09-29-2009, 08:32 PM
I am poaching the following snippet from the "2012: Earth becomes STO 4D and waits for us... :-)" thread:
Well written post, 3D, thank you! Your comment about children reminded me of the concept of the dual-activated entities that will bridge the transition from 3D to 4D. It might be fun to explore this concept more. I'm still confused about how this works, who it applies to, and what sort of time lines we're looking at.
(note: I am working from the presumption that the shift from 3rd to 4th density is gradual. I know there is some debate about this, but I would ask that we set aside that debate while we discuss here, and rather work with the gradualist model)
My rough speculation is that anyone who happens to be alive during the transition will probably need to be dual activated to some degree. Said transition is said by those of Ra and Quo to be between 100 and 700 years. I think most can agree that this time period starts somewhere between 2011-2013. This is effectively the end of 3rd density. After this point the choice of polarity is closed, and the change to 4th density starts.
Since we are all alive and will see the end of 3rd density, we should in theory be "dual-booted" to accept 3rd density with some degree of 4th density. For if 3rd density is over, how else would we, a third density species, get on? Perhaps we could speculate that as we go further along the 100-700 year time line, people being born will be more and more suited to 4th density and less and less suited to third density, to coincide the the change of vibration. So that I personally am less wired for 4th density than a new born is, even if only slightly so?
Could it also be that we'll see a temporary spike in human mortality rates as those who are not wired for 4th density to any degree (100% 3rd density wiring) make their exit prior to the 2011-2013 time period?
Depending on the actual number of years the transition will take will depend on how noticeable each subsequent generation will be, I think it reasonable to say. I.e. a 300 year transition will yield more noticeable results than a 600 year transition. What about a very short transition... Perhaps 100 years. Each person being born would naturally display more and more 4th densitiness © than the person before him/her.
What do we know of 4th density to indicate what features or abilities this person would have? Increased telepathy and empathy certainly. Any physical traits? If I understand correctly, the upgrade to 4th density vibrations means an increase in atomic vibratory rate in science. Certainly that must change physical traits such as body chemical balances, etc.
I hope to have opened a large enough hole on this subject to encourage many different aspects of discussion. I look forward to hearing them!
Love and 4th density light,
(09-29-2009, 04:19 PM)3D Sunset Wrote: Over time, it seems likely that those who need to change planets will complete their purpose here and die more quickly than those that do not. Combine this with the fact that newly born children will be exclusively those evolving to positive 4D on this planet, and the resulting harmony of kindred souls will eventually make even the 3D experience of Earth, in the far coming years, almost paradise compared to today.
Well written post, 3D, thank you! Your comment about children reminded me of the concept of the dual-activated entities that will bridge the transition from 3D to 4D. It might be fun to explore this concept more. I'm still confused about how this works, who it applies to, and what sort of time lines we're looking at.
(note: I am working from the presumption that the shift from 3rd to 4th density is gradual. I know there is some debate about this, but I would ask that we set aside that debate while we discuss here, and rather work with the gradualist model)
My rough speculation is that anyone who happens to be alive during the transition will probably need to be dual activated to some degree. Said transition is said by those of Ra and Quo to be between 100 and 700 years. I think most can agree that this time period starts somewhere between 2011-2013. This is effectively the end of 3rd density. After this point the choice of polarity is closed, and the change to 4th density starts.
Since we are all alive and will see the end of 3rd density, we should in theory be "dual-booted" to accept 3rd density with some degree of 4th density. For if 3rd density is over, how else would we, a third density species, get on? Perhaps we could speculate that as we go further along the 100-700 year time line, people being born will be more and more suited to 4th density and less and less suited to third density, to coincide the the change of vibration. So that I personally am less wired for 4th density than a new born is, even if only slightly so?
Could it also be that we'll see a temporary spike in human mortality rates as those who are not wired for 4th density to any degree (100% 3rd density wiring) make their exit prior to the 2011-2013 time period?
Depending on the actual number of years the transition will take will depend on how noticeable each subsequent generation will be, I think it reasonable to say. I.e. a 300 year transition will yield more noticeable results than a 600 year transition. What about a very short transition... Perhaps 100 years. Each person being born would naturally display more and more 4th densitiness © than the person before him/her.
What do we know of 4th density to indicate what features or abilities this person would have? Increased telepathy and empathy certainly. Any physical traits? If I understand correctly, the upgrade to 4th density vibrations means an increase in atomic vibratory rate in science. Certainly that must change physical traits such as body chemical balances, etc.
I hope to have opened a large enough hole on this subject to encourage many different aspects of discussion. I look forward to hearing them!
Love and 4th density light,