I believe that only time you really violate another human's free will is when they are totally dependent upon you or they have no other choice than to listen to you. For example: your very young kids or someone in chains who is dying of hunger and you have the bread.
I can understand having a personal code of conduct and personal discipline so you are more effective in your service. I can understand not trying to change someone's mind when they are not ready; it is counter productive. I can understand all that.
But that should not stop you or should it? You live, you make mistakes and you learn and you try again. It is as simple as that. Maybe I am just simple minded like that. But fear of making mistakes should not be the reason for not doing what you came here for or should it? If that is really your chosen path.
Well Jesus, Buddha and countless other powerful and radiant beings did not seem to think they are interfering with others free will. They talked freely, shared freely and healed freely. I don't believe they were concerned with free will violation. As they knew very well that they are empowering the masses for the first time and helping them remember that they truly have free will. Before the encounter the masses were neither free not had any will. These radiant beings helped people realize that they could also be emulated. Have free will and be radiant with love and light...
In fact even Ra did not seem to mind the first time. It was only after their not so successful attempt the first time they became a little cautious. What they say- Once bitten, twice shy...So we should not try to co-opt this concept of Free Will from Ra's experience and apply it in our lives. We have to learn from our situation and look at more earth based examples.
Now how you will help is a totally individual question. OSHO said that "some enlightened beings cross the river in a small narrow boat just sufficient for themselves, and some other cross the river in big ships and they carry many others along with them" ... both do cross the river and both are all right. You have to know which one you are...
I can understand having a personal code of conduct and personal discipline so you are more effective in your service. I can understand not trying to change someone's mind when they are not ready; it is counter productive. I can understand all that.
But that should not stop you or should it? You live, you make mistakes and you learn and you try again. It is as simple as that. Maybe I am just simple minded like that. But fear of making mistakes should not be the reason for not doing what you came here for or should it? If that is really your chosen path.
Well Jesus, Buddha and countless other powerful and radiant beings did not seem to think they are interfering with others free will. They talked freely, shared freely and healed freely. I don't believe they were concerned with free will violation. As they knew very well that they are empowering the masses for the first time and helping them remember that they truly have free will. Before the encounter the masses were neither free not had any will. These radiant beings helped people realize that they could also be emulated. Have free will and be radiant with love and light...
In fact even Ra did not seem to mind the first time. It was only after their not so successful attempt the first time they became a little cautious. What they say- Once bitten, twice shy...So we should not try to co-opt this concept of Free Will from Ra's experience and apply it in our lives. We have to learn from our situation and look at more earth based examples.
Now how you will help is a totally individual question. OSHO said that "some enlightened beings cross the river in a small narrow boat just sufficient for themselves, and some other cross the river in big ships and they carry many others along with them" ... both do cross the river and both are all right. You have to know which one you are...