01-29-2010, 07:55 PM
I'm pretty sure that the archetypes that Ra and L/L were investigating in Book IV can be used to "change consciousness at will." I believe that you would invoke the appropriate archetype to help you through the difficult situation in a radiant and balanced manner. Ra gave an example of how to use the Magician (Matrix of the Mind) archetype; unfortunately they did not give such pithy suggestions for the other archetypes and I'm not sure which one or ones would be most helpful in a situation like the one you describe.
Ali Quadir's image of the horse makes me think of the Strength archetype (Experience of the Body) with its lion guided by the female figure.
I also like the hook analogy and the Batman visualization.
Ali Quadir's image of the horse makes me think of the Strength archetype (Experience of the Body) with its lion guided by the female figure.
I also like the hook analogy and the Batman visualization.