10-03-2018, 07:56 PM
I admit I haven't really studied the Q'uo stuff but I always find it enlightening.
These quotes were on a post from Nia and instead of hijacking that thread I wondered if we could sort out precission of understanding in some of these or others people might have.
To start, and btw thank you Nia.
I get the gist of this. Plucking or trimming would be trying to posses, or control, where beholding would be to just appreciate and sort of savor in their presence.
Where though does the typical mated relationship fit on this spectrum, and where would the delineation be between behold vs plug or trim?
Perhaps it should be a more fundumental bit of understanding as it is a great technique for balancing all triggering distortions of belief and emotion.

The best I can see in the moment is to hope for the best(perhaps without attachment to what "best" should look like) vs push something away in fear.
I assume because as we reach that point there is less a true right or wrong in options but that of why and what is the motivation love or fear, even then it is not always crystal clear. Any one else want to clarify?
It says though "to allow its grip upon the consciousness to loosen" Is that though literally done by dropping individual consciousness? I have felt this by dropping the context of time(pain/past and fear/future) but is that literally losing the consciousness of the incarnation to basically become one of unconditional love?
to allow its grip upon the consciousness to loosen little by little, until finally one’s heart does not find it necessary to hold the armor of the past and the future over the vulnerable and naked self. This seems pretty significant.
These quotes were on a post from Nia and instead of hijacking that thread I wondered if we could sort out precission of understanding in some of these or others people might have.
To start, and btw thank you Nia.
Quo Wrote:A key indeed is to see each entity within a relationship as a flower of an unique beauty which is better beheld than trimmed or plucked.
I get the gist of this. Plucking or trimming would be trying to posses, or control, where beholding would be to just appreciate and sort of savor in their presence.
Where though does the typical mated relationship fit on this spectrum, and where would the delineation be between behold vs plug or trim?
Quo Wrote:We ask you not to see that which is not there. We simply ask you to see that which is not on the surface. We ask you to move deeper and find that portion of yourself that we would call consciousness. You share this consciousness with every third-density entity upon this planet. And, indeed, in the deepest sense you share this consciousness with all there is. For it is the consciousness of the Creator. It is the consciousness of unconditional love. Form a haven then, when you feel yourself moving into self-judgment, of choosing to refrain from going further with that thought, and instead taking up that thought of appreciation of the self just as you are.No question on this one but a comment that this exact experience is basically all that gets me through the tough moments. Other than you all here being so great.

Quo Wrote:The spiritual sea is three-dimensional, and you can breathe the water.I have no idea but what this means.

Quo Wrote:We would ask each of you to be aware of this tendency in the human heart toward aggression instead of patience insofar as you are able personally. We would encourage each of you to choose communication over aggression, patience over impatience, love over fear, and hope over exclusion.I get all of this but am not 100% on exclusion being the alternative to hope?
The best I can see in the moment is to hope for the best(perhaps without attachment to what "best" should look like) vs push something away in fear.
Quo Wrote:Walk on in majesty, walk on in humility, walk on in trust, for you are not alone in this darkness, you are not alone upon this path and you are not beguiled or mistaken in seeking light. When you reach past the phenomena to touch your own heart, it is then that you have placed your feet upon the path.Ok that one just straight made me choked up.

Quo Wrote:We would suggest to you that the very first job of all of you, because you are human, because you are part of third-density Earth, is to hold the frequency of love and allow a space for it to flow through you. My friends, do not attempt to love from your yellow-ray energy center. Do not use your will to bring forth your human love. Use that precious commodity of will and desire to allow the Creator's love to flow through you.And this one. Maybe we need a life coaching from Q'uo thread.
Quo Wrote:The spiritual path of evolution becomes like the planet that you rest upon—creatures of night as well as day—and after the heart is first opened on a reliable basis there yet remains the traversing of the twilight and evening and midnight of the spiritual journey. As youOh so it's not just that I do not always understand the light but that it is in general hard to read ?
advance in your choices, they become less than obvious. The deepest, most profound darkness lies upon the advancement of the spiritual path. Within this darkness there is one light: the reflecting light as of your moon to this planet of yours. This spiritual reflective essence may be called your higher self… It may be called the Christ within or simply guidance. Whatever it is called, it does not cast a clear and bright
light, but casts an often deceiving, very subtle moonlight of the spirit. And in this light, with only your guidance to have faith in, you make the more subtle, more difficult, and very important choices having to do with the energies of communication and inner work.
I assume because as we reach that point there is less a true right or wrong in options but that of why and what is the motivation love or fear, even then it is not always crystal clear. Any one else want to clarify?
Quo Wrote:Since the third density is rife with duality and confusion, if not downright chaos, on the part of the entities of humankind which dwell upon its surface, it is only to one who is doing the inner work that there ever appears even the thought of finding a positive choice in a seemingly impossible situation. Yet, that is what each incarnated to do, that is, to find positive choices where none seem to exist, to love the unlovable, to console the inconsolable, to accept the unacceptable and to allow its grip upon the consciousness to loosen little by little, until finally one’s heart does not find it necessary to hold the armor of the past and the future over the vulnerable and naked self.That is exactly the place I want to go and thus far can only stay for so long.
It says though "to allow its grip upon the consciousness to loosen" Is that though literally done by dropping individual consciousness? I have felt this by dropping the context of time(pain/past and fear/future) but is that literally losing the consciousness of the incarnation to basically become one of unconditional love?
Quo Wrote:Thus, we find that it is always a very, very great gift when you are able to address your energies to those of others who do have an interest in engaging with those energies as a part of a process of mutual heart opening. It is always a great gift to find another who can resonate on the same wavelength that you enjoy, and here it is, indeed, not only possible, but highly desirable to open yourself in ways that can seem tremendously foolish. It is desirable when the circumstances offers the promise of sufficient safety for you to avail yourself of this safety and take a chance, and take a chance that you may love freely without stint of reservation, that you may love freely without fear, that you may love freely without holding back in the concern that your love will intrude upon the subjective life of the beloved, for only when your love is offered in this uninhibited way, does another have the full advantage of the catalyst which this moment can uniquely provide. It is a very great joy which you sometimes are able to discover in the sexual life. It is a very great joy which you are sometimes able to discover in the simple gaiety of friendship. It is a great joy when you are allowed to be of some service to another whose pain, or whose suffering, or whose sorrow asks for healing, for that healing that can only come through love.to allow its grip upon the consciousness to loosen little by little, until finally one’s heart does not find it necessary to hold the armor of the past and the future over the vulnerable and naked self.
Quo Wrote:All measurement, all numbering, all ways of detailing and patterning the observed creation fall to dust before the open heart. Love is of ato allow its grip upon the consciousness to loosen little by little, until finally one’s heart does not find it necessary to hold the armor of the past and the future over the vulnerable and naked self.
certain nature. The fullness, breadth, depth and height of the nature of love is both revealed and concealed by its visibility and ready accessibility for each self contains this center without distortion within the open heart.
Quo Wrote:Look at yourself upon this rainbow journey and remember that that which is of value is the love which you create in each moment and all elseto allow its grip upon the consciousness to loosen little by little, until finally one’s heart does not find it necessary to hold the armor of the past and the future over the vulnerable and naked self.
shall fall away, having little of impact in your future. As time progresses, only the love remains.
Quo Wrote:There is no need to manipulate, teach, control, move or advise other entities. The need is only to do these things within the self,We definitley need a life coaching by Q'ou thread.
disciplining the self to a more and more balanced and clear acceptance of the universal nature of selfhood, and therefore choosing lucidly and
clearly to serve others, to withhold judgment of or control over others, and to practice loving the self, accepting the self and allowing the errors perceived within the self to be self-forgiven.
to allow its grip upon the consciousness to loosen little by little, until finally one’s heart does not find it necessary to hold the armor of the past and the future over the vulnerable and naked self. This seems pretty significant.