(02-02-2009, 11:01 AM)3D Sunset Wrote: So you see, Ra indicates that the arrow actually represent protection for those seeking separation (i.e., STS), who are protected from other selves by their strength of will. I have to agree with βαθμιαίος on this one. The protection for all, is within ourselves.
I agree with your statement, but I don't think it negates my interpretation.
(02-02-2009, 11:01 AM)3D Sunset Wrote: As for the survivalists seeking protection, I think your quote is out of context. The statement is made after this precursor questions:
Ra Book IV, Session 95
Questioner: I have often wondered about the action of random and programmed catalyst with respect to the entity with the very strong positive or negative polarization. Would either polarity be free to a great extent from random catalyst such as great natural catastrophes or warfare or something like that which generates a lot of random catalyst in the physical vicinity of a highly polarized entity? Does this great cat, then, have an effect on such random catalyst on the right-hand path?
Ra: I am Ra. In two circumstances this is so. Firstly, if there has been the preincarnative choice that, for instance, one shall not take life in the service of the cultural group, events shall fall in a protective manner. Secondly, if any entity is able to dwell completely in unity the only harm that may occur to it is the changing of the outward physical, yellow-ray vehicle into the more light-filled mind/body/spirit complex’s vehicle by the process of death. All other suffering and pain is as nothing to one such as this.
We may note that this perfect configuration of the mind, body, and spirit complexes, while within the third-density vehicle, is extraordinarily rare.
From this I interpret the statement you quote as indicating that those of the left hand path have no protection because they don't fit either of the above cases (strong commitment of preincarnative choices, and the rare entity dwelling completely in unity). Ra's latter statement that you quote is in response to Don's questions "Am I to understand, then, that there is no protection at all if the Experience of the Mind has chosen the left-hand path and that path is traveled?", which Ra's answers in the affirmative, there is no protection for those who chose the left-hand path because they do not meet the above criteria. That is not to say that all STO entities do meet those criteria. Still, it seems that our best protection is our faith and confidence that everything that happens serves the purpose of allowing the One Creator to better experience himself.
I understand your point, and it's a valid interpretation. However, this statement by Ra still raises the question:
You may note some of those of your peoples which, at this space/time nexus, seek places of survival. This is due to the lack of protection when service to self is invoked.
...because, if all entities, whether STS or STO, have the same degree of protection (or no protection, as the case may be) regarding random catalyst, then why would Ra say This is due to the lack of protection when service to self is invoked ...?
If the lack of protection is the same for everyone, then the need for some people to seek places of survival would not be due to their STS polarity...it would just be the same way it is for STO entities.
On the surface, the statements seem to contradict each other. The one statement that does seem to resolve the paradox is:
However, to the pure, all that is encountered speaks of the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. The cruelest blow is seen with an ambiance of challenges offered and opportunities to come. Thusly, the great pitch of light is held high above such an one so that all interpretation may be seen to be protected by light.
Perhaps we are both right. Perhaps there really isn't a distinction in terms of protection for STO vs STS regarding random catalyst, but the difference is that STO will perceive themselves protected, and therefore is protected. The end result is still the same...protection...so there is a distinction after all! Whether the protection is inherent, or because they got it because of their trust and belief, does it really matter? The end result is still...protection. Whether it's 'real' protection or only 'perceived' protection, does it really matter? The STS entity perceives no such protection and thus feels the need to seek safe zones.
Another angle to this is:
Does random catalyst (natural disasters etc.) override individual karma/preincarnational programming?
If it's not within the parameters of the entity's preincarnational programming to, say, die in an earthquake, then how could they die in an earthquake? Is there really any conflict here? Or are both of our viewpoints elegantly resolved when we seek resolution of paradox? In other words, is it really an 'either-or' proposition? or are we making it into that? We seem to be debating 'either' there is no protection for the STO 'or' there is...maybe we're not seeing the big picture here. If the STO perceives all events as being protected by the Light, then why are we even questioning how/why such events could be random, as though they were a 'bad' thing?
It seems to me that to adopt an attitude of "Ra said I am subject to random catalyst with no more protection than an STS entity" would be to open the door to fear. Maybe I am being overly optimistic here...maybe I am misinterpreting Ra's words...but I see both intepretations to be equally valid, due to the seemingly contradictory nature of the 2 statements...so we all have to make a choice here, as to which interpretation we want to accept.
I readily acknowledge that your interpretation is just as valid as mine...and I could be wrong...but since it's not conclusive either way, I think I would prefer to remain in faith that I will have protection...I prefer to look at the big picture, by incorporating other statements made by Ra, such as the concept of a holographic UniVerse...thus, my beliefs contribute to which possibility in the possibility/probability vortex occurs.