02-03-2010, 06:44 PM
The darkness is everywhere as much as the light. I've had to contend with my own doubts just as much if not more than I've had to deal with unwanted advances from negative entities. In the end it's all the same. It doesn't really matter if the darkness comes from within or without, because we are all one and the response should be the same regardless. Love. Love yourself. Love your friends. Love your enemies. Love everyone, and there isn't a base that you haven't got covered.
Ayadew, isn't it cool how sometimes the universe just plops what you are needing to hear into your lap? The other day I was at the store and just happened to glance over and see a new CD by a band I didn't realize existed anymore. When I took it home and listened to the words, it was like they had been written just for me, and were pertaining to my exact situation. It made me wonder if maybe, just maybe, that band was inspired to write those words just for me- if the entire universe lined up all so at that moment I could hear what I needed to hear. Makes you wonder...
Ayadew, isn't it cool how sometimes the universe just plops what you are needing to hear into your lap? The other day I was at the store and just happened to glance over and see a new CD by a band I didn't realize existed anymore. When I took it home and listened to the words, it was like they had been written just for me, and were pertaining to my exact situation. It made me wonder if maybe, just maybe, that band was inspired to write those words just for me- if the entire universe lined up all so at that moment I could hear what I needed to hear. Makes you wonder...