02-03-2010, 06:14 AM
You can't check every fact of course. But if you don't check a lot of them you will eventually be fooled... And sometimes you need to go deeply into this stuff. There is a lot of junk out there. And unfortunately David is not immune from mistakes. I used to be a big fan of him. But his latest work just turned me off. He's started basing some of his information on clear verifiable falsehoods. The old books you're reading of him are good though.
My advice is to disbelieve everything and check it for yourself. Even if this costs a lot of time. When you say you get a good feeling with someone. Just think that if they're lying to you, this feeling is fully designed. I know the things to do to create this vibe. Other people know how to create it. It doesn't mean the information is true and it's the first thing people will influence if they lie on the internet.
On the whole we don't want to hear it but our friends in the conspiracy crowd are more often lying to us than telling the truth. The big shots like david and certainly the camelot crew are being fed so much garbage that either some of it or all of it actually gets pushed as real information.
I've predicted the disclosure movement before it actually started. Before David jumped on the band wagon. I predicted the hype we see today. I was able to because it's been happening just like this for the past 10 years or so. Although I was more certain of it then I'm still hoping it will occur. But I've stopped believing the things people on the internet tell me about it. I just follow the news at least they're reliably unreliable and try to check up on relevant sources.
At the core is truth. Around it is 90% the additions of people with good intentions. And 10% bad intentions. The fact is that if you start to verify information or check the accuracy of past predictions the track record is not good...
What mostly happens is that someone makes an outrageous claim. People around them pick this up and start parrotting it until the information in various forms is echoing around, every node in the net is more certain than the previous node that something is going to happen. And like a snowball it collects random "facts". But no one actually takes the time to check those facts. People either just don't know how, or they're lazy.. Or they just want to be fooled...
And then when it doesn't happen we've "averted a disaster with our consciousness" or "we're not ready yet" Yeah right.
At a certain point if you dare to ask critical questions you're immediately shoved in the STS negative elites corner.
If you believe everything they tell you you deserve exactly what you're going to get. I would suggests to check, I would also suggest that you're being lied to on a regular basis.... If you believe this is not true. Maybe you're being gullible, or maybe I'm being cynical who knows.
At any rate, don't believe something just because it resonates... It only means someone is telling you what you like to hear. You cannot discern the truth from recognizing what you'd like to be true.
And there are techniques for creating psychological resonance, it's not a true signal, it just looks that way.
My advice is to disbelieve everything and check it for yourself. Even if this costs a lot of time. When you say you get a good feeling with someone. Just think that if they're lying to you, this feeling is fully designed. I know the things to do to create this vibe. Other people know how to create it. It doesn't mean the information is true and it's the first thing people will influence if they lie on the internet.
On the whole we don't want to hear it but our friends in the conspiracy crowd are more often lying to us than telling the truth. The big shots like david and certainly the camelot crew are being fed so much garbage that either some of it or all of it actually gets pushed as real information.
I've predicted the disclosure movement before it actually started. Before David jumped on the band wagon. I predicted the hype we see today. I was able to because it's been happening just like this for the past 10 years or so. Although I was more certain of it then I'm still hoping it will occur. But I've stopped believing the things people on the internet tell me about it. I just follow the news at least they're reliably unreliable and try to check up on relevant sources.
At the core is truth. Around it is 90% the additions of people with good intentions. And 10% bad intentions. The fact is that if you start to verify information or check the accuracy of past predictions the track record is not good...
What mostly happens is that someone makes an outrageous claim. People around them pick this up and start parrotting it until the information in various forms is echoing around, every node in the net is more certain than the previous node that something is going to happen. And like a snowball it collects random "facts". But no one actually takes the time to check those facts. People either just don't know how, or they're lazy.. Or they just want to be fooled...
And then when it doesn't happen we've "averted a disaster with our consciousness" or "we're not ready yet" Yeah right.
At a certain point if you dare to ask critical questions you're immediately shoved in the STS negative elites corner.
If you believe everything they tell you you deserve exactly what you're going to get. I would suggests to check, I would also suggest that you're being lied to on a regular basis.... If you believe this is not true. Maybe you're being gullible, or maybe I'm being cynical who knows.
At any rate, don't believe something just because it resonates... It only means someone is telling you what you like to hear. You cannot discern the truth from recognizing what you'd like to be true.
And there are techniques for creating psychological resonance, it's not a true signal, it just looks that way.