Why I Meditate
Consciousness is this huge responsibility we bear continuously. As conscious beings we must each moment-by-moment redefine our being-ness to ourselves & others (in order to interact with self, others & the world around us). This is why we create (and/or are given) self-narratives along the way to aid us in this continuous labor of self-invention required by consciousness. By taking on our name, family, friends, occupation, skills, interests, likes & dislikes, etc. we allow ourselves some release from the heavy burden of having to start all over again from scratch. The insight here is to realize that all this self-story we tell ourselves in this journey of being & becoming moment-by-moment in self-consciousness is not who we really are as beings at all; but rather simply a help, a tool, or convenience we utilize to simplify & speed the self-projection of our consciousness into the external world we inhabit, which when "told" successfully will further our service to others in love & light.
The irony of it all is that by allowing ourselves this freedom of self-narrative, we also create a potential self-bondage which can (& sadly most often does) weigh heavy upon our shoulders. Based upon our self-narrative we thus set into place these expectations that we must live up to. Failure to do so opens the portal to feelings of guilt, shame, low self-esteem, etc.; & a plethora of illnesses & world malady. This believing the self to be one & the same with the self-narrative is the root cause of many/most (if not all) wars & social disorders. By allowing our self-narrative to supplant the self in our consciousness, we do ourselves great injury & take on self-created responsibility far greater than if we would simply allow ourselves the freedom-of-responsibility-to-be-who-we-are moment-by-moment in the Power-of-the-Now. Essentially our whole society is based upon this false-self-narrative self-consciousness. It is the basis for creating false needs used by marketers to sell us everything we don't need to be happy (in the lie we need it to be happy). This ploy only works if we believe we are our narrative. Once we cut that cord of bondage to the greed-monger-marketers (to which they themselves are in bondage … after all, in this, we are all one & the same) we take our power back to be self-conscious beings apart from the narratives. It is a “letting go” & “letting be” process.
Meditation is one way to gain this higher ground in our self-being-ness. In meditation (& other states of heightened altered states of consciousness), we let go of the false belief not only of the self-narrative, but also that we are our bodies, our minds, or even our feelings … this is sooooo deep & profound, yet soooo basic to self-hood & self-consciousness, that it is feared by those who want to keep bondage to the system of deception going, as it has done for millenia. Meditation is the Kindergarten of humanity, yet most of us never learn to be potty trained in terms of being conscious humans. Just look at what we are doing to our world. We are making a total mess of it, like a dirty diaper on a baby & there seems to be no stopping it any time soon. It is time for us grow up. Let's at least enroll in the Kindergarten of Meditation as our first step. We have the power to create a New Earth free of guilt & shame, free of war & violence, free of poverty & hunger. All we need do is to be in the power of the Now, not some silly false-narrative we have created to hide from ourselves. Won't you commit with me to meditate daily, to send love & light to all beings starting with yourself? It is one small step, but it is the biggest step humanity can ever take on our journey of self-consciousness. ...
An observation/question i have at this point: "Is/can the LOO Ra material just/become another self-narrative (shared jointly by many others) that we create/tell ourselves that prevents/interferes with our being our authentic selves in the NOW?" Put another way: "Can our following too closely the LOO/Ra Material be/become a self-narrative we create that interferes with our living as authenticate self-aware beings of L&L moment-by-moment in StO?" I am reflecting upon this presently. What do you think? Apart from this question, my main hope here is that from this thread, we would be encouraged/motivated to enhance/deepen our meditation.
The Power of Being-ness in the Now
(The basis for the New Earth to manifest among us)
[as envisioned by Eckhart Tolle]
[as envisioned by Eckhart Tolle]
Tuesday, March 17, 2015 [sup]©[/sup]
by lovecast
Consciousness is this huge responsibility we bear continuously. As conscious beings we must each moment-by-moment redefine our being-ness to ourselves & others (in order to interact with self, others & the world around us). This is why we create (and/or are given) self-narratives along the way to aid us in this continuous labor of self-invention required by consciousness. By taking on our name, family, friends, occupation, skills, interests, likes & dislikes, etc. we allow ourselves some release from the heavy burden of having to start all over again from scratch. The insight here is to realize that all this self-story we tell ourselves in this journey of being & becoming moment-by-moment in self-consciousness is not who we really are as beings at all; but rather simply a help, a tool, or convenience we utilize to simplify & speed the self-projection of our consciousness into the external world we inhabit, which when "told" successfully will further our service to others in love & light.
The irony of it all is that by allowing ourselves this freedom of self-narrative, we also create a potential self-bondage which can (& sadly most often does) weigh heavy upon our shoulders. Based upon our self-narrative we thus set into place these expectations that we must live up to. Failure to do so opens the portal to feelings of guilt, shame, low self-esteem, etc.; & a plethora of illnesses & world malady. This believing the self to be one & the same with the self-narrative is the root cause of many/most (if not all) wars & social disorders. By allowing our self-narrative to supplant the self in our consciousness, we do ourselves great injury & take on self-created responsibility far greater than if we would simply allow ourselves the freedom-of-responsibility-to-be-who-we-are moment-by-moment in the Power-of-the-Now. Essentially our whole society is based upon this false-self-narrative self-consciousness. It is the basis for creating false needs used by marketers to sell us everything we don't need to be happy (in the lie we need it to be happy). This ploy only works if we believe we are our narrative. Once we cut that cord of bondage to the greed-monger-marketers (to which they themselves are in bondage … after all, in this, we are all one & the same) we take our power back to be self-conscious beings apart from the narratives. It is a “letting go” & “letting be” process.
Meditation is one way to gain this higher ground in our self-being-ness. In meditation (& other states of heightened altered states of consciousness), we let go of the false belief not only of the self-narrative, but also that we are our bodies, our minds, or even our feelings … this is sooooo deep & profound, yet soooo basic to self-hood & self-consciousness, that it is feared by those who want to keep bondage to the system of deception going, as it has done for millenia. Meditation is the Kindergarten of humanity, yet most of us never learn to be potty trained in terms of being conscious humans. Just look at what we are doing to our world. We are making a total mess of it, like a dirty diaper on a baby & there seems to be no stopping it any time soon. It is time for us grow up. Let's at least enroll in the Kindergarten of Meditation as our first step. We have the power to create a New Earth free of guilt & shame, free of war & violence, free of poverty & hunger. All we need do is to be in the power of the Now, not some silly false-narrative we have created to hide from ourselves. Won't you commit with me to meditate daily, to send love & light to all beings starting with yourself? It is one small step, but it is the biggest step humanity can ever take on our journey of self-consciousness. ...
An observation/question i have at this point: "Is/can the LOO Ra material just/become another self-narrative (shared jointly by many others) that we create/tell ourselves that prevents/interferes with our being our authentic selves in the NOW?" Put another way: "Can our following too closely the LOO/Ra Material be/become a self-narrative we create that interferes with our living as authenticate self-aware beings of L&L moment-by-moment in StO?" I am reflecting upon this presently. What do you think? Apart from this question, my main hope here is that from this thread, we would be encouraged/motivated to enhance/deepen our meditation.