03-30-2009, 01:19 PM
Greetings to All as One,
I just wanted to take a few moments to share with everyone here a timely topic you may choose to put some attention upon.
I share this information as it was given to me by one of my teachers many years ago. I will simply put it in quotes to indicate that, and attempt my best to recall the exact words used as best I can. Because this being is still a very close guide, perhaps he will help me bridge it into my mind and thru the keyboard to refresh my memory.
“Know that every one of your years, in the time that you know as that of March unto April, there are great council meetings being held in the higher worlds. In this most wondrous time all beings are meeting in these council. Even though part of your soul is in the aspect of physical, upon this dominion of Earth, know that you are still participating in these meetings. You may or may not be consciously aware of them, but you can become so, or take great value from paying particular attention during this time period.
This is a time when all beings come together and do many things. It is a time to review what you had planned to achieve and transmute the prior year and to make plans to complete what was left undone. You also will be setting your agenda and goals from that of soul level for that of your 3rd dimensional embodiment on this world. You will be spending much time with your council of twelve guides and looking at where your awareness levels, understandings, and vibratory frequencies are at and how you are wishing to work with them in the coming year. This is also a time that you may meet new guides, helpers, or master teachers that can serve you directly in these new endeavors as you re-align your free will and free choice for your greatest good. It is also a time where you are connecting with many of those beings that you’ve known from around the universe and also souls that you have relationships with on that of the earth plane. You may be making new soul agreements to meet again in physical, resolve karma, end relationships, or even to orchestrate meetings to come into each others lives during this coming year for many purposes.
And so, my beloved, pay attention during this wondrous time! Know that you are going into these council meetings every night as your awareness leaves your body during sleep. You may or may not recall them, but that does not matter. You can pay particular attention to your thoughts, ideas, and inspirations during the day. You will find that you might have that of grandeur of a new idea, that of inspiration, or a new way that you are wanting to go forth in manifesting your life and kingdom. You may have much clarity and revelations dropping into your mind during these days. Pay attention to these, as they are what is being given to your mind as a result of these great council meetings. They are what you at soul level is wanting you to focus on and begin going forth into action to work with. When you get these ideas, inspirations, and revelations, you will get very excited and enthusiastic about them. You mind will come back to them over and over. And this is how you can know that they are these that are coming as the result of your soul and guides encouraging your embodiment on this plane to implement your plans and new agreements for the year.”
--end quoted part
So, several years I’ve forgotten about this time of year, but also sometimes I’ve gotten the birthing of new ideas and inspirations so strongly in my mind that I then recalled the great council meetings as a result. I just wanted to share this with you all and invite you to pay particular attention to yourselves, your dreams, and your thoughts, ideas, and inspirations the next 2-3 weeks…not meaning to say that you or we “shouldn’t” or aren’t doing this every day…it’s just a very special and wondrous time to really focus on it. I personally like to write down the strong ideas or projects I get during this time so I don’t forget them. Blessings of wonderful dreaming, meetings, and inspirations to you all! -- AwakenedOneness
I just wanted to take a few moments to share with everyone here a timely topic you may choose to put some attention upon.
I share this information as it was given to me by one of my teachers many years ago. I will simply put it in quotes to indicate that, and attempt my best to recall the exact words used as best I can. Because this being is still a very close guide, perhaps he will help me bridge it into my mind and thru the keyboard to refresh my memory.
“Know that every one of your years, in the time that you know as that of March unto April, there are great council meetings being held in the higher worlds. In this most wondrous time all beings are meeting in these council. Even though part of your soul is in the aspect of physical, upon this dominion of Earth, know that you are still participating in these meetings. You may or may not be consciously aware of them, but you can become so, or take great value from paying particular attention during this time period.
This is a time when all beings come together and do many things. It is a time to review what you had planned to achieve and transmute the prior year and to make plans to complete what was left undone. You also will be setting your agenda and goals from that of soul level for that of your 3rd dimensional embodiment on this world. You will be spending much time with your council of twelve guides and looking at where your awareness levels, understandings, and vibratory frequencies are at and how you are wishing to work with them in the coming year. This is also a time that you may meet new guides, helpers, or master teachers that can serve you directly in these new endeavors as you re-align your free will and free choice for your greatest good. It is also a time where you are connecting with many of those beings that you’ve known from around the universe and also souls that you have relationships with on that of the earth plane. You may be making new soul agreements to meet again in physical, resolve karma, end relationships, or even to orchestrate meetings to come into each others lives during this coming year for many purposes.
And so, my beloved, pay attention during this wondrous time! Know that you are going into these council meetings every night as your awareness leaves your body during sleep. You may or may not recall them, but that does not matter. You can pay particular attention to your thoughts, ideas, and inspirations during the day. You will find that you might have that of grandeur of a new idea, that of inspiration, or a new way that you are wanting to go forth in manifesting your life and kingdom. You may have much clarity and revelations dropping into your mind during these days. Pay attention to these, as they are what is being given to your mind as a result of these great council meetings. They are what you at soul level is wanting you to focus on and begin going forth into action to work with. When you get these ideas, inspirations, and revelations, you will get very excited and enthusiastic about them. You mind will come back to them over and over. And this is how you can know that they are these that are coming as the result of your soul and guides encouraging your embodiment on this plane to implement your plans and new agreements for the year.”
--end quoted part
So, several years I’ve forgotten about this time of year, but also sometimes I’ve gotten the birthing of new ideas and inspirations so strongly in my mind that I then recalled the great council meetings as a result. I just wanted to share this with you all and invite you to pay particular attention to yourselves, your dreams, and your thoughts, ideas, and inspirations the next 2-3 weeks…not meaning to say that you or we “shouldn’t” or aren’t doing this every day…it’s just a very special and wondrous time to really focus on it. I personally like to write down the strong ideas or projects I get during this time so I don’t forget them. Blessings of wonderful dreaming, meetings, and inspirations to you all! -- AwakenedOneness