see how this can be dangerous to one's well-being if one contacted a mixed or negative entity. After feeling that presence and feeling those concepts given towards the heart of self, I can imagine how terrifying a huge negative presence, firing its own concepts into the core of your heart, could be. I imagine it would be much like when poor Frodo sees the eye of Sauron, and feels the gripping terror and horrifying presence. I think that much of the uncomfortableness of the situation when greeted by a negative entity is the inclination of negative ones to EXAMINE you so very closely, processing you through their intelligence and judging what is of worth to them and what is not. We've all felt some of this when mentally connected to the negativity flowing through our fellow humans here on earth!
Thankfully, with the contact that I established, I felt no judgement! Just sincerity, compassion, and a bit of comedy in the fact that I was even trying to contact them at that time.