06-23-2009, 11:51 PM
Title yet to be discovered
This book is about you, and the service to self verse the service to others and how we have gotten to this point in time.
The implications of the Source and power to control the Universe.
How this relates to you, your business, and freedom.
This book is a recalling and realization of ultimate truth.
Remembering as in going through old books or things that were once taught and forgot, and things remembered from the past choice of forgetting, so that we may rediscover it in all of its brilliance.
I question myself about writing this book because of all the implications that it contains as well as doubts that I own within myself. But when I realize that everyone everywhere and from all times all had the same reservations about such things and strove past them and never looked back and were proud of passing through such a ridiculous conceptualization of such limitations. I find I may in fact have every right and indeed desire to share such thoughts to you who are here now to receive them. Just knowing that you are reading this shows that you where meant to come into this information for it was you that was truly searching for it.
So lets get to know a little about the author who presumes the right to write about such things. I have been pondering about all sorts of things over the course of this journey we call life. I have like most people had a pretty general life for the first 20 years of it. Going to school and not being an over achiever. In fact quite the opposite. Again hitting the insecurity button. That’s the big red one on my forehead.
Although I do have something’s that I am quite proud of and which have made me a difficult child or if I may quote from my family “a little devil”.
I have always been a kind of rebel. Not like James Dean, but more like someone who asks the why question. People hate that question especially parents and teachers. It jars them into remembering or thinking about why it is. They may also even question why certain things are they way they are themselves, but if it requires a certain amount of energy then they get tired and fall back on what they were taught. Like that’s what I was taught or that’s the way its always been. Then they usually go back to the comfortable place of forgetfulness. Does this sound familiar to you? I bet it does.
Just remember the terrible twos. Why is it so terrible, well for one reason that is when most kids learn the why question. I believe you know where this is going. Most people are not happy about that question because it can go on forever and due to my nature that’s exactly why I like it.
I am also the type of person that doesn’t fit in to any kind of group very well. Sure I can sit there and look like a part of the group, but inside my head I am thinking do these people actually believe this is the way it is or should be. I usually tend to exclude myself as much as I can or get asked to leave for lack of participation. That’s me. Don’t get me wrong it is not that I am against groups for in fact I would like to create the largest group ever created, just not the groups I have seen or been to.
I hear you already with the half question half statement. “oh yeah really and what group would that be because I probably wouldn’t go to that!”
And I say to you I would like to create a group so large it encompasses all things. All people all animals, all planets, all galaxies, all of the universe. All of the All.
That’s is the group I would like to create. If your going to do it, do it right! Why exclude anything?
So your next half question half statement is “that’s impossible!, How could you do that?
Well the first place its start is with you to understand some important things. Its up to you to come to the realization that we are apart of that group already, and in fact you have no choice in joining the group because that was part of the contract of you being here in the first place. So in fact it has already been created. I have just reminded you that you were in it. Maybe you missed the meeting? No actually I think you were there in fact everyone and everything was at the meeting but we just forgot that. Now that your up to speed on the group I say welcome to it again.
That’s the first part of Knowing. Now for a couple other important points.
One of the things that everyone wants to know is why are we here, what is the lesson we have to learn? Or what did I do to deserve this. Why me. How can God create everything and leave me out of the glory? Where is my Glory? What the hell is going on? Dam it!
Now one thing I am sure of is these questions have been around even before we could have probably have verbalized them. They are probably the most important questions, for they are the questions of life.
So everyone in every language thinks about them.
Now I hear you saying,
“Ok Mr. Smarty pants if your so smart, out with it.”
So before I start answering these questions, we need to do a couple things to prepare for the answers.
Like what ? Well for instance you need to understand that not everything you were born into or have been taught is correct. That’s probably not that hard is it?
I know its easier to just accept what I have just said to be nonsense because that would be the easiest way to continue life in your current routine. But I also know that you are intelligent and understand that things are not always what they seem. Religion and Education are some of them.
I want to state a very important constant in the universe in one word. Change!
This is the scariest word ever to be uttered. Its worse than any horror filmed or any thought ever imagined. For if it weren’t people wouldn’t fear it so much.
99% of the people love the statue quo. Especially the rich and famous. But deep down in the center of everyone being they know, even if they look left or right, up or down, drugs, or sex. Change happens.
Thank goodness it does. For without change how could anything happen? Now I know that obvious, but I thought I would just bring it out into the light, as I will with many other touchy subject.
Why? Because that’s just me, and that what I like to do. Bear with me for I will enlighten you with my thoughts, or maybe just brighten your day or waste your precious time.
Anything is possible unless its not! And even then its debatable.
By the way be free to use any of my cool quotes in the book I offer them freely with every purchase or download of this book, unless you make money and then donations are very much welcomed. I would like to put a smiley face but I don’t know if that’s allowed in serious books about changing yourself and the universe we life in. Ill just say I wanted one at the end of all this and that’s all.
Now to continue with my diatribe. Now I not looking to get my self killed or injured by anyone with extremist views by what I am about to say, so Ill just say its just my opinion and nothing else from a raving lunatic. That said I would like to get in to the aspect of Religion.
Now my parents always told me about 3 topics you should never talk about. These would be about Religion, Politics and Sex. How could I resist such temptation. Lets just say I couldn’t. Hmmm, seems I have to “learn the hard way” as my dad always said.
Now I am not an Atheist, nor am I a bible thumper. It is not that I am saying one is any better or worse as far as I am concerned. For me its all a matter of opinion. But it is my opinion that both concepts exist as some other form.
In fact I don’t like using the word God it is in my opinion to small a word to represent the truth behind the concept. Especially when you can spell it backwards and make fun of it.
I have another word for better or worse that I like to use and that is the Source. Which means and I quote “origin, the place, person, or thing through which something has come into being or from which it has been obtained, the Provider of information, electrode supplying current.” All very good analogies.
The Source that sounds nice and if I spell it backwards its Ecruos, which means the power behind everything, that is was or ever will be forever and ever.
Now you are saying it doesn’t mean that in fact it means nothing. Not true I have given it meaning through my thoughts and words. Who is anyone to say otherwise. That is how things come into existence through thought, and in this case through thought, and words. I think it is appropriate and I hope you do as well.
Lets move on to the meat of the matter. What is Religion? What is its purpose, How did it come about ? and the all important question why do we need it?
What is Religion?
Lets look at the definition of that word. It means people's beliefs and opinions concerning the existence, nature, and worship of a deity or deities, and divine involvement in the universe and human life.
That’s very nice I think, so why is everybody killing everybody else over who’s god is the coolest. Its like when I was in kindergarten and the kids where all in a circle pointing their finger at their chest saying my dad is bigger than yours, then the other says but my dad is stronger and then another would come in and say but mine is faster or smarter, and on and on. Eventually what happens? All hell breaks lose and the kids spend there recess in time out.
This is the case with current systems. Its obviously not that simple but in the big picture its like that, very childish.
Now there is very little to say about people and there existence because its easy to reach over and touch one on the shoulder and say “ok I know your real because I can touch you. Not as easy to do with a God or Gods.
Another point is to say why are there so many different Gods and so many different religions? Well before the internet, I know its hard to image a time before that but before that the world was a pretty big place. Not all religions were so profit orientated as the Big religions or so interested in spreading it to everyone. Just the ones with the biggest egos went around crushing others in there wake of domination in the spirit of love.
Why do we need Religion?
People are drawn to religion due to there inner knowing of spiritual things. Everyone everywhere believes in something. Even the atheists. They say the don’t believe in God but that fact remains that is Atheism is just the religion of none religion, or non Deity wiggling his finger so that you suffer for is entertainment. Which in effect they are right but so is everyone else.
Humanity is a group loving society, so we like to congregate where others with like mind hang out and share things in common. Religion whether fully embraced or partially people can agree on the good thing that have come from it but ignore or don’t challenge the wrong things due to popular teachings.
Now don’t get me wrong, some of these religions due teach very spiritual wisdom, that have been channeled from the highest sources of love there is no doubt about that. These are great gifts to us living here and now and should give praise for there beauty and wisdom using such a weak expression such as words.
In fact one of the greatest lessons in current Religion is the idea of faith. This is truly one of the gifts that has not been taken away. For it is not faith in the divine that is important, it is the faith in yourself that is of the utmost importance. Faith sews the seeds of confidence that people can read subconsciously and people say wow that person really has something, or has a drive. It is this drive that can accomplish anything.
Its is through faith that you can develop drive, motivation and connect to all the answers and people that you need to achieve any task or goal that you may have, from digging a mote to landing on Mars or anywhere in the universe.
But only if you belong to the correct group of people and provided they live in fear that if they don’t do what they are told you will burn in an ever lasting hell forever. Wow what an image. Very power. Love and Fear the perfect dynamic duo to keep the masses in line literally.
Unfortunately that doesn’t work for me. To tell you the truth I don’t want to Bible burn that’s not what this is about, its about examining what works and what doesn’t.
What about all the other good stuff? Well Religion is created by man not God or any other Deity no matter what anyone tells you. God doesn’t type. It is neither a man, woman, animal or alien.
Now there are many books, stories, scrolls, stone carvings, TV broadcasts and radio shows that will tell you otherwise. Now why is that? Well there whole religion would need to change. I should capitalize the word change, so I will CHANGE! The dreaded C word. AHHHHH! Not that!
Why would it change? Well religion is not so good if you don’t pay money or can do it anywhere at any time and never have to worry about that burning smell, of a charred steak that has been forgotten on the grill.
A true religion in its self would do the following regardless of what power mongers and hoarders of money would tell you. It would allow everyone from anywhere to even across the vast expanses of space to be apart of it. It would include the sacredness of everything. The importance that nothing is separate from the other, even if there is a here or there, a this or that but in essence every thing is of one thing and that is energy.
When people can understand the simplicity yet enormity of the truth people from anywhere could be set free. There is neither a past or present there is only now, and in this now there is only one thing and that is as I just said only pure energy. How can this be? Because all matter is just a very slow frequency of energy. Matter is in fact frozen energy that is of the same wavelength that has coalesced together to create something. So to say that I am better than you or any other adjective or that there is a here or there or a this or that is irrelevant. Its all the same when you break it down.
Science is finally catching on to this fact. Using the giant Large Hadron Collider in France and Switzerland. To break down the smallest form of matter in to even smaller points. But what is finally left after all there money and playing around is one this Pure energy. Not to say that what they are doing isn’t cutting edge science.
The Source is for all intense purposes pure energy, pure creation in of its self. How do I know? How does anyone know? You can feel it, taste it, smell it, hear it even touch it. It is everywhere and everything. Including you and me and the chair your sitting on.
Now what kind of religion teaches that? That you are apart of the Source of pure energy and through your thoughts, words and actions you may also create something from nothing. Now scientist still need a lot of waking up as well, for when they combine spirituality with science they will achieve the true advances that they are continually looking for.
Is it possible to create something from nothing? And the answer is yes. You can in a basic example create through thought music, from which there was nothing now there is sound, or a painting with brushes and paints. These are just some examples. If you look around at anything anyone has made, no matter how big or small it was created from nothing, brought into existence through thought into reality through focus , determination and action.
It is E=MC2 Energy into matter times the speed of light squared. Or as I like to say Energy= Mass, Created (celeritas) at the speed of light Squared that is the up, down left and right of it to put it in its most basic idea.
Of course this breaks down on the quantum level, because the creative process is very complicated and therefore hard to measure in terms of matter particles and the way they form.
Why we are here and what the lesson is that needs to be learned.
This is also a very often asked question. I Just happen to have the answer. I have been gifted with the answer through the constant asking and searching for the reason behind everything. Fortunately the universe in which we live in is both the most complex thing ever created and also one of the most basic. Which is the beauty of the whole thing. Unfortunately I think people will actually be disappointed in the answer, as if it was almost to big for us to completely understand without a lifetime of studying the answer but I am afraid that is not the case. The reason why we are here is to experience ourselves for ourselves. What does that mean? Well it means that if you go back to when there was only energy there was only the being, the one the is ness of being. But to full experience it something must be created that is less than the whole, that is outside of the total or of the one. That is where mater comes into play. Although matter is only frozen energy, which is to say energy that has slowed its fluctuations down so slow as to be able to manifest in to what we call mater. So now that there is matter we can experience what its like not to be the one and only source of everything. The reason for existence is to exist. To be able to experience things outside of the highest vibration which is of course as you guessed already pure love. Sounds hokey and weak to real men. But even the strongest, bravest man of men needs love. Love of a lover, love of men, love of being, to deny this is to fool yourself which is counter productive. Yes love is the highest vibration in the universe which is what we are. But to experience it we need to have its opposite, and every other shade in between depending on what we desire to experience and create.
What is the lesson to be learned? Well it has been said before and will be again and again forever. There is no lesson to be learned. It is not a matter of learning for everything that is, is inside of you all knowledge, it is just a matter of remembrance, so if it is a matter of remembrance it is not of case of learning but remembering that your choice was to forget so that you could experience it all over again. Each time choosing different paths and remembering all over again, over and over, forever. So sit back and think about that. It is not a case of learning it’s a case of remembering what it is you are.
Now your asking what am I. The answer is the one you already know. Can you hear it, can you feel it, you should I have told you many times.
Lets try this lets replace the word I with you. You have told yourself over and over. That’s right you not I for we are one in the same. I like the word WE, if you flip it, it says ME. Interesting don’t you think.
Words are so very limiting but sometimes very humorous. Like Evil reversed says live. Which is exactly what you should do live and enjoy.
Now your saying well how can I enjoy this life, it is so hard. I have a mortgage, a low paying job, kids, insurance payments, etc. Yes you do, you have everything you asked for I hope your enjoying it. For its you that created it. Yes that’s right You not Me. Remember every second of everyday, you create what you want. Every choice every thought every action you have ever made has brought you to the exact point of where you are right now, reading or listening to this book. Asking the questions I am discussing.
Remember its just a game, that’s all it is. It like a first person game, you can play for as long as you like, as many times you want, for free. What a bargain, the game doesn’t get any better than this. If you don’t like the choices you have made or where you are or the job you have well no problem, change the game, just do something else, just as easy as that. I see you shaking your head saying “this guy is crazy listen to him, he doesn’t know what I am doing how can he say things like that, its nuts, ill lose my job, my wife or husband, my kids everything. Yes that’s right you can lose it all. Its all a matter of choice. Anything is possible. Or you can set yourself free, you can experience a new life, free from all fear, unhappiness, anything that bothers you, just by making choices.
You can choose the same life you are living by not changing anything or you can chose to be a millionaire or a monk or a prostitute or spiritual leader that will bring mankind together so that the social stress that you feel no longer exists. Anything is possible its just a matter of choice. Your choice, right here right now, because that’s is all there is. No scientist in the world will ever prove there to be a past or a future, there is only right now and the creation that you make for yourself. Truly god like. So go make your new future now.
I will discuss how to create a better future for yourself later on in the book.
Fear is a very well known emotion and probably is the most studied in the world for many reasons. The first is how overcome fear, the next is it opposite how to cause fear, and the next would be the observations of the effects of the tests done on either subject.
Why is there fear in the first place. Well the most obvious is to preserve the body from damage. This is the innate fear that keeps us from doing dangerous things like looking over the edge of a cliff, or jumping into a hole deeper than we can see for very obvious reasons. They extend all the way down to daily life and brings us down to why we like daily routines and also why its so hard to break or change routines. Fear is an amazing emotion.
This is a very large subject and I don’t want to get into all the different tests that have been done but just the ones that we need to focus on in this book related to you concerning your fear of inhabitations, to create the life that you want and need to be satisfied.
The world has used fear to control the masses from the beginning of time to organize people to pursue ambitions it wouldn’t normally pursue in the wake of fear. War is one of these things, Religion is another these are the largest and the ones I would like to focus on because of the enormity of destruction they have caused.
War is the group action of one party against others, through killing. This idea goes against 95% of peoples instincts yet people believe it is necessary to have war in order to keep them self safe. It is a contradiction in terms and reality. People know that war leads to nothing but destruction and loss and only a very few prosper over such things. Yet the people causing the destruction, and killing are not usually the people the created or declared the war, they are just there after to take and reap the rewards after the chaos. This is what as know is order out of chaos. The people running the show know this and bank on it, literally.
War is counterproductive and socially unacceptable for any reason other than fear. All you need to do is look at the current state of the world and realize that it is in chaos for a reason. People that have an agenda are manipulating the world through fear to gain order out of chaos. These last 8 years has been wonderful to see in action I say wonderful for pure examples not in the horror of what they have causes to masses.
Lets just go through a list of unnatural events that have happened over the last 8 years that have caused stress through fear. Cause, reaction, effect. This has been covered many times and in much more detail in other books but its important to bring it out again.
Fear events of the last 8 years.
Super hurricanes
Bird flue
Mad cow
Pork contamination
Terrorists car bombings
Invasion of Afghanistan
Invasion of Iraq
Global warming
Energy crisis
Economic crash
Housing crash
Dar fore
Expand on this later
All could be avoided, all man made. All unnecessary, all illegal all not punished, all ignored.
People are so scared that they don’t want to leave there house, and have CNN 24 hours a day to watch the event unravel in safety. All crap
Write about the silk web trap
Little spider named fear.
An analogy of fear and what is does to people.
Fear of any kind is like a spider weaving a web around your body. It is clear and flexible and extremely strong and resilient. At first there is no effects as the web is so thin and there are so few strands that your body barley notices them, but after years of constant weaving of the web and the constant reinforcement of the fear of any kind, starts to restrict your movement, and you learn to do things in that restricted space and become comfortable with it, until in the end you are so wound up in the web in your mind there is no escape and the spider has done it job at snaring another victim. They have died with so many things unaccomplished through fear and only if they new that is only a point of perception that could free them to experience anything they choose to experience. The reason for life is to experience, not to just survive. To being in to really all of your ideas and desires, for creation is what we are made to do. It is a gift by design. Yes design, we have chosen to live here and now, we have chosen every action every decision every course to arrive at this point now, for there is only and ever now and the creation that we choose to make.
If you choose autopilot for your life then you get what you get, and feel there is nothing you can do about it, everything has been put there for you to fail or keep you down.
If you choose to experience and actively follow your ideas emotions desires there is no one who can stop you.
Only you. For it is you that creates your reality no one else. Although your perception may think so, it is not reality. You create for you no one else. But always remember that there are others in your experience and that if you chose the greatest good for all or not its doesn’t matter, that is just a point of perception.
If your choice is to destroy the world and you follow all your ideas with all of your full force behind it, you will succeed.
If you choose world unity and you follow all your ideas with all of your full force behind it, you will succeed.
You will find the man power, money, people that you need to achieve your goals even if you do not know how to get there in the first place. It will be shown to you because you have asked for it, so it will be given if all the plans are followed according to the laws of the universe.
So think about that, because it is the truth you are the masters of your own reality. Anything you want at any time you want it. It is yours to have and experience.
But don’t be delusional by saying I want a 1000000000 right now to fall out of the sky into your lap. This doesn’t fit in to your reality so it will not happen. But if you are a master than anything is possible.
Very few people become masters not that anyone couldn’t they just choose not to, in fact most people are not even aware there is a game. That they are in control. They believe some else is. And that is why they always fail, unless they get tired of the system and take charge of it, and even then they don’t know the game. I’m here to enlighten you. It’s a game, your game, so act don’t react.
It is thought, word action. Or Action word thought. Or word, thought action, or action thought word. Any of these combinations work, which one works best for you is an interesting experiment that you should try. And what do you have to lose. Nothing expect the knowledge that you you’re the master of your self and your life’s reality forever and always.
To Act or React that is the true question.
As Shakespeare says to be or not to be. People don’t get how true this statement is. They use philosophy to say well my body is here so I am therefore I must be.
This line of thinking is then completely forgotten and they go to the movies and live there reactive lives, always in fear that their little world could crash down at any moment, living day to day pay check to pay check.
What this the definition according to me about these types of people.
1. To Act: These people listen to there inner hear and hear themselves giving great ideas and options in life. They hear them and act on them, knowing that anyone that says no to there thinking are just denying what they themselves can not do. They continue until there goals are met. They are the achievers the doers. The ones that believe in themselves and the ones people always talk about as if they are someone special. They are not special they are just doing what they believe in and wonder why others are not doing what they are.
2. Reactive: These are the people that wait to see what will happen and act accordingly. They let life dictate how they should live. They believe everything is already set up and nothing they do can change it. They choose not to make waves. They work minimum wage jobs, and never step up. They blame everyone and everything for there state of being, and usually accept there conditions and react to them as so on down the line.
This may sound harsh and uncaring and I agree, how can you not care about yourself to let life dictate how you should live. You deserve better, you deserve everything your heart desires and more.
This is the way of the reactive personality. Does this sound familiar, may be someone you know of, maybe you. Well don’t be surprised this is the way of most people. How can I say this, well observation is a wonderful thing. It allows you to do tests and view the results, like a scientist. If you want to try it for your self just ask this series of questions.
1. Do you think anyone can change the current way of thinking in our world as it is now?
They may say yes, there is. Maybe the president of the United States of America could do that. And I would say they are correct, as well as any other large nation with a big army and nuclear weapons.
2. Do you think that your family could change the world.
If they say yes, then they are in a good family that teaches that anything is possible with valiant effort and the will of God.
3. Finally do they think they could change the world.
99% will say no and give many reasons its not possible in this corrupted power hungry corporate dominated world.
The others will say yes, with sarcasm and believe they are just as stuck as everyone else or that they could if they owned unbelievable amounts of money a new all the people in the right places to effect this kind of change but they have neither so it would be impossible.
I say anyone can. I say I can. I say I will in accordance to what I want to experience. I don’t have millions of dollars I don’t have connections in powerful places but I do have the knowledge that I am apart of this world and I have the understanding that anything I choose to experience will come to me. All the money and people I need to effect the changes in all the right places at all the right times. People would say it is a miracle I say it nothing but point of perception. Once you remember that you are one with everything and everyone and everything is just pure energy wanting to experience it self the leads to the point of view that anything I choose to create will be.
Think, say and act. Or Act, say and think or Say act and think or say, act and think. Which ever works best for you. Get out of your point of perception if its not working for you and choose another way to live and do. Find the one that does work. You will know it when it happens and you will lift your hands and smile and say thank you to the sky. But don’t look to the sky look into yourself, and thank yourself for changing your own point of perception so that you could wake up and know the truth. That you and I are one and that anything you choose it yours to have.
You don’t need money, you don’t need to know anyone in powerful places. You need only to listen to yourself. When you close your eyes, before bed, ask yourself questions and know that you will receive the answers. They will come for they must because you have chosen to know them. Don’t ask questions of things you want to know about, for nothing maybe has with want. Want is the absent of something to be wanted. Knowing and saying I will know this answer is confirming that you are indeed ready for it and willing to accept it. But even then you must wait because you said will, and will is a future event.
The best is to choose to remember that you already have the answers and you chose to accept them now for your current reality to come into creation.
When you do this, all the ideas, people, money and ultimate truth of its goal will manifest into your reality at the exact time that you accept it to be true and fulfilled and not a moment before or after. Exactly at the time of your choosing. Provided that you act in accordance to your ideas, plans, feelings and ultimate truth that anything you want to yours to have.
Become the ACT and know that you are the one that dictates your life. Accept who you are and where you are, be aware of its positive and negative points, and use both to advance you plans for you. Be selfish in the act of creating a better life for yourself, for in fact everyone will benefit if you do well.
It is indeed a circular effect, the more you help yourself the more you help others, the more money, power, and ultimate goals you choose to experience will positively affect others around you. Provided that you are in accordance of benefiting others.
If you choose the opposite of hurting others to achieve your goals, then you will do that, if that is your choice. It work both ways, but remember the old saying “live by the sword die by the sword” or my quote “live in love and love to live forever.”
I have more ramblings on paper yet to be transcribed and more that needs to be done and revision that are in dire need. But for now this is whats up.
Love light more to come.
I am Corey
This book is about you, and the service to self verse the service to others and how we have gotten to this point in time.
The implications of the Source and power to control the Universe.
How this relates to you, your business, and freedom.
This book is a recalling and realization of ultimate truth.
Remembering as in going through old books or things that were once taught and forgot, and things remembered from the past choice of forgetting, so that we may rediscover it in all of its brilliance.
I question myself about writing this book because of all the implications that it contains as well as doubts that I own within myself. But when I realize that everyone everywhere and from all times all had the same reservations about such things and strove past them and never looked back and were proud of passing through such a ridiculous conceptualization of such limitations. I find I may in fact have every right and indeed desire to share such thoughts to you who are here now to receive them. Just knowing that you are reading this shows that you where meant to come into this information for it was you that was truly searching for it.
So lets get to know a little about the author who presumes the right to write about such things. I have been pondering about all sorts of things over the course of this journey we call life. I have like most people had a pretty general life for the first 20 years of it. Going to school and not being an over achiever. In fact quite the opposite. Again hitting the insecurity button. That’s the big red one on my forehead.
Although I do have something’s that I am quite proud of and which have made me a difficult child or if I may quote from my family “a little devil”.
I have always been a kind of rebel. Not like James Dean, but more like someone who asks the why question. People hate that question especially parents and teachers. It jars them into remembering or thinking about why it is. They may also even question why certain things are they way they are themselves, but if it requires a certain amount of energy then they get tired and fall back on what they were taught. Like that’s what I was taught or that’s the way its always been. Then they usually go back to the comfortable place of forgetfulness. Does this sound familiar to you? I bet it does.
Just remember the terrible twos. Why is it so terrible, well for one reason that is when most kids learn the why question. I believe you know where this is going. Most people are not happy about that question because it can go on forever and due to my nature that’s exactly why I like it.
I am also the type of person that doesn’t fit in to any kind of group very well. Sure I can sit there and look like a part of the group, but inside my head I am thinking do these people actually believe this is the way it is or should be. I usually tend to exclude myself as much as I can or get asked to leave for lack of participation. That’s me. Don’t get me wrong it is not that I am against groups for in fact I would like to create the largest group ever created, just not the groups I have seen or been to.
I hear you already with the half question half statement. “oh yeah really and what group would that be because I probably wouldn’t go to that!”
And I say to you I would like to create a group so large it encompasses all things. All people all animals, all planets, all galaxies, all of the universe. All of the All.
That’s is the group I would like to create. If your going to do it, do it right! Why exclude anything?
So your next half question half statement is “that’s impossible!, How could you do that?
Well the first place its start is with you to understand some important things. Its up to you to come to the realization that we are apart of that group already, and in fact you have no choice in joining the group because that was part of the contract of you being here in the first place. So in fact it has already been created. I have just reminded you that you were in it. Maybe you missed the meeting? No actually I think you were there in fact everyone and everything was at the meeting but we just forgot that. Now that your up to speed on the group I say welcome to it again.
That’s the first part of Knowing. Now for a couple other important points.
One of the things that everyone wants to know is why are we here, what is the lesson we have to learn? Or what did I do to deserve this. Why me. How can God create everything and leave me out of the glory? Where is my Glory? What the hell is going on? Dam it!
Now one thing I am sure of is these questions have been around even before we could have probably have verbalized them. They are probably the most important questions, for they are the questions of life.
So everyone in every language thinks about them.
Now I hear you saying,
“Ok Mr. Smarty pants if your so smart, out with it.”
So before I start answering these questions, we need to do a couple things to prepare for the answers.
Like what ? Well for instance you need to understand that not everything you were born into or have been taught is correct. That’s probably not that hard is it?
I know its easier to just accept what I have just said to be nonsense because that would be the easiest way to continue life in your current routine. But I also know that you are intelligent and understand that things are not always what they seem. Religion and Education are some of them.
I want to state a very important constant in the universe in one word. Change!
This is the scariest word ever to be uttered. Its worse than any horror filmed or any thought ever imagined. For if it weren’t people wouldn’t fear it so much.
99% of the people love the statue quo. Especially the rich and famous. But deep down in the center of everyone being they know, even if they look left or right, up or down, drugs, or sex. Change happens.
Thank goodness it does. For without change how could anything happen? Now I know that obvious, but I thought I would just bring it out into the light, as I will with many other touchy subject.
Why? Because that’s just me, and that what I like to do. Bear with me for I will enlighten you with my thoughts, or maybe just brighten your day or waste your precious time.
Anything is possible unless its not! And even then its debatable.
By the way be free to use any of my cool quotes in the book I offer them freely with every purchase or download of this book, unless you make money and then donations are very much welcomed. I would like to put a smiley face but I don’t know if that’s allowed in serious books about changing yourself and the universe we life in. Ill just say I wanted one at the end of all this and that’s all.

Now to continue with my diatribe. Now I not looking to get my self killed or injured by anyone with extremist views by what I am about to say, so Ill just say its just my opinion and nothing else from a raving lunatic. That said I would like to get in to the aspect of Religion.
Now my parents always told me about 3 topics you should never talk about. These would be about Religion, Politics and Sex. How could I resist such temptation. Lets just say I couldn’t. Hmmm, seems I have to “learn the hard way” as my dad always said.
Now I am not an Atheist, nor am I a bible thumper. It is not that I am saying one is any better or worse as far as I am concerned. For me its all a matter of opinion. But it is my opinion that both concepts exist as some other form.
In fact I don’t like using the word God it is in my opinion to small a word to represent the truth behind the concept. Especially when you can spell it backwards and make fun of it.
I have another word for better or worse that I like to use and that is the Source. Which means and I quote “origin, the place, person, or thing through which something has come into being or from which it has been obtained, the Provider of information, electrode supplying current.” All very good analogies.
The Source that sounds nice and if I spell it backwards its Ecruos, which means the power behind everything, that is was or ever will be forever and ever.
Now you are saying it doesn’t mean that in fact it means nothing. Not true I have given it meaning through my thoughts and words. Who is anyone to say otherwise. That is how things come into existence through thought, and in this case through thought, and words. I think it is appropriate and I hope you do as well.
Lets move on to the meat of the matter. What is Religion? What is its purpose, How did it come about ? and the all important question why do we need it?
What is Religion?
Lets look at the definition of that word. It means people's beliefs and opinions concerning the existence, nature, and worship of a deity or deities, and divine involvement in the universe and human life.
That’s very nice I think, so why is everybody killing everybody else over who’s god is the coolest. Its like when I was in kindergarten and the kids where all in a circle pointing their finger at their chest saying my dad is bigger than yours, then the other says but my dad is stronger and then another would come in and say but mine is faster or smarter, and on and on. Eventually what happens? All hell breaks lose and the kids spend there recess in time out.
This is the case with current systems. Its obviously not that simple but in the big picture its like that, very childish.
Now there is very little to say about people and there existence because its easy to reach over and touch one on the shoulder and say “ok I know your real because I can touch you. Not as easy to do with a God or Gods.
Another point is to say why are there so many different Gods and so many different religions? Well before the internet, I know its hard to image a time before that but before that the world was a pretty big place. Not all religions were so profit orientated as the Big religions or so interested in spreading it to everyone. Just the ones with the biggest egos went around crushing others in there wake of domination in the spirit of love.
Why do we need Religion?
People are drawn to religion due to there inner knowing of spiritual things. Everyone everywhere believes in something. Even the atheists. They say the don’t believe in God but that fact remains that is Atheism is just the religion of none religion, or non Deity wiggling his finger so that you suffer for is entertainment. Which in effect they are right but so is everyone else.
Humanity is a group loving society, so we like to congregate where others with like mind hang out and share things in common. Religion whether fully embraced or partially people can agree on the good thing that have come from it but ignore or don’t challenge the wrong things due to popular teachings.
Now don’t get me wrong, some of these religions due teach very spiritual wisdom, that have been channeled from the highest sources of love there is no doubt about that. These are great gifts to us living here and now and should give praise for there beauty and wisdom using such a weak expression such as words.
In fact one of the greatest lessons in current Religion is the idea of faith. This is truly one of the gifts that has not been taken away. For it is not faith in the divine that is important, it is the faith in yourself that is of the utmost importance. Faith sews the seeds of confidence that people can read subconsciously and people say wow that person really has something, or has a drive. It is this drive that can accomplish anything.
Its is through faith that you can develop drive, motivation and connect to all the answers and people that you need to achieve any task or goal that you may have, from digging a mote to landing on Mars or anywhere in the universe.
But only if you belong to the correct group of people and provided they live in fear that if they don’t do what they are told you will burn in an ever lasting hell forever. Wow what an image. Very power. Love and Fear the perfect dynamic duo to keep the masses in line literally.
Unfortunately that doesn’t work for me. To tell you the truth I don’t want to Bible burn that’s not what this is about, its about examining what works and what doesn’t.
What about all the other good stuff? Well Religion is created by man not God or any other Deity no matter what anyone tells you. God doesn’t type. It is neither a man, woman, animal or alien.
Now there are many books, stories, scrolls, stone carvings, TV broadcasts and radio shows that will tell you otherwise. Now why is that? Well there whole religion would need to change. I should capitalize the word change, so I will CHANGE! The dreaded C word. AHHHHH! Not that!
Why would it change? Well religion is not so good if you don’t pay money or can do it anywhere at any time and never have to worry about that burning smell, of a charred steak that has been forgotten on the grill.
A true religion in its self would do the following regardless of what power mongers and hoarders of money would tell you. It would allow everyone from anywhere to even across the vast expanses of space to be apart of it. It would include the sacredness of everything. The importance that nothing is separate from the other, even if there is a here or there, a this or that but in essence every thing is of one thing and that is energy.
When people can understand the simplicity yet enormity of the truth people from anywhere could be set free. There is neither a past or present there is only now, and in this now there is only one thing and that is as I just said only pure energy. How can this be? Because all matter is just a very slow frequency of energy. Matter is in fact frozen energy that is of the same wavelength that has coalesced together to create something. So to say that I am better than you or any other adjective or that there is a here or there or a this or that is irrelevant. Its all the same when you break it down.
Science is finally catching on to this fact. Using the giant Large Hadron Collider in France and Switzerland. To break down the smallest form of matter in to even smaller points. But what is finally left after all there money and playing around is one this Pure energy. Not to say that what they are doing isn’t cutting edge science.
The Source is for all intense purposes pure energy, pure creation in of its self. How do I know? How does anyone know? You can feel it, taste it, smell it, hear it even touch it. It is everywhere and everything. Including you and me and the chair your sitting on.
Now what kind of religion teaches that? That you are apart of the Source of pure energy and through your thoughts, words and actions you may also create something from nothing. Now scientist still need a lot of waking up as well, for when they combine spirituality with science they will achieve the true advances that they are continually looking for.
Is it possible to create something from nothing? And the answer is yes. You can in a basic example create through thought music, from which there was nothing now there is sound, or a painting with brushes and paints. These are just some examples. If you look around at anything anyone has made, no matter how big or small it was created from nothing, brought into existence through thought into reality through focus , determination and action.
It is E=MC2 Energy into matter times the speed of light squared. Or as I like to say Energy= Mass, Created (celeritas) at the speed of light Squared that is the up, down left and right of it to put it in its most basic idea.
Of course this breaks down on the quantum level, because the creative process is very complicated and therefore hard to measure in terms of matter particles and the way they form.
Why we are here and what the lesson is that needs to be learned.
This is also a very often asked question. I Just happen to have the answer. I have been gifted with the answer through the constant asking and searching for the reason behind everything. Fortunately the universe in which we live in is both the most complex thing ever created and also one of the most basic. Which is the beauty of the whole thing. Unfortunately I think people will actually be disappointed in the answer, as if it was almost to big for us to completely understand without a lifetime of studying the answer but I am afraid that is not the case. The reason why we are here is to experience ourselves for ourselves. What does that mean? Well it means that if you go back to when there was only energy there was only the being, the one the is ness of being. But to full experience it something must be created that is less than the whole, that is outside of the total or of the one. That is where mater comes into play. Although matter is only frozen energy, which is to say energy that has slowed its fluctuations down so slow as to be able to manifest in to what we call mater. So now that there is matter we can experience what its like not to be the one and only source of everything. The reason for existence is to exist. To be able to experience things outside of the highest vibration which is of course as you guessed already pure love. Sounds hokey and weak to real men. But even the strongest, bravest man of men needs love. Love of a lover, love of men, love of being, to deny this is to fool yourself which is counter productive. Yes love is the highest vibration in the universe which is what we are. But to experience it we need to have its opposite, and every other shade in between depending on what we desire to experience and create.
What is the lesson to be learned? Well it has been said before and will be again and again forever. There is no lesson to be learned. It is not a matter of learning for everything that is, is inside of you all knowledge, it is just a matter of remembrance, so if it is a matter of remembrance it is not of case of learning but remembering that your choice was to forget so that you could experience it all over again. Each time choosing different paths and remembering all over again, over and over, forever. So sit back and think about that. It is not a case of learning it’s a case of remembering what it is you are.
Now your asking what am I. The answer is the one you already know. Can you hear it, can you feel it, you should I have told you many times.
Lets try this lets replace the word I with you. You have told yourself over and over. That’s right you not I for we are one in the same. I like the word WE, if you flip it, it says ME. Interesting don’t you think.
Words are so very limiting but sometimes very humorous. Like Evil reversed says live. Which is exactly what you should do live and enjoy.
Now your saying well how can I enjoy this life, it is so hard. I have a mortgage, a low paying job, kids, insurance payments, etc. Yes you do, you have everything you asked for I hope your enjoying it. For its you that created it. Yes that’s right You not Me. Remember every second of everyday, you create what you want. Every choice every thought every action you have ever made has brought you to the exact point of where you are right now, reading or listening to this book. Asking the questions I am discussing.
Remember its just a game, that’s all it is. It like a first person game, you can play for as long as you like, as many times you want, for free. What a bargain, the game doesn’t get any better than this. If you don’t like the choices you have made or where you are or the job you have well no problem, change the game, just do something else, just as easy as that. I see you shaking your head saying “this guy is crazy listen to him, he doesn’t know what I am doing how can he say things like that, its nuts, ill lose my job, my wife or husband, my kids everything. Yes that’s right you can lose it all. Its all a matter of choice. Anything is possible. Or you can set yourself free, you can experience a new life, free from all fear, unhappiness, anything that bothers you, just by making choices.
You can choose the same life you are living by not changing anything or you can chose to be a millionaire or a monk or a prostitute or spiritual leader that will bring mankind together so that the social stress that you feel no longer exists. Anything is possible its just a matter of choice. Your choice, right here right now, because that’s is all there is. No scientist in the world will ever prove there to be a past or a future, there is only right now and the creation that you make for yourself. Truly god like. So go make your new future now.
I will discuss how to create a better future for yourself later on in the book.
Fear is a very well known emotion and probably is the most studied in the world for many reasons. The first is how overcome fear, the next is it opposite how to cause fear, and the next would be the observations of the effects of the tests done on either subject.
Why is there fear in the first place. Well the most obvious is to preserve the body from damage. This is the innate fear that keeps us from doing dangerous things like looking over the edge of a cliff, or jumping into a hole deeper than we can see for very obvious reasons. They extend all the way down to daily life and brings us down to why we like daily routines and also why its so hard to break or change routines. Fear is an amazing emotion.
This is a very large subject and I don’t want to get into all the different tests that have been done but just the ones that we need to focus on in this book related to you concerning your fear of inhabitations, to create the life that you want and need to be satisfied.
The world has used fear to control the masses from the beginning of time to organize people to pursue ambitions it wouldn’t normally pursue in the wake of fear. War is one of these things, Religion is another these are the largest and the ones I would like to focus on because of the enormity of destruction they have caused.
War is the group action of one party against others, through killing. This idea goes against 95% of peoples instincts yet people believe it is necessary to have war in order to keep them self safe. It is a contradiction in terms and reality. People know that war leads to nothing but destruction and loss and only a very few prosper over such things. Yet the people causing the destruction, and killing are not usually the people the created or declared the war, they are just there after to take and reap the rewards after the chaos. This is what as know is order out of chaos. The people running the show know this and bank on it, literally.
War is counterproductive and socially unacceptable for any reason other than fear. All you need to do is look at the current state of the world and realize that it is in chaos for a reason. People that have an agenda are manipulating the world through fear to gain order out of chaos. These last 8 years has been wonderful to see in action I say wonderful for pure examples not in the horror of what they have causes to masses.
Lets just go through a list of unnatural events that have happened over the last 8 years that have caused stress through fear. Cause, reaction, effect. This has been covered many times and in much more detail in other books but its important to bring it out again.
Fear events of the last 8 years.
Super hurricanes
Bird flue
Mad cow
Pork contamination
Terrorists car bombings
Invasion of Afghanistan
Invasion of Iraq
Global warming
Energy crisis
Economic crash
Housing crash
Dar fore
Expand on this later
All could be avoided, all man made. All unnecessary, all illegal all not punished, all ignored.
People are so scared that they don’t want to leave there house, and have CNN 24 hours a day to watch the event unravel in safety. All crap
Write about the silk web trap
Little spider named fear.
An analogy of fear and what is does to people.
Fear of any kind is like a spider weaving a web around your body. It is clear and flexible and extremely strong and resilient. At first there is no effects as the web is so thin and there are so few strands that your body barley notices them, but after years of constant weaving of the web and the constant reinforcement of the fear of any kind, starts to restrict your movement, and you learn to do things in that restricted space and become comfortable with it, until in the end you are so wound up in the web in your mind there is no escape and the spider has done it job at snaring another victim. They have died with so many things unaccomplished through fear and only if they new that is only a point of perception that could free them to experience anything they choose to experience. The reason for life is to experience, not to just survive. To being in to really all of your ideas and desires, for creation is what we are made to do. It is a gift by design. Yes design, we have chosen to live here and now, we have chosen every action every decision every course to arrive at this point now, for there is only and ever now and the creation that we choose to make.
If you choose autopilot for your life then you get what you get, and feel there is nothing you can do about it, everything has been put there for you to fail or keep you down.
If you choose to experience and actively follow your ideas emotions desires there is no one who can stop you.
Only you. For it is you that creates your reality no one else. Although your perception may think so, it is not reality. You create for you no one else. But always remember that there are others in your experience and that if you chose the greatest good for all or not its doesn’t matter, that is just a point of perception.
If your choice is to destroy the world and you follow all your ideas with all of your full force behind it, you will succeed.
If you choose world unity and you follow all your ideas with all of your full force behind it, you will succeed.
You will find the man power, money, people that you need to achieve your goals even if you do not know how to get there in the first place. It will be shown to you because you have asked for it, so it will be given if all the plans are followed according to the laws of the universe.
So think about that, because it is the truth you are the masters of your own reality. Anything you want at any time you want it. It is yours to have and experience.
But don’t be delusional by saying I want a 1000000000 right now to fall out of the sky into your lap. This doesn’t fit in to your reality so it will not happen. But if you are a master than anything is possible.
Very few people become masters not that anyone couldn’t they just choose not to, in fact most people are not even aware there is a game. That they are in control. They believe some else is. And that is why they always fail, unless they get tired of the system and take charge of it, and even then they don’t know the game. I’m here to enlighten you. It’s a game, your game, so act don’t react.
It is thought, word action. Or Action word thought. Or word, thought action, or action thought word. Any of these combinations work, which one works best for you is an interesting experiment that you should try. And what do you have to lose. Nothing expect the knowledge that you you’re the master of your self and your life’s reality forever and always.
To Act or React that is the true question.
As Shakespeare says to be or not to be. People don’t get how true this statement is. They use philosophy to say well my body is here so I am therefore I must be.
This line of thinking is then completely forgotten and they go to the movies and live there reactive lives, always in fear that their little world could crash down at any moment, living day to day pay check to pay check.
What this the definition according to me about these types of people.
1. To Act: These people listen to there inner hear and hear themselves giving great ideas and options in life. They hear them and act on them, knowing that anyone that says no to there thinking are just denying what they themselves can not do. They continue until there goals are met. They are the achievers the doers. The ones that believe in themselves and the ones people always talk about as if they are someone special. They are not special they are just doing what they believe in and wonder why others are not doing what they are.
2. Reactive: These are the people that wait to see what will happen and act accordingly. They let life dictate how they should live. They believe everything is already set up and nothing they do can change it. They choose not to make waves. They work minimum wage jobs, and never step up. They blame everyone and everything for there state of being, and usually accept there conditions and react to them as so on down the line.
This may sound harsh and uncaring and I agree, how can you not care about yourself to let life dictate how you should live. You deserve better, you deserve everything your heart desires and more.
This is the way of the reactive personality. Does this sound familiar, may be someone you know of, maybe you. Well don’t be surprised this is the way of most people. How can I say this, well observation is a wonderful thing. It allows you to do tests and view the results, like a scientist. If you want to try it for your self just ask this series of questions.
1. Do you think anyone can change the current way of thinking in our world as it is now?
They may say yes, there is. Maybe the president of the United States of America could do that. And I would say they are correct, as well as any other large nation with a big army and nuclear weapons.
2. Do you think that your family could change the world.
If they say yes, then they are in a good family that teaches that anything is possible with valiant effort and the will of God.
3. Finally do they think they could change the world.
99% will say no and give many reasons its not possible in this corrupted power hungry corporate dominated world.
The others will say yes, with sarcasm and believe they are just as stuck as everyone else or that they could if they owned unbelievable amounts of money a new all the people in the right places to effect this kind of change but they have neither so it would be impossible.
I say anyone can. I say I can. I say I will in accordance to what I want to experience. I don’t have millions of dollars I don’t have connections in powerful places but I do have the knowledge that I am apart of this world and I have the understanding that anything I choose to experience will come to me. All the money and people I need to effect the changes in all the right places at all the right times. People would say it is a miracle I say it nothing but point of perception. Once you remember that you are one with everything and everyone and everything is just pure energy wanting to experience it self the leads to the point of view that anything I choose to create will be.
Think, say and act. Or Act, say and think or Say act and think or say, act and think. Which ever works best for you. Get out of your point of perception if its not working for you and choose another way to live and do. Find the one that does work. You will know it when it happens and you will lift your hands and smile and say thank you to the sky. But don’t look to the sky look into yourself, and thank yourself for changing your own point of perception so that you could wake up and know the truth. That you and I are one and that anything you choose it yours to have.
You don’t need money, you don’t need to know anyone in powerful places. You need only to listen to yourself. When you close your eyes, before bed, ask yourself questions and know that you will receive the answers. They will come for they must because you have chosen to know them. Don’t ask questions of things you want to know about, for nothing maybe has with want. Want is the absent of something to be wanted. Knowing and saying I will know this answer is confirming that you are indeed ready for it and willing to accept it. But even then you must wait because you said will, and will is a future event.
The best is to choose to remember that you already have the answers and you chose to accept them now for your current reality to come into creation.
When you do this, all the ideas, people, money and ultimate truth of its goal will manifest into your reality at the exact time that you accept it to be true and fulfilled and not a moment before or after. Exactly at the time of your choosing. Provided that you act in accordance to your ideas, plans, feelings and ultimate truth that anything you want to yours to have.
Become the ACT and know that you are the one that dictates your life. Accept who you are and where you are, be aware of its positive and negative points, and use both to advance you plans for you. Be selfish in the act of creating a better life for yourself, for in fact everyone will benefit if you do well.
It is indeed a circular effect, the more you help yourself the more you help others, the more money, power, and ultimate goals you choose to experience will positively affect others around you. Provided that you are in accordance of benefiting others.
If you choose the opposite of hurting others to achieve your goals, then you will do that, if that is your choice. It work both ways, but remember the old saying “live by the sword die by the sword” or my quote “live in love and love to live forever.”
I have more ramblings on paper yet to be transcribed and more that needs to be done and revision that are in dire need. But for now this is whats up.
Love light more to come.
I am Corey