(11-11-2012, 01:03 PM)Spaced Wrote: Firstly I see little sparks of light that seem to be signs of confirmation... My Higher Self seems to think of themselves as somewhat of a DJ and there's almost always a song playing in my head that has lyrics or a melody that fits the situation I'm in quite well.
Woah my Higher Self is a DJ too...I'm amazed at how s/he puts an obscure song in my head to fit the mood.
i.e. when I was in the middle of a deep depression I had Roy Orbison's 'Crying' in my head for at least 2 weeks. Then when I was being bullied at work and allowing that to wreck my personal life, and then getting stronger in the process I got Matthew Wilder's "Ain't Nobody Gonna Break My Stride". If someone was messing with me I'd sing this song in my head for empowerment!
I had a crush on someone and I got the Commodores song about "there's gonna be some sweet times, coming round, on the night shift" (this was a false alarm as nothing came of it...no sweet times except in my imagination blah!), and that Bruce Springsteen song where he's a mechanic and he's enflamed by passion for one of his customers.....there have been loads of humorous situations where the song selection is tongue in cheek or loaded with sarcasm...which prove they enjoy a laugh.
I find it very interesting that my Higher Self knows all these songs which I don't remember. I usually get the tune and words in my head then Google the words which brings up the actual song. Fascinating! S/he prefers musical styles vastly different to my own as well, quite diverse genres.
I also see the sparks of light constantly.
I also get strong urges to do things and have thoughts put into my head. Someone, or myself, will ask a question about something I know nothing about and I'll blurt out a long winded, knowledgeable sounding response. I'll look it up later and realise I was right...I channelled an answer. This happens alot.