01-17-2016, 04:17 AM
What Light is not from Creator to Creator? What does it mean for service to be given?
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01-17-2016, 04:17 AM
What Light is not from Creator to Creator? What does it mean for service to be given?
01-17-2016, 09:07 AM
Is getting murdered a dark thing? What if the person killed had a terminal disease and the murder was the quick way out?
01-17-2016, 12:20 PM
Murder and euthanasia/mercy-killing are different. This gray area deserves its own thread to look into it only because it won't be a simple discussion.
I don't know how you mean Aion. I used to think 'beyond' or 'outside' of our creation there was more of an alien or different variation of an entity like OIC. Its probably more proper to see anything as OIC no matter how obtuse or different it seems. Service is providing Two Things on 3D as per my experiences. Love/Kindness/Consideration or Catalyst. I try to do both simultaneously. I personally am okay with 'opting out into the pit of indifference'. I have eternity. I wouldn't mind another 75000 years of loving those who need it and providing catalyst to those who need it. I'm learning about a game of illusions, of solid light mirages dancing, fighting, playing, crying. I view Time/space and the afterlife as further illusions, albeit more real ones and less illusive. Just as the soulbody is a vehicle like my current body. Just as the space and time is only a distortion of actuality. Nature perhaps does not exist beyond the distorted illusion of an aspect of the creator given manifestation to be. Any noun you use, can be made into OIC or Creator as well.in.your mental understanding of the illusion/reality of the oneness underlying these things. On.one end the illusion is this tree is a tree. The reality is it is a tree, but its truly the OIC. At the end of the Creators Whole Creative/Creation/Imaginations Cycle where the ONE becomes Just One once more (or Alone) was anything not known that was experienced? Is mystery being known still unknown or just mysterious? Does any of this make sense?
01-17-2016, 12:39 PM
Imo the mystery is that there is not nothing. So does the Creator in any level of existence know why It is? Or does It simply observe endlessly that It does?
I think beyond Light or Love lies nothing, But a nothing that holds infinite potential/intelligence of Light and Love... and other things.
01-17-2016, 12:44 PM
(01-17-2016, 12:20 PM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: Any noun you use, can be made into OIC or Creator as well.in.your mental understanding of the illusion/reality of the oneness underlying these things. On.one end the illusion is this tree is a tree. The reality is it is a tree, but its truly the OIC. I agree that everything is incarnated by the OIC to act as a mirror to reflect/perceive it's own infinite reflection. But can you make each thing into the OIC or would it be more accurate to say a facet of Infinite Intelligence of the OIC? Is the OIC yourself or does it contain the thought of being yourself among your other-selves?
01-17-2016, 12:53 PM
(01-17-2016, 02:29 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: Jade. I thought about what you said. I think your post may very well apply both ways. The beings of light may find themselves in that same room as they try to superficially call darkness what it does not want, and goes against with prejudice of faith rather than goes along with intent of good outcomes. I'm not sure what makes you think that I haven't already made my peace with darkness. The thing that you seem to have trouble grasping is that Service to Others IS Service to All/One.You seem to be the one who is stuck on the good/evil dichotomy and are projecting it upon everyone else when we talk about polarity. There is unity in polarity, it is the STO path. The STO path involves STS. However, it is not about focusing on darkness, or apathy. My point was that change in consciousness is the work where one chooses to see the positive interpretation of events instead of the negative. It's transmutation of the 'negative' into the 'positive', in an effort to affect change that will better the experience for All. There is a point to making the choice, by the way. Because of the veil, we have to make the choice in faith - we don't know for sure. This creates a drive. This drive is called the will. One must invoke the will in the direction it desires - whether it is to serve the all, or to serve the self with exclusion of others, and this creates a charge of energy. The difference in the spectrum of service to all --------- service to self is polarity; it, along with the balance of energy centers, affects the violet ray output. It creates a difference in potential that allows one to do work (affect change by experience in the physical environment). I don't want to overwhelm this post with quotes, but 19.17-19.20, and 20.9-20.11 describe this, and why polarity is necessary while incarnated in our density. This is in regards to the Experience of the Mind: Quote:94.20 Questioner: The magical shape is on the right edge of the card indicating to me that the spiritual significance is on the right edge of the card, indicating to me that the spiritual experience would be the right-hand path. Could Ra comment on that? Of course there is a lot of apparent negativity, that's obvious. One can chain themselves to the demon or they can slowly allow more and more light to enter into their field of vision to see things more illuminated and clearly. And as far as I'm concerned, you never have to shut up. You can ramble to your hearts content. I just might ramble back sometimes.
I also think asking whether we make choices or experience choices from the cause and effect of our experiences is a valid question as we are all things.
Then there'd truly be no right of wrong beyond self regrets that are to be resolved and understood as love.
01-17-2016, 04:25 PM
(01-17-2016, 12:53 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: I'm not sure what makes you think that I haven't already made my peace with darkness. The thing that you seem to have trouble grasping is that Service to Others IS Service to All/One.You seem to be the one who is stuck on the good/evil dichotomy and are projecting it upon everyone else when we talk about polarity. There is unity in polarity, it is the STO path. The STO path involves STS. However, it is not about focusing on darkness, or apathy. It is my opinion, as per the first bolded and underlined, that you have just described yourself as you see in me, for I feel exactly as you do, and am trying to explain this to you all that I don't even SEE darkness anymore. I perceive a 'dark'ness that desires to be viewed as darkness literally, in my Service to One aspect, I fulfill this and continue to do so. Y'all technically empower them by constantly referencing them as separate of yourself, which is honestly a 4D version of STO, which in this time and place while being proper, isn't the ONLY way. I have noted you, specifically Jade, have referenced negativity and darkness in prejudices and spiritually dogmatic sounding ways in previous posts across some threads when the STS path comes up or is brought up, I can't say this reflects anything actually about you, but it does tell me you have imbalances like the rest of us. It just bothers me that we can call my views imbalanced, and not yours. As they very much are and in so just telling me I'm the only one who's off here, is very much Separating me. I don't view any of you as wrong, I am just reaching out to your understandings and trying to tell you there are still things there, as in with me, that need to be looked at and balanced. The following underlined passage 'unity in polarity' honestly doesn't resonate properly with me, it has zing and ring to it, but Unity underlies Polarity, though it can be found in Polarity, I see that trying to view Unity through Polarity is like describing the game of Chess. You got two sides, they're no different from one another except in minimal or minute ways, and they disagree with each other but are the same and instead of reconciling, battle it out. It makes no sense, you enter into the realm of insanity and madness for a Human Brain for many people or maybe just Wanderers who see no point in a battle. Let the Kings meet and combine. Moving to a more selfish perspective, it is highly desired of STO entities to contemplate sense in madness and insanity. There is few better ways to stop a seeker in mental processes than to try and make them make sense of insanity. There is no sense to it, it is madness. To say Polarity holds Unity and not vice versa, sounds mad to me and seems like a nice mind-trap. If you were to say there was Polarity in Unity, that'd make all the difference. It's not incorrect to say unity in polarity, but it requires, at least for me, the need to read it backwards to fully put together the actuality of that phrase. There is unity in polarity and polarity in unity. You could say there is no actual Unity or Polarity, or you could say there is only Unity and Polarity. Or...anywhere in between, at what point is it more 'pure'? You need to remember Jade that the Ra Material has portions of it, possibly singular words in entire paragraphs, that are well placed differentiation's of what was intended to be said thanks to the not always so pure seeking of the contactee's questions. I mention that "Impairment" in regards to Homosexuality sounds like one of those Singular words differentiated to damage the Material's overall message. Of which, and I would say I mean no offense but the mad roller coaster ride I've gone through makes me not, this community did much greater amounts of damage to the Ra Material than anything else did for me. It wasn't until I came to this place, and had my otherwise purely Ra Material only based mind distorted further with the endless madness of Polarity nonsense. Let me restate that in a single concise and clear sentence. I understood the Law of One and the Ra Material much more purely and concisely than I did before coming here and having Polarity become the Main Focus vs Oneness, this Community has distorted it's own Views and now you're all literally telling me I am wrong in my views. If you can't see that. If you don't understand that, then I'll explain it personally. Polarity does not resonate with me. As per the request of the same entities who gave you so much convoluted opinions of that Polarity, I must now drop it and deem it not for me. Polarity is an illusion. STO is not Service to All because it determines itself different from STS entities. It is a hidden quiet hypocritical energy that permeates and I'm not allowing you, if you'll forgive that, to push it into me. I have admitted to my hypocrisy, I have SHOWCASED it even. I find that it is not that negativity is easier to focus on, I find it is designed to attract the attention of those unaware to draw forth awareness. It is a service to all as well. I expect no one will help me on these areas because it is not in any of your best separated interests to do so on either end, being of STS or STO, to hear anyone say your orientation is illusive would be highly insulting. I see STO people say: "We are Service to All", but then they differentiate and even work against STS, so I hear appended and unknowingly to yourselves, "except STS because we are STO". I just entered Sparta I think, cause this is some serious Madness. If you aren't here yet it's okay. I'm not trying to yank anyone, I'm prodding. Prodding and nudging and poking because I am alone and have been, I have no one to talk on the same level with about the Ra Material because the moment I came here the Ra Material was turned into POLARITY rather than what it actually is. As for the very last bolded passage, I will point out the inherent hypocrisy here. If you are Service to All, when a STS entity comes in and starts harassing you for you're working against it, should you not respect those wishes, offer the love for its harassment has given you awareness, and perform them if not just temporarily? What would that 5D entity have done if the group actually STOPPED the workings for a time, allowed Carla to recover, and started them up again? To simply provide love and adherence to the negative in such a way as to fulfill their desire in a way that allows you to still fulfill your own would be more than enough to halt it's constant advances since you wouldn't be energetically or metaphysically warring with them for your own desires vs their own. In a couple of weeks or months, continue the contact again. And keep it going for years. Vs, martyring yourselves in the name of STO. Sounds imbalanced, and this place shares that imbalance. I'm just pointing it out and everyone gets defensive, uses the mirror reference in defense. That my friend, truly is not reflection, but deflection. If you believe everything I say is me mirroring my own darkness outwards, what does it say about you all who think that about me whereas I don't about you all until you start saying I am? Sigh. I wish telepathy was heeerreee xD Now then for my second to last remark: (01-17-2016, 12:53 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: My point was that change in consciousness is the work where one chooses to see the positive interpretation of events instead of the negative. It's transmutation of the 'negative' into the 'positive', in an effort to affect change that will better the experience for All. The underlined I want to personally point out, is the exact same understanding I arrived at as to how to perform alchemy energetically. May I however point out that is does not provide a better experience for All, only Positive entities who desire such to occur, you have absolutely completely nullified the existence of STS entities. This is dogmatic spiritually, those entities exist in their own orientation, yet you say you serve them, when you actually work against their desires. That is literally akin to the same energy religion and authority use to belittle a specific group, I say this again. Read your own words. I got from them, Positive Alchemy of negative energy is for the better experience of All. You ignored the negative beings though. You're now literally using them for their power, rather than loving them for how they are and considering them. You are STS in this action 'hiddenly'. If you could perform that alchemy without disregarding the energy beautifully offered by the negative beings to be alchemized, you'd probably see that you're still just STO, not All as you perpetuate but then do not demonstrate, but then defend by perpetuating that STO is STA when it is not. You're otherwise correct regards the bold, though I think it's interesting to note that you once more try to use STA in reference as STO, when again, this is not the case, but still the quote is correct. You're using STA as STO is not, that is a perfect example of a singular differentiation that damages the information provided in this Material. Thank you for demonstrating it so easily as being something small and otherwise insignificant, but changes the entirety of the context attached all around it. Imagine the damage a 5D entity could do with these small differentiation's hidden away in the Material so finely even Ra did not catch them despite 'saying' them. It allows for this exact perspective to occur, demonizing negativity quietly which of itself empowers negativity. And speaking of Demonizing, my final remarks: You speak of chaining one's self to demons or allowing light to enter...Why is that demon, not light??? What if I choose both, what I don't choose STO or STS, but both? I am not differentiating STA from STO or STS beyond when you start differentiating them yourselves, I'll do so to in hopes you see how my own logic then falls apart when I come to this point deeming STA is not different of STO but STO isn't STA. Demons I understood before I even found the Law of One, are not all evil, there are loving demons, there are hateful demons. They are no different from us, to chain yourself to one is no different than chaining yourself to another human being. If you can't handle a demon, you will not be able to handle a human. I see horror in myself in that I have that in me because it is around me in this place (on Earth if you'll zoom in with me from the Universal perspective). Or maybe it's better to say, I see Suffering in myself in that I have that in me because it is around me in this place. Is that suffering bad? Hell no, I thank my suffrage, without it, I'd be nothing like I am to this day. Can I hate the suffering and pain that is designed into this creation by myself/god/OIC/Universe? CHYES I CAAN Can I love that hate and suffering designed in for the purpose it was created for? CHYEAAAHHH ![]() I can be both. I've the divine mis/fortune of this Truth about myself. I'm not good or evil. I'm nothing and everything. And if I could, I'd love everything equally, in this place, that while possible, just simply isn't wise. Hence, I don't. So when I speak of anything, please realize I have already tried to apply it opposite against with myself to try and speak from a place of middle ground upon anything. I falter and fail, I am a self pro-claimed hypocrite and a self pro-claimed monster and an honest person and I love way too much so much so that I suffer a lot often. It took that suffering to be happy and content, albeit sad and discontent, to see both ends, to know, by experience. To get a clue. Maybe this is just my path, maybe I'm walking a third road, there's a few here in the past who's negativity shone into the forums illuminating it's own hypocrisies only to be met with distaste for the forum asserts itself a certain way then fails to adhere as such. I was one of them. You are STO people? Show me. Accept and Love me, respect my opinions and offer your own self-judgment upon me, and not judge my worth. I don't know anyone of you, but I'd put myself before danger to ensure no harm came to any of you, and all of you, even the people I disliked or did not like, I'll even drop names if I must. I love you all, I love everything. I truly do, even if it is shared with those 'negative' emotions like hatred and shame. I want everything to go great for everyone. I want to give those entities who greet what they desire, and in time return to my desires for giving them what they desire is in itself my desire too, I'm not going against myself by stopping my seeking when the greetings get rough to take a break and recuperate mentally/emotionally and physically. And in my giving them what they want, slowing my progress or halting it, I'm still fulfilling myself. I see no horror for realsies, just illusions. I see no hatred for realsies, just illusions. I sit on my bed and realize I am one with it and I can feel the hum of energy between us, 3D 'inanimate' and 'animate' as One. I think... I'm either going to turn schizophrenic from all of this, or begin a second initiation phase lesser in intensity but similar to my initial awakening that'll be my true calling... I don't know but I am truly happy when I describe these things... I am, at my happiest actually talking to you all about these things even as we clash energies. If I could devote my life to the study of Metaphysics (Spirituality, Energy, Geometry, Physics, Vibration, and Frequency) I would. That I put myself in a place where that isn't immediately accessible tells me I must reach and pull/push myself into that placement in a way that is acceptable, balanced, and healthy. It's considered a Hard world for a reason, if I were to reference Earth as a Video Game Level, it's difficulty would be closer to Very Hard. The beauty in it though is that this difficulty doesn't feel like a literal video game's designed level where you're expected to fail over and over then succeed once. It's closer to you're expected to stumble, but failing is very hard just as well. It's a planet with a dark side to it that needs to realize collectively it's not darkness, in order to begin it's healing. This is already well underway, I doubt in those who say it'll all happen this year, but I do believe this year will mark the end/start of 3D ending/entering into 4D and be the beginning/end of 4D starting from 3D. In the literal sense of we'll begin the transference of technology to incite these occurrences as one possible way, or the collective of humanity will begin to connect the dots and fully awaken from it's half-awakened state. I don't know how it all goes but the time for choosing STO and STS is in my opinion ending, now it's time to start enacting them. This is my way of ennactment, some call it being in the pit of indifference. I do not feel this 'pit', I feel similar to when I was doing work in consciousness. I feel like I'm polarizing in one way or another if not both. I hope this is helpful, I'm sorry for being so obtuse and rude about it but sometimes bluntness is needed. You can say I'm free to ramble, but don't be afraid to tell me to tone it down if I'm coming off completely out of line!!
01-17-2016, 06:18 PM
(01-17-2016, 04:25 PM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: What if I choose both, what I don't choose STO or STS, but both? Then you will not have made a choice in regard to which kind of polarized higher densities you want to further experience yourself as Creator in. Then in a different time/space you will make that choice because by your own free will you've put yourself in the polarity game (duality of love game) to explore yourself.
01-17-2016, 09:28 PM
Yes Min, I then opted out midgame for my own polarity, Service to One/All from a STO placement.
I disagree with you, I very clearly desire positive/nonsuffrage densities and expect my path of loving all to bring me in that direction. If it doesn't. How's that work? If I'm here Its for the aid of the planetary vibration, anything else is additional...While I'm here I may as well enjoy my confusion and you know man. After this life is done and I've returned, If I needs come back despite enjoying, loving, being myself, accepting and forgiving. Because of Karma then maybe I need to find a different logos to interact with as my personal being obviously isn't good enough. I don't think I'm not good enough, I have suffered hell for this place and experienced heaven without taking it for granted. Higher Dimensions I hope are more concise and sensible than this place of rampant confusion ![]()
01-17-2016, 09:42 PM
From what you said you consider valid to cultivate the "monster" within you, as such you could equally not polarize positively. STO is still based upon what self wants.
The Logos won't matter, you'd explore different archetypes of the mind to still work on your polarity as this is the context of experience within this Octave. Perhaps you come from a different Logos, if not then your very existence is fully an extension of the Logos. There is no being good enough or not either, there's being resonant with or not. You'll go in positive densities if your being is resonant with those times/spaces and if not you'll go where you are resonant with.
01-17-2016, 10:21 PM
I'm not arguing that darkness is destined to be transmuted into light, that is for sure absolutely.
However, I speak of here and now in 3D. How do I go about when I do not resonate with Polarity itself? How does this work for me?
01-17-2016, 10:52 PM
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."
01-17-2016, 10:55 PM
I wonder how that carries over metaphysically for me.
I suppose the important thing is I love and care, not so much how. ![]()
01-17-2016, 10:56 PM
Are you not all things?
(01-17-2016, 10:21 PM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: I'm not arguing that darkness is destined to be transmuted into light, that is for sure absolutely. Quote:Ra: I am Ra. The proper role of the entity is in this density to experience all things desired, to then analyze, understand, and accept these experiences, distilling from them the love/light within them. Nothing shall be overcome. That which is not needed falls away. So pretty much like Aion said. Or my version which is: deal with being in the present moment and how you feel about it, can't avoid that however much you try. (01-17-2016, 10:21 PM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: I'm not arguing that darkness is destined to be transmuted into light, that is for sure absolutely. ive said it before but i'll say it again, the qualification for positive harvest in 3D is 51% STO and 49% STS and this is meant to be as difficult to acheive as 95% STS . The conditions for positive harvest and positive polarity in 3D is therefore closer to a 1:1 mix of the two paths and better reflects the concept of service to all. the higher densities may have the ability to bring STO orientation to near totality but its not something that is useful necessarily or even applicable in 3D earth experience. exploring the negative traits stereotypically assigned to STS and utilising them in a balanced STO orientation is often alluded to by Ra and quo and is a large part of the balancing exercises involving seeing and exploring the opposite configuration of mental and bodily states.
01-18-2016, 12:19 AM
I guess I just don't care much about Harvest if Polarity doesn't resonate with me. It always sounded like a Heaven Clause, something to strive for and judge myself with.
This probably isn't the intent of the Ra Material but a Human misunderstanding on my part. I also must point out that we have no concept of how this percentile is affected or what even constitutes STO or STS since all things are all things. My honest opinion is Ra is speaking about our Soul Identity rather than our Human one, once the Soul attains such makes more sense to me... And the Soul can only do so while in 3D so, it's not fair to pin the entire need to attain Harvest on one Incarnation. We have the fortune of knowing supposedly that our current lives will be the last ones on Earth before we go through the process associated with being Harvested. It's arguable we're all basically on that cusp in my mind. I mean, where does Ra say this percentile affects one Incarnation and not the Entity Incarnating itself?
no ones pinning the entire process on one incarnation. its the culmination of the whole 3d process. seniority of vibration also gaurentees those entities incarnating in that home stretch are on the cusp of graduation anyways. they just need that last push. there are ways of objectively assessing the polarity of an action. there are thoughts and behaviours which are associated with a polarity regardless of the intention. this is evidenced by the people of maldek according to the Ra material who were engaging in negative behaviour even tho they believed it was STO
Quote:The peoples of Maldek had a civilization somewhat similar to that of the societal complex known to you as Atlantis in that it gained much technological information and used it without care for the preservation of their sphere following to a majority extent the complex of thought, ideas, and actions which you may associate with your so-called negative polarity or the service to self. This was, however, for the most part, couched in a sincere belief/thought structure which seemed to the perception of the mind/body complexes of this sphere to be positive and of service to others (01-18-2016, 12:19 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: I guess I just don't care much about Harvest if Polarity doesn't resonate with me. It always sounded like a Heaven Clause, something to strive for and judge myself with. I don't quite see why you perceive it as a Heaven clause from the Ra material, seems to me it is presented as a particular design of experience to explore a given duality/paradox of one thought. (01-18-2016, 12:19 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: My honest opinion is Ra is speaking about our Soul Identity rather than our Human one, once the Soul attains such makes more sense to me... And the Soul can only do so while in 3D so, it's not fair to pin the entire need to attain Harvest on one Incarnation. We have the fortune of knowing supposedly that our current lives will be the last ones on Earth before we go through the process associated with being Harvested. A soul can repolarize/polarize further while out of 3D, imo 3D has more of a way that through incarnation one can work distortions that one had a clinging of identity toward. (01-18-2016, 12:19 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: It's arguable we're all basically on that cusp in my mind. The entity incarnating itself limits it's focus to the incarnation, so yeah it affects the entity incarnating itself. One's incarnation is a complex made from a soul, a mind and a body. The body is not concerned by polarity in it's stage of awareness but will experience the cause and effect of it, the mind is the aspect where much will be lost at death unless much is resolved and harmonized with the soul identity and the soul is the main aspect of the complex. Remove the soul and you have an "unmoving" body that does not feed itself and a mind that processes not thought. Ra gave an example of two 5D wanderers that had incarnated on their planet to help with the positive harvest and who polarized negatively (not part of initial intent) to only revert it back in fourth-negative with great efforts and then had to do work in fourth-positive to reach back fifth-positive.
01-19-2016, 11:54 AM
Quote:I have noted you, specifically Jade, have referenced negativity and darkness in prejudices and spiritually dogmatic sounding ways in previous posts across some threads when the STS path comes up or is brought up, I can't say this reflects anything actually about you, but it does tell me you have imbalances like the rest of us. It just bothers me that we can call my views imbalanced, and not yours. As they very much are and in so just telling me I'm the only one who's off here, is very much Separating me. I don't view any of you as wrong, I am just reaching out to your understandings and trying to tell you there are still things there, as in with me, that need to be looked at and balanced. I hope that's not the energy I give off. I am entirely open to anyone pointing out any imbalances I have, that's why I engage and post on these forums. I've stated the opinion often that we are all imbalanced, which is why I attempt to talk about it in a nonchalant way to attempt to not give the imbalances any more charge, but awareness. So, I genuinely thank you and appreciate you pointing out what you perceive as an imbalance in my ways of thinking. I will explore it. And as far as our respective understandings of polarity go, I'm sorry that we disagree. Honestly, most of my interpretation and understanding comes from how I've interpreted and understood the Ra material, since it was a concept I was not consciously aware of before. So if you have a problem with that, I get it. However, I believe in the teaching of the archetypes, which focuses on using polarity as magical intent that can increase its power with practice and use. When I speak about STO vs. STS, I am speaking of using the archetypes and juxtaposing polarity to better understand the dichotomy. I realize that's not everyone's intentions here in 3D, but I find it fascinating, and I think it's important to be aware of the charge of energy that something carries. Yes, I accept and love all beings and polarities, I've just personally decided to focus on one form of energy exchange over the other, because there are a lot of things that Ra teaches that support that effort. So, that's why I speak of polarity in a "dogmatic" fashion - I believe dedication is a big key, so the intent to "make the choice" to engage in energy that would be service to others is a constant effort that I believe in. Again, I believe it is you who is projecting a good/evil dichotomy (heaven/hell) onto polarity and I think you would benefit from exploring that. For instance, I think plenty of STS entities are living in a heaven, really, and plenty who want to be STO live in a hell. I don't see good/evil, I just try to focus on purity of intention towards one goal of service. This doesn't mean I'm trying to undermine STS actions in others - I don't see it as a war. I'm well aware that it is my decisions from within that decide my outer reality, so I've made a dedication. When I post, I just attempt to share what I feel I know/understand. You admit, Joseph, that you don't understand polarity very well. I think your first step would be to strip your ideas of good/evil from polarity because they are completely separate energies. I think maybe that's why it's hard for you to grasp STO as service to all - because you see STO as the "good/heavenly" path.
01-19-2016, 01:56 PM
I think STO could only be considered STA if everything is considered as such.
STO entities would provide assistance in negative polarization of planets which shows the extent of their service is also limited by self and a chosen focus. Their service extends to what is resonant with it. In the above example I gave of positive wanderers polarizing negatively on Ra's home planet shows that under a lessesing of identity the entities provided a service which was contrary to their initial intent of service. Full STA would be to provide selflessly what is required by others whereas STO entities provide what is resonant with their own distortions.
01-19-2016, 04:32 PM
By the virtue of free will shouldn't evil be acceptable and allowed to exist? Isn't it pseudo-acceptance if you in some way neutralize a concept before you can allow yourself to accept it? Why discount any interpretation if every interpretation is ultimately stemming from a part of the Creator?
Is it not an avoidance of negative feelings or even of positive feelings if one attempts to neutralize every feeling by taking away from it its personal identity through endless dilution of concept? I say, there is nasty, aweful, unpleasant, painful experiences and suffering, and there is bliss, happiness, creativity and expressive experiences, as well as everything in between. Do we have to negate the negative to appreciate and understand the positive, or vice versa? I, personally, accept the full spectrum without trying to change the spectrum. Nasty, unpleasant, though largely subjective, does exist. Just as there is also bliss. There is evil in the world, and I do not say this to point at a boogeyman or to suggest fear of it. There is also good in the world. Men and women choose with their hearts but it is often very dofficult because the planetary mind has had so much dissonance woven in to it. The fact is that entities have the right to choose AND the right to have access to every choice. So, maybe at some point we will unanimously decide to release attachment to one side or the other, but as it appears to me now there is much preliminary work to be done. Each is still choosing for themselves, and not all will choose love and compassion, some will choose deception and torture as their tools. I say this with the utmost love to all, a warning that there are predators of a spiritual kind lurking the world. The greatest strength is always in community and the power of the strength of many united, even if it is only two people. Remember, you are not alone for there is no separation in reality.
In my understanding even the most noble and righteous entity that is known will be the maker of all that is unlike itself so that it can experience the contrast of it.
You can think your ways are better than another, but another is but a mirror unto yourself, unto what you are also doing. To not see everything as your own reflection is to see through separation. So just as one focuses on light it can see it also is focusing on darkness through different individualized portions of itself for the sake of having both be mirrors unto another. There is none that is mightier, there is the will of One. I think this is one of the paradoxes of the STO path, that one can strive to find the will to love those of dark path when an unwillingness/disgust toward the idea of doing what they do through self, shows that it is nowhere accepted as part of self. Ah the mirror game of manyness, endless fun.
I also think that through the 7D process of acquiring spiritual mass, we never truly leave this Octave but instead infinitely distort our experience further and further from how it has already been. (As seen/understood from within time).
In this idea, every of those that have been of the light might just come to tweak their experience further and further from it's original "purity". Endless cycles within endless cycles. With interactions from every direction within time.
01-20-2016, 04:00 AM
I disagree, I think that it is possible to go beyond time and space and that there is meaningful experience to be had in that regard. I don't think we continue to distort ourselves in to new experiences as an endless twisting upon twisting. That is why we die, because each new experience is born on an innocent base and then experience is built upon it, then it crumbles again to innocence.
Entities do sway back and forth between the polarities. Experience is not pure or impure, it is a reservoir of ideas and memory. What is pure or impure is seeking in the sense of focusing of the attention upon the subject of seeking. One who seeks with pure focus will always find what they are looking for, as the focus is the will manifest. Some ways ARE better for some rather than others. People are not all the same and I think trying to fit everyone in to the 'everything is everything' box is, exactly that, a limitation upon the mirroring you are doing with their identities. Knowing for yourself that a way is more appropriate for yourself is not erroneous. It is only the possibility of infringing when that is extended to others and it becomes expected that others will be of the same method.
Well one can only work with what it is, work with it's identity, how it feels.
What do you make of this quote: Quote:Ra: I am Ra. To simplify this concept is our intent. The higher self is a manifestation given to the late sixth-density mind/body/spirit complex as a gift from its future selfness. The mid-seventh density’s last action before turning towards the allness of the Creator and gaining spiritual mass is to give this resource to the sixth-density self, moving as you measure time in the stream of time. To me this seems like an ever flowing cycle upstream. Also in reference that the future self distorts it's past by interacting with it. Quote:Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. The higher self is the entity of mid-sixth density which, turning back, offers this service to its self. Quote:Ra: I am Ra. You are existing at all levels simultaneously. It is specifically correct that your higher self is you in mid-sixth density and, in your way of measuring what you know of as time, your higher self is your self in your future. Quote:Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The Higher Self does not manipulate its past selves. It protects when possible and guides when asked, but the force of free will is paramount. The seeming contradictions of determinism and free will melt when it is accepted that there is such a thing as true simultaneity. The Higher Self is the end result of all the development experienced by the mind/body/spirit complex to that point. Rather than saying we never move out of this Octave, I'd say there is a constant flow where new experiences are created to add to the totality and are simultaenously added to what moves beyond this Creation. As such in the beginning of your path you were at the end, and upon reaching the end you become a new end to potential new past experiences to be interacted with in a new manner.
01-20-2016, 01:07 PM
Quote:Questioner: Are you saying then there are an infinite number of octaves of densities one through eight?
01-20-2016, 02:29 PM
Sigh. I see no good or evil. Just a single multifaceted Infinity.
I understand polarity good enough to know it isn't for me and I understood the Ra Material good enough before I came to this community and muddied it up with a million versions of polarity. I think in time you'll all come to see just what has happened here... Its like talking to people bound willingly into their own versions of slavery, I've left my hell. I've seen my Light. Very few here... Have shown an understanding for the Law of One's Polarity, in the literal Law of One sense. Many have it distorted thinking 3D polarity is the Law of One Polarity. I'm a Wanderer, I don't need to polarize to do my work in this fashion, I desire to bring forth a higher order that Polarity does not get along with. I'd consider it setting energetic roots into the collective. I am very not alone in this and I think some would argue this group dampers longterm progress for quick shortterm success in.the name of a cosmic religion taught by polarized beings. Simply put, the whole of this Orion/Confederation issue is a farce that aids any paradigm of separation for polarization. I don't know what to quite think of Ra's personality or characteristics, but their Material is not pure love/light as it first appeared. My eyes have adjusted, there is more to this Material...Than what you'd think. It is as much an aid to Orion as it is the Confederation. It is divine misinformation mixed with Truth. Perpetuating quietly and invisibly separation in the name of unity. There isn't even Light, do you realize this? Illusions go deep. There is only one thing, and the entire point of this place for some, not all, is to see that, rather than to choose polarity. The Creator is in/sane. Just as polarity is both de/polarizing. There is a singular infinite balance some seek that you could call Pureness. I'm one of those, and while my.methods are destructive and constructive, I have never made or destroyed anything. I can't describe it. I leave a lovingly made warning about Polarity and the Ra Material. If you aren't careful, they won't free you. They'll only make you that much more comfortable in your illusion of freedom. Not everyone is here to break free of illusions...But it is my honor/duty to throw out a lifeboat for those who are who wander here and become entrapped into madness. People have killed themselves in vain over this Material. It is not proper to deem it 'pure'. It is very much a disservice to many. I'm just trying to make it so for those who this Material is not for, in their confusion, they will see that they are not trapped and bound by the Universe posited in this Material, that they are not stuck to this now that they've found it. I would've considered myself a LOO Zealot when I first arrived. Now. Now I ask you to hold an openmind and consider that all of my words are not truly just for you, but all who should ever glance them. That the Law of One is not purely given here, in any form except an arrow pointing. This is a stop in the road and many have chosen to settle rather than continue. It is clever binding. You'd never know it either. The most spectacular tricks of illusion, is how anything can be anything. 'Dark'ness does not reveal its move as it strikes. To describe it would require the finesse of a poet. I am not so skillfully useful to try and teach/learn that this Material enslaves some as it frees others. If you feel deeply disturbed. That is cognitive dissonance and my duty is honored and fulfilled. Its up to you now to decide if your personal understanding of this material has actually helped free you, or if it just made you feel free while restricting you. I was the ladder. I exist and this post is my Truth to you all. Im a bit unorthodox as you know. But I'm pure in my intent. I want to help, I see something that is hurting others, I am here to help. The Ra Material is not 'evil' but it is not 'good' either. It very much fulfills its role of being all things on both sides. Ra was kind enough to say many will distort their teachings in the beginning. Its my opinion their teachings were already distorted enough. They didn't lie but they weren't telling the whole truth, and I have nothing but my inner resonance and intuition to go off of when I say this. And I am not mad or upset, I am concerned. I think it only proper I be transparent and honest of these things with you all. |