(11-14-2012, 04:57 AM)kanonathena Wrote: Therefore experience is only a tool not the purpose. The value of experience is that all creator is doing is experiencing itself, no understanding can be archived without experience (I guess).
No, you have it backwards. It IS the experience, itself, that is the value; not understanding. Experience is what we bring back to the Creator from our 3rd-density sojourn. 3rd density is not the density of understanding, and we gain little of it here, regardless of our own opinions of our attainment of it. Read Robert Monroe's books (in chronological order) for a good understanding of this. It will take a great weight off your shoulders.
I was interested to witness this anecdote, as related by Kycahi at this year's Homecoming. Speaking of the early days of LLResearch, he told of Don Elkins -- who was notoriously laconic in personal interaction -- coming up to him and asking, "Lee, do you know why we're here?" Lee, of course, began to answer in some specific philosophic way; but Don interrupted him, saying, "No! It's to experience, and to make The Choice."