07-25-2016, 06:59 PM
Hi fellow wanderers. I joined this forum after reading some of the Law of One. I'm brand new to this and would like to share my journey thus far.
I was Born and raised a christian. I was brought up doing what I was told and I gave no notice to myself or my feelings.
My story is strange. I went to primary school, had difficulty keeping up with people and was considered poor at learning. But I was still happy with my friends.
I went to Secondary school, but then my friends then turned against me, made fun of me. I became afraid of talking to them in case they made fun of me, and soon after I lost contact with all friends. Became a loner, and very afraid of reaching out to contact anyone, In fear of being hurt again. So began my journey with no faith in myself.
I pursed a new path in a levels, new school, new start. Still the same thing occurred, lost friends and became a loner. Met a girl that i liked went out on 1 date, next day everyone made fun, out of fear I left the girl. I got good enough grades in a levels. I did not give much thought to going to uni, I was just following what everyone else was doing, afraid of missing out and letting parents down.
So I went to university, in my quest for friends I placed my studies on the back seat. I knew I was putting studies off and a impressing guilt was placed on me. However the friends always convinced me to go out, despite being behind in my studies i was afraid to say no. As it was finally what i wanted, a group of friends. Needless to say I failed the first year.
I was offered a second chance, however I became different, my fear dragged me right down, I was afraid of talking to anyone. Walking outside, I thought people were silently judging me. I Became really paranoid, insecure, I was doubting myself and everything I did. I felt pain each day I woke up, I looked for any form of escapism in my room. It was short lived, always ending in the same result.. A reality that I couldn't face. I failed the second attempt at uni. Left early after a couple counseling sessions, and had suicidal thoughts constantly.
I was always wondering why am I here? on this planet.... I felt like I didn't belong here? I was different?
Uni offered me a third try on a different subject, I was advised by my parents to go and just try, just give it one more chance. I still completely failed, and the same happened again. I became a loner, no friends, everything i tried failed. My mind felt numb, lack of anything and everything. The only thing I could do was sleep. Anything else was too pain full. Full blown depression, I felt suicide was the only option. That night on the brink of doom, with severe depression with constant suicidal thoughts in my head, i had a strange dream. A nuclear explosion fell down in front of me, I felt my whole body disintegrate and vaporize, it was a strange sensation, I can still recall the feeling today. I Woke up in hot sweats and was thinking, how have I been dragged down to this? I had pursued a life ultimately just trying to do what everyone said to me. So I asked myself a question... If I could do one thing in the world what would it be...... My first thought was to help the world. It seemed like the only thing worth doing. Regardless as what has happened to me, I had finally found my calling. A goal! and a worthy one!
I went home and tried to put the past behind me. Tried to start thinking about what careers I could do to help people, each seemed like a dead end as it would not help everyone, only a select few. My parents were applying pressure on me, they wanted me to go out and work. So I did in fear of letting them down again and getting kicked out. I was on jobseekers, and voluntarily worked at a charity shop. The journey was long and there was no pay but I enjoyed being of service. But there was that thought in the back of my mind, I wanted to help everyone. The charity shop considered offering me a job, I declined. I knew i wouldn't stay long at the charity shop, with them placing so much faith in me, I did not want the guilt that accompanied leaving just when they employed me. The thoughts of having any new friends and them feeling betrayed was a great risk to me aswell. I did not want to do harm to anyone.
I began to focus even harder on myself, why was I failing, why? Then it reached me I was looking everywhere for the answers but in myself. For how can somebody really help someone else, if they can't help themselves. I went to get an agency job straight away to help my financial situation..
I wanted to help myself, but my motivation was terrible.So I did something I had never done before, I searched for motivation. At first it was just some videos on youtube: You got to keep trying, don't give up etc. But not alot of material on how to actually change yourself. So I searched for the best in self help I could find, I found bob proctors you were born rich program. With all the greatest teachings you can have to improve yourself. I found alot of what the program taught to be extremely valuable, but most of the material was focused on one thing only. Belief! The key to any successful person in history was the belief in one self to get whatever he/she desired. I knew that the one thing that needed to be programmed in any one persons subconscious mind was belief and they could have whatever they desired.
So I worked hard at my job. During which I was inspired by deep meaningful messages, through motivational videos. Inspirational speeches, that tried to deliver a message so pure that it would not be forgotten. Fictional characters, like Juan Luc picard and Q from star trek, and non fiction like JFK, Martin Luther king Jr and the stories of Les brown. After a year of working, I had enough money to last for a few months and left my job.
I started working with that belief. I thought of the most beneficial thing to me would not be the endless study of subjects, but something that I could do to change myself....my memory, it was the one thing holding me back. For years I had been suppressing bad memories, trying to forget the past. It took alot of effort to delve into areas that caused me so much pain. After which I recalled how to use my visual memory. I then started trying to develop a photographic memory, it sounds crazy, no one has ever developed such a thing before. People have been born with it sure, people have developed a way of using there imagination to retrieve information they see in the world. But actually developing a photographic memory? It hasn't been done before. It didn't stop me. And it was beginning to work, it took so much effort but the belief kept me going...
But then as i realised it was possible to get this achievement, I knew that literally anything in the universe might be possible. I could either go down two paths: continue down a path of certainty, or a leap of faith. Its something they don't teach at school, or anywhere I could find for that matter. So when everything you have been brought up to believe could be false, and different. What do you do? You look for every event that was "unexplained". Which was mysterious, which had no meaning, not accepted by mainstream science. I would start asking myself impossible questions, What were Jesus's actual motives? What were every prophets motives? Try and gain some understanding... So I looked at unique individuals/events that occured. And tried to look for a pattern, I did. I found out about remote viewing, telepathy, and other things which only certain people could. I have not learnt these yet, but looking at telepathics, it looked like they were all were prophets. They could see into the unknown, I then found out about Edgar Cayce, and his prophesis, that something major would happen. That strange occurances would happen. I searched deeper, further down the rabbit hole. Looked into reincarnation, came across David Wilcock. His material was all orientated around the Law of One. And so I found the website.
I started reading the material, first I thought it was a story. But then something started to change it kept mentioning, the one, everyone was the one? Including me?
I had a eureka moment whilst reading, that everything in my life was purposefully used to lead me up to this moment in time. While reading this book, i was looking for some new songs, I wasn't even looking they just happened to appear in my recommended videos. Its almost like as I had this moment of joy everything started to make sense, there were "hidden" messages that the universe was trying to communicate to me. The whole of CHVRCHES songs were strange, too much of a coincidence that I happened to come across these at the same time as reading the Law of One, Disclosure - Magnets ft. Lorde. "embrace the point of no return". Katy Perry - Rise just released. Strange happenings, all around me. Felt like I was being affected by 4th density beings, being pulled either side, the thoughts I had were ranging extreme positive to negative. Every thought I had I was believing in. "Do I go out and preach the Law of One?" Is that the journey for me to take? I had a terrible thought: "the only way to stop this infinite cycle was to stop the creator? What if I am the creator? Do I have to kill myself?". For some reason I stopped eating, I was getting effected so much by the environment. I was overwhelmed with it all, I felt the only way to get out of it was to continue reading the Law of One...
Then I read the message
" I am Ra. The indigo ray is the ray of, shall we say, awareness of the Creator as self; thus one whose indigo-ray vibrations have been activated can offer the energy transfer of Creator to Creator. This is the beginning of the sacramental nature of what you call your bisexual reproductive act. It is unique in bearing the allness, the wholeness, the unity in its offering to other-self."
I realised what was happening. I became more aware of my thoughts. I realised that is where i was, and the extreme thoughts of both polarities seemed to fade away. I looked through the message of the Law of One, without even finishing it.
Truly STS/STO is in itself both positive vs negative. But i feel like I am both together. Wanting to do both. I felt Ra had risked this information for a reason, what he believed to be true, may not actually be... Is the true lesson here is the risk of information, as soon as you give people laws to follow it changes them, You see it everywhere, religion, science, politics. With what they believe is true. In reality no one is true, only the creator knows.... As soon as you risk to disclose information from your density, you encourage the infinite cycle to continue. Surely the best thing to do was everyone to stop being manipulated by positive and negative? To come together, put their conceived notion of what is positive and negative down and form in unity? I don't know. These were the thoughts which went through my mind. Believing and experiencing each one I came across....
I thought: The thing about the infinite intelligence is, the person who says there is no religion is just as right as the person who says there is. It is all in the creators mind. If everyone had access to infinite intelligence, could see everything, then maybe it might change things for the better? Give everyone the freedom to access the infinite information without having to progress through a chain of densities, thus uniting everyone as one once again. Contempt in the knowledge that there is no right or wrong. There only is.
Perhaps disclosing this information will make it worse? Maybe the more information you disclose the harder it becomes for everyone. Maybe it will cause people who think they know vs people who think they don't know. Another positive vs negative. Why does everyone have to choose a side? Can we not all be voices of reason? Help each other realise in unity we can't have positive without a negative. Is it better that each individual soul to go through Joy just so another can go through pain? Form together on something? Anything!? Perhaps thats the problem? Is the constant need for souls to do this? Perhaps we should all just choose to serve neither side? Would you take away everyones free will to stop everyones suffering? Would you sacrifice your own free will to help everyone elses? Would you risk being damned to the bottom of creation just to help everyone?
Perhaps that is the decision we will have to make? or one creator? Who will be the first? Will it be you?
I then realised another lesson, that I was beginning to place all my faith in me, and no one else. So I did something I had never done, I let go of all the fears I had in trusting others, and took another leap of faith. I felt like I needed to do it. I was rewarded with abundance, an amazing feeling. For you can choose to either place faith in yourself or in others. I thanked Ra for the Law of One. I had learnt many lessons. I realised you can equally place faith in yourself and others, it is the only path for me to pursue. You can control whether your environment affects you, or whether you affect the environment. Or both. My life was full of lessons, I was searching for them and beginning to find peace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgRBkjgXHro, Then this song came on the radio I was listening to, another coincidence?
It felt like a good plot line for a movie... But this was reality/experience, not something I had read... It was teaching me something...Perhaps it will teach all of us something. It feels as if all the densities have been compressed in my life, and it had only just begun.
I felt like i was above all positive and negative influence in my life. I decided when to provide influence to myself or others, I also decided to let universe continue talking to me, and I will alter my vibrations with purpose.
I knew the risk of being trapped in either polarity, or angering the creator, but the cause to help the world/now the universe is greater then the self gain/pain.
I continued reading the Law of One. It was tough but as i progressed, the number of questions I had grew, but i grew with it. I was embracing everything I felt and thought. I looked back at the road I had taken and thought I would not alter it at all, it was perfectly constructed. If I stopped now, it would be a disservice to everything that had placed faith me. I would not let myself or others down.
I thought: It seems each density I experienced has some form of prejudice, from what they believe is right and wrong. It continues.... You can't go against peoples free will? Yes you can? You can't give them information? Yes you can? Again always it seems there is always two sides to every story, but I still have no side, I was contemplating where do I get off this ride? But I still continued...
I was beginning to see through the illusions, the way my parents are poles apart but still together. The way everyone is against each other but trying to work in unison none the less... It was strange, how the poles apart were being held by something?
Another thought: Was everything here created just so a soul could see exactly what they were doing to themselves? That they created this perfect place for us to collectively realise that we were being manipulated by what we each thought was right and wrong? Working with whatever information we find to reinforce that belief? So do we stop doing this? How can we all change? Do we all simply let go of our beliefs? I don't know.
I then began to realise that despite whatever personal beliefs we had, balance had always tried to be maintained. Despite the ranging opinions, everyone is still coexisting. Is this the answer? Does every entity need to strive and achieve balance and put differences aside? Or not? What happens when we all collectively try to do such a thing?
Perhaps that is what the next density is, Balance. Do we try to achieve it? Do we not? Do I dedicate my life to it? To try and deliver a message for all to hear? What can I do to achieve balance without telling everyone to do it? Perhaps in this universe everything was balanced to teach. Perhaps in another everything is unbalanced to teach?
I was afraid by stating this opinion I would be altering the state of the universe? Would it be imprisoning to share an opinion? A thought? I contemplated and remembered what Picard had taught
Surely to live is to be able to make a choice. Everyone, not just me, should be able to make that choice. Everyone should be given the choice to try and achieve a balance. To strive to achieve the impossible if they so wish it. Not because one man forces it on another. I believe that is what the universe/creator has been trying to communicate to everyone involved for years. I believe it is up to each entity, each soul, each consciousness to have the choice whether they do or don't want to strive to reach balance. No one will tell you how to achieve it, only you will know whether you are reaching it.
The key is how you use the information, not what it contains. I believe that is why humans haven't been granted certain information, its down to what our beliefs are and the unbalanced nature of them, its stopping all of us from progressing.
I haven't tried to contact my higher self, or had discussions with anyone then myself. Was there any need to? Did I need that information to realise?
Did the creator think the best thing to do would be to deliver the most human message possible? By experience? To see if it could work? To try and help us all realise?
I must say posting this message has been the most difficult decision in my life. That it may cause more harm then good. But I had learnt many lessons, and one was I would not let fear drag me or anyone down to a point of no return.
I'm only up to page 47 on the Law of One and will continue to post my thoughts as I go down this path.
If you had the patience to read all of this drivel, I am so grateful
I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys think?
I was Born and raised a christian. I was brought up doing what I was told and I gave no notice to myself or my feelings.
My story is strange. I went to primary school, had difficulty keeping up with people and was considered poor at learning. But I was still happy with my friends.
I went to Secondary school, but then my friends then turned against me, made fun of me. I became afraid of talking to them in case they made fun of me, and soon after I lost contact with all friends. Became a loner, and very afraid of reaching out to contact anyone, In fear of being hurt again. So began my journey with no faith in myself.
I pursed a new path in a levels, new school, new start. Still the same thing occurred, lost friends and became a loner. Met a girl that i liked went out on 1 date, next day everyone made fun, out of fear I left the girl. I got good enough grades in a levels. I did not give much thought to going to uni, I was just following what everyone else was doing, afraid of missing out and letting parents down.
So I went to university, in my quest for friends I placed my studies on the back seat. I knew I was putting studies off and a impressing guilt was placed on me. However the friends always convinced me to go out, despite being behind in my studies i was afraid to say no. As it was finally what i wanted, a group of friends. Needless to say I failed the first year.
I was offered a second chance, however I became different, my fear dragged me right down, I was afraid of talking to anyone. Walking outside, I thought people were silently judging me. I Became really paranoid, insecure, I was doubting myself and everything I did. I felt pain each day I woke up, I looked for any form of escapism in my room. It was short lived, always ending in the same result.. A reality that I couldn't face. I failed the second attempt at uni. Left early after a couple counseling sessions, and had suicidal thoughts constantly.
I was always wondering why am I here? on this planet.... I felt like I didn't belong here? I was different?
Uni offered me a third try on a different subject, I was advised by my parents to go and just try, just give it one more chance. I still completely failed, and the same happened again. I became a loner, no friends, everything i tried failed. My mind felt numb, lack of anything and everything. The only thing I could do was sleep. Anything else was too pain full. Full blown depression, I felt suicide was the only option. That night on the brink of doom, with severe depression with constant suicidal thoughts in my head, i had a strange dream. A nuclear explosion fell down in front of me, I felt my whole body disintegrate and vaporize, it was a strange sensation, I can still recall the feeling today. I Woke up in hot sweats and was thinking, how have I been dragged down to this? I had pursued a life ultimately just trying to do what everyone said to me. So I asked myself a question... If I could do one thing in the world what would it be...... My first thought was to help the world. It seemed like the only thing worth doing. Regardless as what has happened to me, I had finally found my calling. A goal! and a worthy one!
I went home and tried to put the past behind me. Tried to start thinking about what careers I could do to help people, each seemed like a dead end as it would not help everyone, only a select few. My parents were applying pressure on me, they wanted me to go out and work. So I did in fear of letting them down again and getting kicked out. I was on jobseekers, and voluntarily worked at a charity shop. The journey was long and there was no pay but I enjoyed being of service. But there was that thought in the back of my mind, I wanted to help everyone. The charity shop considered offering me a job, I declined. I knew i wouldn't stay long at the charity shop, with them placing so much faith in me, I did not want the guilt that accompanied leaving just when they employed me. The thoughts of having any new friends and them feeling betrayed was a great risk to me aswell. I did not want to do harm to anyone.
I began to focus even harder on myself, why was I failing, why? Then it reached me I was looking everywhere for the answers but in myself. For how can somebody really help someone else, if they can't help themselves. I went to get an agency job straight away to help my financial situation..
I wanted to help myself, but my motivation was terrible.So I did something I had never done before, I searched for motivation. At first it was just some videos on youtube: You got to keep trying, don't give up etc. But not alot of material on how to actually change yourself. So I searched for the best in self help I could find, I found bob proctors you were born rich program. With all the greatest teachings you can have to improve yourself. I found alot of what the program taught to be extremely valuable, but most of the material was focused on one thing only. Belief! The key to any successful person in history was the belief in one self to get whatever he/she desired. I knew that the one thing that needed to be programmed in any one persons subconscious mind was belief and they could have whatever they desired.
So I worked hard at my job. During which I was inspired by deep meaningful messages, through motivational videos. Inspirational speeches, that tried to deliver a message so pure that it would not be forgotten. Fictional characters, like Juan Luc picard and Q from star trek, and non fiction like JFK, Martin Luther king Jr and the stories of Les brown. After a year of working, I had enough money to last for a few months and left my job.
I started working with that belief. I thought of the most beneficial thing to me would not be the endless study of subjects, but something that I could do to change myself....my memory, it was the one thing holding me back. For years I had been suppressing bad memories, trying to forget the past. It took alot of effort to delve into areas that caused me so much pain. After which I recalled how to use my visual memory. I then started trying to develop a photographic memory, it sounds crazy, no one has ever developed such a thing before. People have been born with it sure, people have developed a way of using there imagination to retrieve information they see in the world. But actually developing a photographic memory? It hasn't been done before. It didn't stop me. And it was beginning to work, it took so much effort but the belief kept me going...
But then as i realised it was possible to get this achievement, I knew that literally anything in the universe might be possible. I could either go down two paths: continue down a path of certainty, or a leap of faith. Its something they don't teach at school, or anywhere I could find for that matter. So when everything you have been brought up to believe could be false, and different. What do you do? You look for every event that was "unexplained". Which was mysterious, which had no meaning, not accepted by mainstream science. I would start asking myself impossible questions, What were Jesus's actual motives? What were every prophets motives? Try and gain some understanding... So I looked at unique individuals/events that occured. And tried to look for a pattern, I did. I found out about remote viewing, telepathy, and other things which only certain people could. I have not learnt these yet, but looking at telepathics, it looked like they were all were prophets. They could see into the unknown, I then found out about Edgar Cayce, and his prophesis, that something major would happen. That strange occurances would happen. I searched deeper, further down the rabbit hole. Looked into reincarnation, came across David Wilcock. His material was all orientated around the Law of One. And so I found the website.
I started reading the material, first I thought it was a story. But then something started to change it kept mentioning, the one, everyone was the one? Including me?
I had a eureka moment whilst reading, that everything in my life was purposefully used to lead me up to this moment in time. While reading this book, i was looking for some new songs, I wasn't even looking they just happened to appear in my recommended videos. Its almost like as I had this moment of joy everything started to make sense, there were "hidden" messages that the universe was trying to communicate to me. The whole of CHVRCHES songs were strange, too much of a coincidence that I happened to come across these at the same time as reading the Law of One, Disclosure - Magnets ft. Lorde. "embrace the point of no return". Katy Perry - Rise just released. Strange happenings, all around me. Felt like I was being affected by 4th density beings, being pulled either side, the thoughts I had were ranging extreme positive to negative. Every thought I had I was believing in. "Do I go out and preach the Law of One?" Is that the journey for me to take? I had a terrible thought: "the only way to stop this infinite cycle was to stop the creator? What if I am the creator? Do I have to kill myself?". For some reason I stopped eating, I was getting effected so much by the environment. I was overwhelmed with it all, I felt the only way to get out of it was to continue reading the Law of One...
Then I read the message
" I am Ra. The indigo ray is the ray of, shall we say, awareness of the Creator as self; thus one whose indigo-ray vibrations have been activated can offer the energy transfer of Creator to Creator. This is the beginning of the sacramental nature of what you call your bisexual reproductive act. It is unique in bearing the allness, the wholeness, the unity in its offering to other-self."
I realised what was happening. I became more aware of my thoughts. I realised that is where i was, and the extreme thoughts of both polarities seemed to fade away. I looked through the message of the Law of One, without even finishing it.
Truly STS/STO is in itself both positive vs negative. But i feel like I am both together. Wanting to do both. I felt Ra had risked this information for a reason, what he believed to be true, may not actually be... Is the true lesson here is the risk of information, as soon as you give people laws to follow it changes them, You see it everywhere, religion, science, politics. With what they believe is true. In reality no one is true, only the creator knows.... As soon as you risk to disclose information from your density, you encourage the infinite cycle to continue. Surely the best thing to do was everyone to stop being manipulated by positive and negative? To come together, put their conceived notion of what is positive and negative down and form in unity? I don't know. These were the thoughts which went through my mind. Believing and experiencing each one I came across....
I thought: The thing about the infinite intelligence is, the person who says there is no religion is just as right as the person who says there is. It is all in the creators mind. If everyone had access to infinite intelligence, could see everything, then maybe it might change things for the better? Give everyone the freedom to access the infinite information without having to progress through a chain of densities, thus uniting everyone as one once again. Contempt in the knowledge that there is no right or wrong. There only is.
Perhaps disclosing this information will make it worse? Maybe the more information you disclose the harder it becomes for everyone. Maybe it will cause people who think they know vs people who think they don't know. Another positive vs negative. Why does everyone have to choose a side? Can we not all be voices of reason? Help each other realise in unity we can't have positive without a negative. Is it better that each individual soul to go through Joy just so another can go through pain? Form together on something? Anything!? Perhaps thats the problem? Is the constant need for souls to do this? Perhaps we should all just choose to serve neither side? Would you take away everyones free will to stop everyones suffering? Would you sacrifice your own free will to help everyone elses? Would you risk being damned to the bottom of creation just to help everyone?
Perhaps that is the decision we will have to make? or one creator? Who will be the first? Will it be you?
I then realised another lesson, that I was beginning to place all my faith in me, and no one else. So I did something I had never done, I let go of all the fears I had in trusting others, and took another leap of faith. I felt like I needed to do it. I was rewarded with abundance, an amazing feeling. For you can choose to either place faith in yourself or in others. I thanked Ra for the Law of One. I had learnt many lessons. I realised you can equally place faith in yourself and others, it is the only path for me to pursue. You can control whether your environment affects you, or whether you affect the environment. Or both. My life was full of lessons, I was searching for them and beginning to find peace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgRBkjgXHro, Then this song came on the radio I was listening to, another coincidence?
It felt like a good plot line for a movie... But this was reality/experience, not something I had read... It was teaching me something...Perhaps it will teach all of us something. It feels as if all the densities have been compressed in my life, and it had only just begun.
I felt like i was above all positive and negative influence in my life. I decided when to provide influence to myself or others, I also decided to let universe continue talking to me, and I will alter my vibrations with purpose.
I knew the risk of being trapped in either polarity, or angering the creator, but the cause to help the world/now the universe is greater then the self gain/pain.
I continued reading the Law of One. It was tough but as i progressed, the number of questions I had grew, but i grew with it. I was embracing everything I felt and thought. I looked back at the road I had taken and thought I would not alter it at all, it was perfectly constructed. If I stopped now, it would be a disservice to everything that had placed faith me. I would not let myself or others down.
I thought: It seems each density I experienced has some form of prejudice, from what they believe is right and wrong. It continues.... You can't go against peoples free will? Yes you can? You can't give them information? Yes you can? Again always it seems there is always two sides to every story, but I still have no side, I was contemplating where do I get off this ride? But I still continued...
I was beginning to see through the illusions, the way my parents are poles apart but still together. The way everyone is against each other but trying to work in unison none the less... It was strange, how the poles apart were being held by something?
Another thought: Was everything here created just so a soul could see exactly what they were doing to themselves? That they created this perfect place for us to collectively realise that we were being manipulated by what we each thought was right and wrong? Working with whatever information we find to reinforce that belief? So do we stop doing this? How can we all change? Do we all simply let go of our beliefs? I don't know.
I then began to realise that despite whatever personal beliefs we had, balance had always tried to be maintained. Despite the ranging opinions, everyone is still coexisting. Is this the answer? Does every entity need to strive and achieve balance and put differences aside? Or not? What happens when we all collectively try to do such a thing?
Perhaps that is what the next density is, Balance. Do we try to achieve it? Do we not? Do I dedicate my life to it? To try and deliver a message for all to hear? What can I do to achieve balance without telling everyone to do it? Perhaps in this universe everything was balanced to teach. Perhaps in another everything is unbalanced to teach?
I was afraid by stating this opinion I would be altering the state of the universe? Would it be imprisoning to share an opinion? A thought? I contemplated and remembered what Picard had taught

Surely to live is to be able to make a choice. Everyone, not just me, should be able to make that choice. Everyone should be given the choice to try and achieve a balance. To strive to achieve the impossible if they so wish it. Not because one man forces it on another. I believe that is what the universe/creator has been trying to communicate to everyone involved for years. I believe it is up to each entity, each soul, each consciousness to have the choice whether they do or don't want to strive to reach balance. No one will tell you how to achieve it, only you will know whether you are reaching it.
The key is how you use the information, not what it contains. I believe that is why humans haven't been granted certain information, its down to what our beliefs are and the unbalanced nature of them, its stopping all of us from progressing.
I haven't tried to contact my higher self, or had discussions with anyone then myself. Was there any need to? Did I need that information to realise?
Did the creator think the best thing to do would be to deliver the most human message possible? By experience? To see if it could work? To try and help us all realise?
I must say posting this message has been the most difficult decision in my life. That it may cause more harm then good. But I had learnt many lessons, and one was I would not let fear drag me or anyone down to a point of no return.
I'm only up to page 47 on the Law of One and will continue to post my thoughts as I go down this path.
If you had the patience to read all of this drivel, I am so grateful
