08-12-2020, 05:02 PM
I have something wrong with my brain, my doctors can't find anything wrong, I think it might be a chemical unbalance, I get really dizzy when it happen and feels like my brain is shutting down, I can't breath, it might because my body shuts down when it happens, I also got swallowing spasms like I was swallowing blood, I have tried using Crystal's, and I have been eating healthy, I've had blood tests, they are normal, I have to put pressure and tense my muscles or strain something in my head to stop it from happening, this has been going on for nearly two months now, it gives me death feeling. Another problem is if I focus on something too hard I will start hallucinating, as I did with making music in my head, that will also make me feel like dying, i also got death feeling from laughing, any emotions, can get it from yawning, loud music, loud sounds, high pressure change if in a car, from asmr tingles , i also get weak legs/lower body weakness . Please help I am struggling to stay alive, I do not know how long I have, but it seems to get worse everyday