01-14-2012, 03:24 AM
I guess most of you saw the influx of spam posts just recently.
this is an example (to me) of a negative greeting.
Those individuals out there who wrote the software, or logged in manually and posted ads to buy "all sorts of stuff", posted in french and russian (languages that are not used in this forum) ... this is STS behaviour of injecting and forcing information where it was not requested/welcome.
the STO response is to say: no thanks, but I cannot accept this. To maintain our physical integrity (in the sense of wholeness) we have to reject your offering. We may love you and see you as a Creator, but if we let this fly, we will be consumed and destroyed as a forum, and not able to function anymore.
a STO individual is not weak, or just accepting. We have to stand up for principles of fairness and justice for ALL, and not let ourselves be infringed. If we do, we diminish our ability to be of service.
my speech for the day

funnily enough, I received a similiar negative greeting on the way to work yesterday. I was walking through the main square, and was approached by 2 large rather imposing individuals, with Bibles in hand. Their intent was clear: to talk my ear off about the 'Lord' and 'salavation' and 'Jesus as saviour'. These things may or may not be true, but you are being too pushy by trying to stop me in the street and convert me. I held up a firm hand, said NO rather loudly, and walked very briskly through. They were quite surprised at how firm I was. Most people are too nice to these guys
this is an example (to me) of a negative greeting.
Those individuals out there who wrote the software, or logged in manually and posted ads to buy "all sorts of stuff", posted in french and russian (languages that are not used in this forum) ... this is STS behaviour of injecting and forcing information where it was not requested/welcome.
the STO response is to say: no thanks, but I cannot accept this. To maintain our physical integrity (in the sense of wholeness) we have to reject your offering. We may love you and see you as a Creator, but if we let this fly, we will be consumed and destroyed as a forum, and not able to function anymore.
a STO individual is not weak, or just accepting. We have to stand up for principles of fairness and justice for ALL, and not let ourselves be infringed. If we do, we diminish our ability to be of service.
my speech for the day

funnily enough, I received a similiar negative greeting on the way to work yesterday. I was walking through the main square, and was approached by 2 large rather imposing individuals, with Bibles in hand. Their intent was clear: to talk my ear off about the 'Lord' and 'salavation' and 'Jesus as saviour'. These things may or may not be true, but you are being too pushy by trying to stop me in the street and convert me. I held up a firm hand, said NO rather loudly, and walked very briskly through. They were quite surprised at how firm I was. Most people are too nice to these guys