11-03-2012, 03:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-03-2012, 04:47 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
(11-01-2012, 07:52 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: We have to pick our battles. I have much more issue with the pharmaceutical industry than with overzealous alternative practitioners.
LOL, exactly! See my thought process goes- since we have to pick our battles- why not cover as much ground as possible? That means asking ourselves- Is there something which is primary to the problems both with the pharmaceutical industry and overzealous alternative practitioners? I find yes. The characteristic both groups display in common is prejudice toward the "opposite" group.
That is to say, neither "side" seriously considers the perspective of the "other" group. This is because they lack compassion, which I would define as the ability to see other as self.
Because both of these groups fail to develop compassion toward the "other" group, the rest of "us" suffer needlessly. People don't get the treatments they could really benefit from. Or get the wrong treatment completely. Endless legal and regulatory struggles ensue. Money gets wasted. Life gets wasted. On and on and on. Forever.
This distortion is not in any case necessary.
If we applied the Law of One to the situation at hand, then those of us who are alternative practitioners would gaze upon the pharmaceutical industry with compassion, and seek to understand how "they" are indeed "self". And vice-versa.
Quote:At least when people pursue alternative therapies, they know it's likely not 100% proven.
Yes, but when alternative practitioners whip out their "cure", what they are implying to the public is that it has been scientifically proven. This is, more often than not, a lie. It's fraudulent and unethical behavior, and constitutes malpractice.
Quote:But if the doctor says to do something, they do it without questioning. I see this everyday in my business. People will be getting great results, but then they get the surgery or treatment because the doctor said to, and then they die.
Yes, but when the doctor whips out his prescription pad, or the surgeon his knife, what they are implying to the public is that the benefits of their "scientifically proven" prescription drug or surgical procedure outweigh the risks. This is, more often than not, a lie. It's fraudulent and unethical behavior, and constitutes malpractice.
Quote:Yes, many of them act as though their way is the only way.
I would consider that a basic characteristic of a zealot.
Quote:Yet look at how many different ways there are to heal cancer.
Look at how many different ways there are to get cancer. And many cancers are very different from one another. IMO they really shouldn't all be lumped together under one umbrella. That's misleading.
Quote:I think a distinction needs to be made between principles and protocols. A principle might be well established, but different so-called 'experts' have different opinions as to how to apply that principle.
Bingo. In addition to this, what is often missing from both "sides" is an acknowledgement of which principles they are basing their protocol. Since this is often undisclosed, the patient doesn't really know what they are agreeing to.
I can also say from experience that a great many so-called 'experts' don't even understand their own principles. Vis a vis "naturopaths" that practice green allopathy, or otherwise practice wildly outside the bounds of naturopathic principles.
Quote:Examples of established principles:
Here are the six naturopathic principles. Bold is the principle. The rest is my own commentary.
First Do No Harm. While many medical schools have now removed this fundamental principle of medical practice from their professional oaths, naturopathic doctors have come to embrace it ever more fully. As scientific research into nutrition, exercise, herbs and supplements continues to evolve, we have become empowered with many effective tools to improve health that do not carry the same level of risks as drugs and surgical methods. While naturopathc doctors realize the value of drugs and surgery, we feel it is our professional duty to recommend the most harmless methods first before bringing out the "big guns".
Healing Power of Nature. Naturopathic doctors recognize an innate capacity of the body to heal and regenerate itself from within, given the right resources and environment. As such, we view ourselves as facilitators of this natural process, rather than agents of cure.
Identify the Cause. Naturopathic doctors avoid simply covering up symptoms of an illness and instead work to identify and treat the root cause of an illness so the symptoms can be alleviated long term. For example, rather than simply block pain and inflammation pathways with medications, naturopaths will dig deeper to identify what is causing the pain and inflammation in the first place.
Treat the Whole Person. A human being is not simply a bag of chemicals, but a person with a mind, emotions, spiritual beliefs, friends and family, and environmental factors which all impact an individual patient's health. Rather than simply recommend the same remedy for everybody complaining of the same symptoms, naturopathic doctors use a holistic and comprehensive approach to patient care. Treatment strategies are tailored to each patient's individual makeup.
Doctor as teacher. The word doctor comes from the Latin docere which means: to teach, or more specifically to draw forth. In order to achieve long-term health, naturopathic doctors believe it is essential to educate our patients on how the body works and the reasons why we are choosing a particular course of action. This results in office visits that are often considerably longer than an MD or DO, where a patient is often given 5-8 minutes with an actual physician, if at all. In addition, naturopathic doctors view healing as a co-creation with our patients, and encourage them to become engaged in the decision-making process, rather than to simply obey orders from an authoritative figure.
Prevention is the Best Cure. Clearly, it is better to stay healthy and to only have to see your doctor annually for wellness visits. Naturopathic medicine takes this idea even further and suggests that instead of waiting for an illness to arise, to continually improve and optimize patient health so as to reduce the chances of an intervention in the future. To a naturopathic doctor, "preventive care" refers to this process of continually improving health, rather than putting our patients on certain drugs now, in hopes of avoiding other drugs or surgical interventions later.
Quote:What I'm hearing you say is that Gerson is too rigid on protocol. But they probably are like that because they're really just a notch above conventional treatment, as far as the mentality of those they attract. Those choosing such a rigid protocol might still be seeking some 'expert' to 'cure' them, rather than realizing that they are in charge of their own healing process.
Quote:Then you have Dan the Man, at the opposite end of the spectrum! He's so goofy and stoned looking, I cannot fathom anyone viewing him as any kind of authority!
Let us hope you are right about that!