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12-23-2021, 12:29 AM
I recall very little from the bible ... decades ago in my childhood. But I seem to vaguely recall that there is a time when believers ascend, while the remainder stay here on Earth. Or something like that. I'm sure there are others here who are much more well-versed in the bible than me. Maybe it's in Revelations?
01-23-2022, 11:40 AM
I agree that the book of Revelation is not necessarily about the end of the world but is about acension. There is a great quote from Fulcanelli in his seminal work "The Mystery of the Cathedrals" where he writes,
Quote:"For it is by fire and in fire that our hemisphere will soon be tried. and just as, by means of fire, gold is sperated from impure metals, so Scripture says, the good will be seperated from the wicked on the great Day of Judgment...The age of iron has no other seal than that of Death." Fire is an activating force. But it also can be a destructive force. In the ancient world, the scorpion was often used to represent wisdom because, as Manly P. Hall writes, “...the fire which it controlled was capable of illuminating as well as consuming.” Rudolf Steiner in his book How to Know Higher Worlds speaks of a stage in initiation known as the “Fire Trial”. This is the initiate who is beginning to have an understanding of intelligent energy. The initiate being able to understand subtle processes occurring within and without. It’s a trial because this is where the initiate’s reality can turn upside down. Because the fire strips away that which is not needed. This can consume those not ready and illuminate those sufficiently balanced. The qualities of fire are in heat and expansion. Heat activates and expands. Thus, when the universe was born, it was through intense heat that the universe was able to expand and grow. The origin of light can be found in the fire and life is only possible because of the light emanating from the Sun, whose origin is fire. So when Fulcannelli writes that "our hemisphere will soon be tried by fire" I believe this refers to the same concept that Ra speaks about regarding the transition to 4th density. That the veil is being slowly lifted away - "fire" is stripping away that which is not. The gold is being seperated from the iron. Naturally, there will be resistence to this and so that is where the "violence" comes from associated with this stripping away. Some will resist this change and by resisting will bring about their own destruction.
I have an answer for your question of the meaning of the number 144,000 in Revelations.
12 I think represents the Zodiac signs a solar grid 12x12=144 x180 degrees as opposed to 360 degrees = 25,920 years It's the length of an axial precession Yes it is astrological. Source https://www.amazon.com/Rebirth-Images-Ma...1597529494 |