08-04-2016, 12:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-04-2016, 01:46 AM by Chandlersdad.)
UPDATE: After reading my post, perhaps most of my problems are with the SCOTT MANDELKER COMMENTS on YOUTUBE FOR SESSION 31 MORE THAN JUST Ra.
I would like to post my thoughts on the Ra Law of One Session 31, which talks a great deal about homosexuality. I am not asking anyone to approve of homosexuality. I am simply asking you to calmly reflect on my views as a gay man in response to what Ra and Scott Mandelker have said.
I am studying the Ra Law of One material, using the YOUTUBE series by Scott Mandelker. I have been taking diligent notes (which helps me learn a great deal and concentrate when the material otherwise might fly right over my head). Yesterday I studied Session 31. Frankly, I am very appalled and dismayed by what Ra and Scott have to say about homosexuality.
RA "blames" homosexuality (which he kindly calls a severe confusion) on two causes. I would like to discuss the cause I find most absurd.
RA blames homosexuality on over crowding in large cities, siting studies of RATS that were kept in close quarters together in experiments. Evidently, the rats began having gay sex. The same thing happens in prisons. When I read this as Ra's cause for homosexuality, I burst out laughing. Then I thought "Wait a minute! I am investing serious time into studying the Ra material. Yet Ra has just proclaimed something that (as a gay man) I know is untrue. Does this invalidate everything Ra says?"
Comparing gay people to rats in crowded living conditions, then transferring rat activity to humans is bizarre. So the "big city" turns men gay? Aren't there any women in large cities? RA says that "sensitive" men (code word for gay?) that go to large cities come out? That may be true, but it is NOT the cause of homosexuality. Even our best medical authorities are not clear on the cause yet, although statistically, many gay men are born to mothers nearing menopause. The current meme in the medical field is that the chemical soup in the womb combined with environmental factors in the first 3 years produces gay men, not exposure to a large urban crowded center!
What about men in the military who live in crowded barracks? Do they "turn" gay? With all due respect to Ra, I think he needs to go back to the drawing board on this one. His views suspiciously mirror a layman's view of homosexuality back in the early 80's, NOT the perspective of a 6th Density entity complex.
RA later in the session outrageously claims that sensitive men who go to the big city are much more likely to become Service to Self when confused about gender identification (that would be a transsexual, not a homosexual). So Ra is suggesting that gay men are more likely to be negatively polarized. (If so, it is due to a bitterness that can set in after a life time of being put down by your own society).
What shocked me the most though was Scott's total acceptance of this bizarre theory. As I have gone through the YOUTUBE videos one by one, I have realized that Scott has almost a "born again" fundamentalist viewpoint of the Ra material. He seems to see it as a sacred book that must not be questioned. Because Ra agrees with his pre-existing Buddhist mystical faith in many areas (which he brings up constantly), Scott sees it as the eternal truth. This is very disappointing.
What is also disappointing is that Scott seems to have NO modern understanding of homosexuality, even though he claims to have gay friends. If so, then he has certainly sold them short on this one.
Scott agrees with Ra that ONLY female/male sex can involve a transfer of sexual/love energy involving the 4th chakra. Scott supplements this by saying that gay men cannot share this. Then Scott suggests that gay men can only share 4th chakra love via celibate friendships! In this area, Scott seems to mirror the Vatican's recent announcement that gay men are welcome now in Catholicism AS LONG AS THEY REMAIN CELIBATE! (What a deal, eh?). I have been in a monogamous relationship with another man for 39 years. There is true love there. If anyone has shared 4th chakra love, we have.
Scott repeatedly also makes the comment that gay men feel like women in men's bodies. In effect, that gay men ARE women inside. Dear Scott, please try to keep up. I realize you are living in Asia and may not get the news, but men who feel they are women are called Transgender = transexuals like Bruce Jenner. It has nothing to do with homosexuality. Most homosexual men are quite happy to be men. They simply are attracted sexually to other men. That's it!
Scott also uses his YOUTUBE video to give a lecture AGAINST gay people who feel the need to be "proud" of being gay, such as in gay pride parades. He condescendingly lectures gay people to NOT make their sexuality their identity. He says this is very shallow.
Where has his empathy gone?
Gay people only make an issue of their sexuality because the overall society does so. This all may be invisible to heterosexuals (who presume to lecture gay people on THEIR condition), but the gay person in the USA is constantly reminded (by the GOP, for example) that they are considered evil by the church, criminal by some police, and mentally ill by some psychologists. Gay people are told in many ways that they are WRONG to exist, and that they are inferior. In response to that unending barrage of negativity, gay people have bonded together to refute that programming. As a result, Gay Pride was created. With 50% of teenagers committing suicide due to being gay (official stats), certainly a little gay pride cannot hurt - it could even save lives. Nonetheless, Scott sees it as "very shallow behavior" with NO understanding of the motivation. Very few gay people make being gay the center of their identity. But in this society, a gay person (like me) has to be wary every time I am in public due to the homophobic tendencies of the general public. I never know when someone is going to pop up and yell at me or even attack me. This is not paranoia. It is the general wariness with which gay people live in our society unless they are in total denial.
Scott says this is not a moral judgment. Oh, no! God Forbid. But then Scott proclaims that heterosexual sex is the only appropriate sex because "there is a plug and an outlet". Ha, ha. (His little snide joke). I can hear a right wing Christian applauding and saying "Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve!"
Scott finalizes his masterpiece of prejudice by at one point referring to the average gay man as a FAG! Can you imagine the outrage that would have arisen already if Scott had referred to a Black person by the "n" word? To the ears of a gay man, the word FAG is just as horrible in its demeaning intent.
Now to be fair to Scott, he does suggest that not all gay men come from large cities. Like me, many come from rural areas and small towns. This leads us to reason 2 per Ra for homosexuality.
When an entity has a long series of female lives, then switches to a male life, there can be a lot of bleedthru, causing the man to be gay in his first male life (after such a long sequence of female lives).
A Few more sore points:
1. Being gay is presented by Ra as something WRONG, rather than a variation on human sexuality. Per Ra, it is a blockage of red ray reproductive energy. It is a serious confusion. A massive Distortion.
2. Don towards the end asks Ra if the first sexual experience imprints on the sexual identity of the human? RA says yes. At this point, RA claims that homosexuality is a teenage aberration based on curiousity. RA says that if your first experience is bad, then you may have an aversion to sex your entire life. RA gives great power to sexual imprinting during the FIRST sexual experience. This supports the fallacious argument that the cure for impending homosexuality in a young teen is to ensure they go to bed with a woman instead, thereby imprinting in a "proper" manner. This also supports the Christian Gay Conversion Therapy (which includes electric shock treatment and brainwashing). Yet every modern medical practitioner knows that human sexual orientation is not this malleable. Again, RA sound suspiciously like a layman's idea of homosexuality in the early 1980's.
3. Don asks if Orion targets particular people. Of course, says the great and powerful Ra. RA mentions that Orion does this to push gay men to negative polarization. But to be fair, RA says that Orion does this with heterosexual people also. BUT!!! Orion only targets negatively leaning straight people. This remark subtly connects negativity with being gay. In other words, only gay people and NEGATIVE straight people are targeted. Misery loves company and guilt by association?
Frankly, I hope I can work past this. I have considered whether to even keep studying the Law of One after KNOWING IN MY HEART that Ra is wrong. Gay people are not rats in a maze being over crowded. Gay men are following their nature and have put up with enough crap from this society without the New Age metaphysical community dumping on them also.
Scott's remarks about gay people were arrogant and ignorant. I was shocked. If you listen to Scott's YOUTUBE series very long, you get the firm impression that Scott considers himself very high consciousness, far beyond the average human. He calls himself a 6th density Wanderer and has proclaimed that humans are stupid (in one case because humans do not accept Ra's views about sentient life on Venus!). Yet how near enlightenment can a man be who holds such nasty views on gay people? His views are condescending and spiteful.
Here is a very blasphemous thought (at least to Scott). Could it be that Ra's views on homosexuality reflect Carla's perhaps ignorant 1980's viewpoints? She evidently had a close affinity to traditional (condemning) Christianity since a Bible and other symbols of that religion were part of the set up for her going into trance. Could Ra's information have been filtered through Carla to produce this nonsense?
The other possibility is that the entire Ra material is without any merit. Can anyone with an ounce of empathy respond, or am I the only gay person crazy enough to be interested in the Ra Law of One? :@ :@
I would like to post my thoughts on the Ra Law of One Session 31, which talks a great deal about homosexuality. I am not asking anyone to approve of homosexuality. I am simply asking you to calmly reflect on my views as a gay man in response to what Ra and Scott Mandelker have said.
I am studying the Ra Law of One material, using the YOUTUBE series by Scott Mandelker. I have been taking diligent notes (which helps me learn a great deal and concentrate when the material otherwise might fly right over my head). Yesterday I studied Session 31. Frankly, I am very appalled and dismayed by what Ra and Scott have to say about homosexuality.
RA "blames" homosexuality (which he kindly calls a severe confusion) on two causes. I would like to discuss the cause I find most absurd.
RA blames homosexuality on over crowding in large cities, siting studies of RATS that were kept in close quarters together in experiments. Evidently, the rats began having gay sex. The same thing happens in prisons. When I read this as Ra's cause for homosexuality, I burst out laughing. Then I thought "Wait a minute! I am investing serious time into studying the Ra material. Yet Ra has just proclaimed something that (as a gay man) I know is untrue. Does this invalidate everything Ra says?"
Comparing gay people to rats in crowded living conditions, then transferring rat activity to humans is bizarre. So the "big city" turns men gay? Aren't there any women in large cities? RA says that "sensitive" men (code word for gay?) that go to large cities come out? That may be true, but it is NOT the cause of homosexuality. Even our best medical authorities are not clear on the cause yet, although statistically, many gay men are born to mothers nearing menopause. The current meme in the medical field is that the chemical soup in the womb combined with environmental factors in the first 3 years produces gay men, not exposure to a large urban crowded center!
What about men in the military who live in crowded barracks? Do they "turn" gay? With all due respect to Ra, I think he needs to go back to the drawing board on this one. His views suspiciously mirror a layman's view of homosexuality back in the early 80's, NOT the perspective of a 6th Density entity complex.
RA later in the session outrageously claims that sensitive men who go to the big city are much more likely to become Service to Self when confused about gender identification (that would be a transsexual, not a homosexual). So Ra is suggesting that gay men are more likely to be negatively polarized. (If so, it is due to a bitterness that can set in after a life time of being put down by your own society).
What shocked me the most though was Scott's total acceptance of this bizarre theory. As I have gone through the YOUTUBE videos one by one, I have realized that Scott has almost a "born again" fundamentalist viewpoint of the Ra material. He seems to see it as a sacred book that must not be questioned. Because Ra agrees with his pre-existing Buddhist mystical faith in many areas (which he brings up constantly), Scott sees it as the eternal truth. This is very disappointing.
What is also disappointing is that Scott seems to have NO modern understanding of homosexuality, even though he claims to have gay friends. If so, then he has certainly sold them short on this one.
Scott agrees with Ra that ONLY female/male sex can involve a transfer of sexual/love energy involving the 4th chakra. Scott supplements this by saying that gay men cannot share this. Then Scott suggests that gay men can only share 4th chakra love via celibate friendships! In this area, Scott seems to mirror the Vatican's recent announcement that gay men are welcome now in Catholicism AS LONG AS THEY REMAIN CELIBATE! (What a deal, eh?). I have been in a monogamous relationship with another man for 39 years. There is true love there. If anyone has shared 4th chakra love, we have.
Scott repeatedly also makes the comment that gay men feel like women in men's bodies. In effect, that gay men ARE women inside. Dear Scott, please try to keep up. I realize you are living in Asia and may not get the news, but men who feel they are women are called Transgender = transexuals like Bruce Jenner. It has nothing to do with homosexuality. Most homosexual men are quite happy to be men. They simply are attracted sexually to other men. That's it!
Scott also uses his YOUTUBE video to give a lecture AGAINST gay people who feel the need to be "proud" of being gay, such as in gay pride parades. He condescendingly lectures gay people to NOT make their sexuality their identity. He says this is very shallow.
Where has his empathy gone?
Gay people only make an issue of their sexuality because the overall society does so. This all may be invisible to heterosexuals (who presume to lecture gay people on THEIR condition), but the gay person in the USA is constantly reminded (by the GOP, for example) that they are considered evil by the church, criminal by some police, and mentally ill by some psychologists. Gay people are told in many ways that they are WRONG to exist, and that they are inferior. In response to that unending barrage of negativity, gay people have bonded together to refute that programming. As a result, Gay Pride was created. With 50% of teenagers committing suicide due to being gay (official stats), certainly a little gay pride cannot hurt - it could even save lives. Nonetheless, Scott sees it as "very shallow behavior" with NO understanding of the motivation. Very few gay people make being gay the center of their identity. But in this society, a gay person (like me) has to be wary every time I am in public due to the homophobic tendencies of the general public. I never know when someone is going to pop up and yell at me or even attack me. This is not paranoia. It is the general wariness with which gay people live in our society unless they are in total denial.
Scott says this is not a moral judgment. Oh, no! God Forbid. But then Scott proclaims that heterosexual sex is the only appropriate sex because "there is a plug and an outlet". Ha, ha. (His little snide joke). I can hear a right wing Christian applauding and saying "Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve!"
Scott finalizes his masterpiece of prejudice by at one point referring to the average gay man as a FAG! Can you imagine the outrage that would have arisen already if Scott had referred to a Black person by the "n" word? To the ears of a gay man, the word FAG is just as horrible in its demeaning intent.
Now to be fair to Scott, he does suggest that not all gay men come from large cities. Like me, many come from rural areas and small towns. This leads us to reason 2 per Ra for homosexuality.
When an entity has a long series of female lives, then switches to a male life, there can be a lot of bleedthru, causing the man to be gay in his first male life (after such a long sequence of female lives).
A Few more sore points:
1. Being gay is presented by Ra as something WRONG, rather than a variation on human sexuality. Per Ra, it is a blockage of red ray reproductive energy. It is a serious confusion. A massive Distortion.
2. Don towards the end asks Ra if the first sexual experience imprints on the sexual identity of the human? RA says yes. At this point, RA claims that homosexuality is a teenage aberration based on curiousity. RA says that if your first experience is bad, then you may have an aversion to sex your entire life. RA gives great power to sexual imprinting during the FIRST sexual experience. This supports the fallacious argument that the cure for impending homosexuality in a young teen is to ensure they go to bed with a woman instead, thereby imprinting in a "proper" manner. This also supports the Christian Gay Conversion Therapy (which includes electric shock treatment and brainwashing). Yet every modern medical practitioner knows that human sexual orientation is not this malleable. Again, RA sound suspiciously like a layman's idea of homosexuality in the early 1980's.
3. Don asks if Orion targets particular people. Of course, says the great and powerful Ra. RA mentions that Orion does this to push gay men to negative polarization. But to be fair, RA says that Orion does this with heterosexual people also. BUT!!! Orion only targets negatively leaning straight people. This remark subtly connects negativity with being gay. In other words, only gay people and NEGATIVE straight people are targeted. Misery loves company and guilt by association?
Frankly, I hope I can work past this. I have considered whether to even keep studying the Law of One after KNOWING IN MY HEART that Ra is wrong. Gay people are not rats in a maze being over crowded. Gay men are following their nature and have put up with enough crap from this society without the New Age metaphysical community dumping on them also.
Scott's remarks about gay people were arrogant and ignorant. I was shocked. If you listen to Scott's YOUTUBE series very long, you get the firm impression that Scott considers himself very high consciousness, far beyond the average human. He calls himself a 6th density Wanderer and has proclaimed that humans are stupid (in one case because humans do not accept Ra's views about sentient life on Venus!). Yet how near enlightenment can a man be who holds such nasty views on gay people? His views are condescending and spiteful.
Here is a very blasphemous thought (at least to Scott). Could it be that Ra's views on homosexuality reflect Carla's perhaps ignorant 1980's viewpoints? She evidently had a close affinity to traditional (condemning) Christianity since a Bible and other symbols of that religion were part of the set up for her going into trance. Could Ra's information have been filtered through Carla to produce this nonsense?
The other possibility is that the entire Ra material is without any merit. Can anyone with an ounce of empathy respond, or am I the only gay person crazy enough to be interested in the Ra Law of One? :@ :@