Q'uo Wrote:We suggest to each the effort to remember who you are, to remember why you came to this difficult illusion. What was important enough to pull you into the great illusion of the Earth plane? As far as we ourselves know, that reason in each case has been the wish, the genuine wish to serve the infinite One. Each has worked hard to gain the right to incarnate at this especially critical time within your present cycle of learning. Each was able to come here because of the seniority of vibration of each, that is there being fewer physical vehicles than souls who wish to use them. The vehicles have been given to those whose vibrations more nearly accommodate the fourth-density love and light of the one infinite Creator.
Each of you, then, is either here as a wanderer from a higher density or here because you have the ability to graduate within this present incarnative experience. We find there are both wanderers and what we might conveniently, if inaccurately, call Earth natives within this particular circle. Know that each of you, whether wanderer or Earth native, is completely and equally beholden to that light [that] awaits at the end of your present incarnation, for the steps of light that each shall walk are one in the same for all.
I just had to post this because I found it to be beautiful. It means we ALL are capable of graduation into 4D. In a nutshell, it says: Either we came here to have our last 3D incarnation before 4D, or we are 4D+ wanderers. The higher the vibration(density wanderer), the more you get to cut to the front of the line. And yes there is literally a line to incarnate into a physical vehicle here on Earth. I have heard Q'uo say it before this session(as well as other STO oriented channels).
Q'uo Wrote:Even if an entity has (inaudible) into the third-density experience from fourth density or fifth density, yet still, through incarnation, those entities have become Earth natives in the respect that they must enter those steps of life carrying each and every experience, balanced and unbalanced, which have occurred within the present Earth density incarnation. In other words, wanderers can get caught in what this instrument often calls a karmic situation.
So we suggest and encourage each to take the time daily to center the self within the heart, to spend that moment of knowing that you are loved and that you can channel infinite love to a world that is starving for that vibration that is unconditional love; for this you came into this incarnation. Whatever your manifested excellences and achievements, they shall always fall far short of the service that you are doing by being who you are and by meeting the moment with the maximum amount of love which you may find yourself able to open to within your heart.
Quote:Questioner: What is the meaning and purpose of reincarnation?
We are those of Q’uo, and, my brother, we are aware of your query. The concept of reincarnation has at its core the assumption that entities continue before and after and during each incarnative experience not as those bounded by time and space but as those bounded by eternity and infinity. These arrangements of densities and the repetitive lifetimes within those densities have been developed from creation to creation as each sub-logos, that being one of your suns, has taken the basic offering of the previous creation, those densities that have been developed so far, and offer in each case a slightly different way of approaching the matter of learning.
The reason for reincarnation is that previous octaves of creation gradually discover the need for periods of learning followed by periods of rest, recuperation, healing and planning. The goal of the entity throughout all incarnations remains singular, that being the effort to more and more approximate the vibratory complex of love itself, for each of you has within you that perfect and unconditional love that created all that there is.
It is a matter of the untaught self being as the rock from which the elephant is carved. In each incarnation, the seeker chips away at that which is not an elephant. Imagine how many strokes of the tools of sculpting it takes to create—we correct this instrument—or, shall we say, recover the articulated statue. So each of you gazes at the self before incarnation, ripples the pages of previous incarnative experiences and comes to conclusions concerning what facet of love, loving and being loved needs the most study, for each entity is unique, each entity has its own path.
Thusly, each of you in the present incarnation has a plan, has made sure that there are ways for you to be presented with the circumstances in which you may choose to enlarge your ability to give and to receive unconditional love. There are many angles to coming to this realization of love itself and so each of you will find at times that there are few to talk to about your particular task. Nevertheless, trust your inner guidance and the perseverance in following that guidance, for this is the precious opportunity. This is, as this instrument has said previously, the opportunity to offer love by faith alone, knowing nothing, sensing everything.
The more that you may find yourself able to release attachment to any (inaudible) and well in love, the more you are able to cooperate with that destiny which you have set [up] for yourself. Mind you, we do not suggest that you can learn more by giving up more. We do not wish to suggest that you must go begging with a bowl in order to gain understanding. Rather, we simply suggest that each will have impulses and intuitions and feelings of rightness that are trustable, and so we encourage each to have faith in the destiny and in the self that can fulfill that destiny that has been set up. In every case, there shall be the confusion and suffering that comes because there is a forgetting of the scheme of oneness and (inaudible), a forgetting of true nature. As one takes on the curtain of flesh, one shuts out the knowledge of unconditional love and [unity]. Nevertheless, that unity lies within you, so we encourage each to visit that heart within that is the sanctum within which your work may be done.
The last bit about reincarnation is is truly beautiful to me, since moments of darkness that seems to gather around me recently. I have felt like this specifically quite often, that there is literally nobody to discuss certain things with (except maybe you guys, you guys). Even then, I may shy away from posting this thread or make that post for various reasons.
Quote:Questioner: Yeah, I’d like to know if there’s a relationship between what we call spirit and what we call consciousness.
I am Q’uo. Indeed, my brother, there is a most close relationship between these concepts. Each entity here and all entities, indeed, are those portions of the one Creator that have been sent forth much like explorers, adventurers into the great unknown of creation to discover the relationship between the self and the creation and the Creator, to discover that these are all one. Each portion, then, has a need for the various vehicles and accoutrements of each density or level of the creation.
Within this third-density illusion, there is the necessity of the physical vehicle so that the spirit that is whole and perfect within each may have a means by which to experience that which this illusion offers concomitant with this physical vehicle and preceding and (inaudible) is the consciousness, the identity of each entity. The spirit, then, through the use of the mind, the consciousness, utilizes the physical vehicle and most particularly the energy centers or chakras of this physical vehicle which move upwards from the base to the crown located within the physical brain in order to form the incarnational patterns that each will travel in order to discover the Creator within and in order to give that Creator the experience of the self as a means for the Creator to know Itself.
Thus, the consciousness that each possesses is the dynamic rules by which each may co-create the illusion in which you move, that each may co-create the experience of giving and receiving love. These experiences are many, through many incarnations and many densities, for this creation is rich and varied and offers to each seeker the full reach of the one infinite Creator.
Questioner: So, is it that spirit and consciousness are one and the same thing, or are they closely related, or does one create the other, or what?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The spirit of each entity, the soul identity, if you will, is the core concept with which all begin. From this core concept, then, comes the creation of the consciousness that shall inhabit various physical vehicles, both the vehicles and the consciousness being the tools of the spirit or soul’s identity.
Notice the little easter-egg in about each density having vehicles. I (personally) expect the next density to still use vehicles, although I do not know this for sure or the details of each vehicle from that quote.
Quote:Questioner: Who is Q’uo?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, and we congratulate you on being far quicker than either this instrument or the one known as Carla in asking this query, for those entities took a great deal of time before remembering that there is a meaning to this title, this name that we have chosen for their benefit. We are a principle that has been created to maintain a stepped-down contact between those of Ra and this group. The ones known as Latwii are also a portion of this principle and are also students of the ones known as Ra and offer to this group a means by which there is the possibility of communication upon the many concerns of the incarnational experience.
Questioner: The word, principle, is unclear. Could you attempt another description?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Those of Latwii, being also students of those of Ra, serve as an intermediary, shall we say, a kind of relay so that the entities known as Ra may blend their vibrations in some degree with those of Latwii and continue the communication through this group.
This is precisely how I imagined the relationship of Latwii being used as as an easier medium to contact the LL/group(Carla most especially) to continue the Ra contact. So, I use this as an excuse to openly tout an agenda I have now taken on: The Ra contact did not end with Don's death and the last Ra session. There is further reading and understanding to be had beyond it. Taking this session as a fixed point in time, there was 15 years of further Ra contact previous to this quote. And there are Q'uo channelings on up in 2011, so having read all of it after the last full Ra session, I still have much more reading to do.
There are more quite interesting Q'uo-tes in this session, but this post is plenty long as it is.