10-27-2012, 08:32 PM
Quote:And anyway, since the "cure" comes from within, I don't really see why everybody is so eager to fight over who owns this term.Logically there is no such thing as a cure, just the use of the word to capitalize on a belief structure. Still, a healthy alternative is an analog to what we believe is a "cure". If you take a motor and build it with substandard parts it will obviously reach failure/end of use faster. The same is true about changing the fuel that goes into the motor, early failure and run like crap the whole time. Most people are taught wrongly what to build the body with. I don't have a problem with anyone claiming a cure for "death" if while found to be untrue the new experiences of quality of health can teach society to move towards a more natural way of life.
Quote:Also does a better job explaining a "healing crisis" or "detox reaction" where things need to temporarily become worse before they get better.This only happens with abrupt changes. Since I took my time changing habits I did not have to deal with any detox.
Quote:But even given all of this- notice how so many people in BOTH the "mainstream medical" AND "natural health" professions are still running around half-cocked promoting their pet theories while pretty much ignoring what science has now clearly demonstrated which is the fact that bacteria- and possibly other microbes- play an absolutely critical role in the maintenance of health.Are you aware that you can control the actions of bacteria and common virus with thought? Can I ask you how long since the last time you down with cold or flu?