11-06-2012, 01:15 PM
The word ION is pretty self explanatory. Might look at the suffix added to words and ask why it is added? No point in running circles.
Definition of ION
1: an atom or group of atoms that carries a positive or negative electric charge as a result of having lost or gained one or more electrons
2: a charged subatomic particle (as a free electron)
Definition of COMPASS
-to devise or contrive often with craft or skill
-a piece of equipment used for finding your way, with a needle that always points north
-a circumscribed space
Origin of COMPASS
Middle English, from Anglo-French cumpasser to measure, from Vulgar Latin *compassare to pace off, from Latin com- + passus pace
Definition of ION
1: an atom or group of atoms that carries a positive or negative electric charge as a result of having lost or gained one or more electrons
2: a charged subatomic particle (as a free electron)
Definition of COMPASS
-to devise or contrive often with craft or skill
-a piece of equipment used for finding your way, with a needle that always points north
-a circumscribed space
Origin of COMPASS
Middle English, from Anglo-French cumpasser to measure, from Vulgar Latin *compassare to pace off, from Latin com- + passus pace
Quote:This is where I got the "counterrotating spirals" analogy from. If there were two counterrotating spirals in the ground, the clockwise one would appear to be "radiant" while the counterclockwise one would appear to be "absorbent."Part of my purpose is the creation of vortexes. Possibly where the argument stems from is your perception of what "direction" does what. In specifics of invoking or dispersing, creating vortexes, using your view I would be creating portals to pull up energy from the lower astral.