11-12-2012, 10:40 AM
(11-01-2012, 11:25 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: If the meal is prepared with love and light, does it matter who it is served to? Or even if it is eaten?
It matters in the discernment of that which is being consumed, in that what may be a plate of darkness can be easily deceptively offered as a serving of light.
There is consequence involved in ingesting poison, as is often revealed here in our own community.
The wolf in sheep's clothing has a service to perform as well and in many cases is extremely skilled in such service.
What is service?
It is not as simple as STO or STS. this is why we see such confusion in trying to establish those definitions as Ra presents them.
What Ra has tried to express and impress is that service relates very individually to the state of being of each field, involving both its experience and memory, and the Divine process of being cannot be categorized into individual experience because it results in the All. So the very process itself evolves as a paradox, because it is a paradox by design.
This is why those who recognize that STS is effected in every time we offer STS, and attempt to use that dilemma as a stepping stone to authorize self gratification.
Service is not a matter of category. It is a matter of effort, and the consequences of each effort manifests as the All. This is why Ra states that each path leads toward the One.
It is not in our categorizing that we come to evolve in understanding. It is in those efforts of discerning and becoming aware of the consequences which shall manifest from those efforts.
And so, when you are able to understand such divine process, you offer both service to others, as the evolving All, and service to self, as the evolving fragment.