01-29-2010, 01:10 AM
(01-28-2010, 01:21 AM)Chett Wrote: Anybody here follow American politics much?
There is this guy Glenn Beck that has developed a pretty large following in TV audience and radio, plus selling lots of books etc. The reason I bring this up is I wonder if he knows what he is doing. His big campaign at the moment is:
We can fix everything if we just remember who we are.
That can mean so many things on so many levels but it certainly struck a chord with me. He may well be onto more than he knows.
It is funny that you bring this up my friend. I just finished watching all 4 of Beck's Monday to Thursday programs recorded. I can say without any hesitation- I loved them and I loved him.
Just listening to the press, I used to think he is a nut job. But little did I know. He is not a politician. He has a viewpoint and he very articulately presents it. It is neither negative not positive. It is about how to solve the problems of America. By going back to the roots and to the constitution. "We the People' can solve all problems and 'They the Government creates most of the problem", That seems to be his mantra. Smaller government, less bureaucracy, more freedom for the individuals are some of his solutions...He comes out really smart and really funny...
I have not heard him espouse his Mormon beliefs. And I have lived with Mormons, they are nice people. Don't mean any harm to anybody. He did talk passionately about following the Ten Commandments once, not this week. But I think spirituality is not his strong suite. He is as mistaken or misguided as average American. But I did not listen to him for his spiritual ideas. I listened to him on his social and political ideas. and I would like to continue to follow him until he gets boring...