Relevant : Any info, excerpt, quote, from Ra, or Q'uo, regarding the veil.
the quotes are too numerous to cite one by one here, and will create a lot of page scrolling, if done. therefore i wont cite them one by one, for, the ones who already remember them wont need them, and those who do not, can read them from above.
Notice that this is a long study, therefore a long post, so proceed at your own risk.
Also, do not forget that what you call 'creator', aka 'intelligent infinity' as Ra puts it, is an entity that is learning itself. And it knows more in this octave, than it did in the last octave, and it knows less than it will know in the next octave. Experiments are conducted as Ra puts it, and results learned and refined. Being in the middle of an experiment does not mean that that experiment is the absolute truth, or something that will be used for eternity, or that the results and nature of the experiment is rafined and perfected yet.
You need to keep an open mind.
Now, what we know about the pre-veil situation from Ra :
- There wasnt the service to self polarity. There was only service to other.
- There was a very long 3rd density experience, and then a very long (even somewhat longer) 4rd density experience, then, when the entities started to see the creator, they speedily, rapidly moved to 8d in a very short duration of time
- There was little will or aptitude to develop and use technology, for, the creatures who were living in the oneness of the creation, felt little need to change their situations
- Healing process in between incarnations was not needed, since, there was no harm done during incarnations.
- Consciousness was continuous, and was not interrupted by incarnations. Every entity remembered their past
- Harvest measurement was different - whereas 51% of positive polarity is needed after the veil, prior to veil this was measured with 'stairs of light', each step having a different quality of light, and where the entity stopped measured its density.
- There was little incentive for entities to change their situation, for they were living in relative bliss
Now, lets make a representative picture of galaxy's density distribution, from what Ra describes. Since they dont give percentages, i have used approximates for 'a very long third density and a very long 4th density' experiences. i have assumed minimum balance, and even kept the lower balance of the centers rather imbalanced. we have no data for higher energy centers, despite we have for postveil, circa 1980 situation because Ra gives them. so, this graphic is a bit uninformative.
![[Image: galaxybefore.gif]](
however notice that, this graphic, nomatter how inaccurate, depicts a 4th density entity, having energy centers activated to 4th chakra.
What does veil do :
- Its a wall in between the conscious and subconscious mind. ie, it separates the male heavy principle of existence, from the female heavy principle of existence.
- Through this, it reduces the effect of the oneness of the creation and the subconscious realization of this, and enables creation of separation
After veil situation from Ra :
- Negative polarity can happen, because self can be perceived (in illusion) separated from the unison of creation
- Higher self is seperated from the 3d entity, and must reach through veil/wait to be reached in order to interact with the entity. this also increases the importance and quality of dreams, because veil is not present in time/space
- The veil and its mechanisms created pain and suffering, and caused entities an 'incentive' to evolve, to change their situation.
Ra says that, circa 1980 the distribution of entities to densities is as follows :
5st density 6%
4st density 16%
3st density 27%
2st density 20%
1st density 17%
Lets reflect these numbers on a color chart, as if these were the chakras of an entity :
![[Image: galaxycurrent.gif]](
(notice the 14% remaining densities on top undistributed by Ra is represented by an even distribution of 4.66% to every topmost density - 6, 7, 8, which. the distribution may or may not be even, if its not even it will create a picture of imbalance. i placed them evenly since we dont know. )
this is the picture of a greatly imbalanced entity. notice how there is excessive yellow ray activity, yet, there isnt comparable 4th (green) ray activity to support higher density energies, (ra says green is a very important stepping stone, basis for higher work) especially, the miniscule amount of 5th density, blue ray, the ray of wisdom.
notice also how comparably smaller the activity in red ray, the basis for every kind of activity is.
we do not have data for distribution of higher energy centers. but, considering only 14% of entities remain, we can say that the activity in higher centers is also very scarce.
Veil issues :
- Supposedly to create free will by veiling the subconscious mind, the veil also separates higher self of an entity from itself. Ironically, when under the veil and quarantine, the entity therefore is made subject to all the influences from outside sources in the 3d planet it lives in, ie its 'peers' mainly, ie, entities OTHER than its own higher self, practically, its own self. in that respect, it separates self from self, reduces the effect of its OWN higher principle on him, and makes it subject to wills of other entities. Not only contradictory of the definition of the concept of free will, but also inefficient - an entity's higher self is the most proper fit for influence on its own self, practically the higher self, is the entity itself.
- Veil limits the influence choices to the ones in the 3d world. Ie, peers. In that, veil directly limits the influences from anywhere in the creation, therefore, limiting the creature's influence choices, experiences to those that are stacked under the quarantine, those which can penetrate the quarantine, those who occur under the quarantine. The creature cannot directly work with its own higher self, or, choose one influence from anywhere in the creation that is flowing towards that planet, on criteria of being closes to its higher self. Again, a limitation of free will, than a propagation of free will.
- Veil is supposed to give mind freedom over subconscious. Subconscious that would dominate the conscious mind, in the absence of the veil. Subconscious, that is the female principle, that is the main principle which brings motives and emotions, and feelings into the entity. By the process of veiling, the female side, the subconscious of the entity is hampered, and the entity is made more subject to the feelings and motives that fly around in the 3d society it inhabits, than its OWN subconscious motives, and emotions and feelings. In short, the entity is made subject to others' collective feelings, than his/her own. Which is, in itself a total contradiction in regard to free will. Though this can be argued over the weight of veiling - with a lighter veil, entity's own emotions and feelings will become more dominant, with heavier veil, less. So it can be said that a light veil may provide balance. However, this remains to be seen.
- Veil separates entity from oneness of creation, and therefore is supposed to bring free will. Notice, oneness of creation is a quality that is carried by 6th ray, indigo ray. Also, higher self of any entity is placed in 6th density. In a way, the, veil separates 3rd density from 6th density and its energies. Ironically, in almost all the heavy veiling situations (maldek, earth) since past, and even now, entities are trying to achieve a state of oneness this way or another - either through totalitarian rules and laws and philosophies, or through religions or other philosophies. It is evident that this energy is found lacking in environment, and they are trying to make up for it. Ironically, most of the wanderers in this world at the moment are from 6th density, therefore, making up for the energy deficit of 6th ray in this world. Therefore, the current situation also defies and invalidates the placement of the veil in the first place - the 6th density separation has been undone by innumerable 6th density wanderers, leave aside the channeled material they brought.
- Because the 'urge to evolve and push forward' is created by the pain and suffering that is induced by the existence of the veil, and other mechanisms, entities seek to change their situation. BUT, because this need to change is brought forth mainly by a desire to get out of suffering, it is not an actual seeking of truth or enlightenment, or progress, but instead a desire to better their conditions.
This manifests itself as various issues Ra talks about in tloo in 3rd density entities' activities, like the undecided entity's preincarnative choices generally being in the direction that would give him/her comfort, or, despite various philosophies and methods being given to them through wanderers, the 3rd density entities paying lip service to these, but easily and instantly ignoring them in their daily lives as soon as they are out of the temples.
- Very low harvest percentages. Though we dont have certain numbers for pre and post veil situations, considering how 5% of entire 60 million graduated from 3 to 4th from Ra's experience (remember that Ra's experience was a LIGHT veil situation), and how only 250 peple were fit for harvest at the end of 2nd cycle on earth, despite the fact that there were around 2 or so billion people on earth at that time, and how Ra says despite all the efforts of wanderers and teachers, the final harvest of earth is again going to be very scarce (circa 1980), we can say that heavy veiling basically harms harvest percentages.
Notice that, a harvest, a graduation of entities from a lower density to higher, is actually a galactic flow of energy from a lower chakra to the higher. Therefore, low harvest means less energy flow to upper energy centers. So, in a way, veiling, which is only active in 3rd density, basically acts like a clogging of the 3rd energy center.
Note that the current density distribution Ra talks about shows an overactivity/clogging of the 3rd energy center.
- Entities are inclined to use the technology they acquire to reduce their pain and suffering, and increase their comfort by controlling their environment. This goes to the extent of heavily damaging their planet, which means the disturbance and damage of 2nd density of that planet.
- It causes entities to be able to go to the extent of destroying their entire planet through the technology they acquire, without hesitation. Even a low percentage not hesitating from that, can destroy an entire planet, full of 3 billion or more souls, as it happened in maldek. We dont have numbers for what happened in Mars, we know that in atlantis stampede 3/4 of atlantis entities died. (please correct me if im mistaken). This creates HUGE problems, as the recovery of maldek 'tangle of fear' showed. Even in cases which planetary destruction doesnt happen, but a nuclear or similar holocaust happens, there is need to do much healing, as Ra says. All of these are factors hampering evolution, and galactic energy flow to upper centers. These energies are needed to keep higher densities operating, which, then in turn, provide the necessary resources for functioning and evolution of lower densities. Without sufficient blue ray energy, there wont be enough wisdom.
- Excessive effort, pain, struggling are put offs in everything. Noone wants to go on with a journey that subjects them through a lot of suffering, pain, and effort. It makes a journey a put off, rather than an enjoyable experience. Even if the reward at the end of journey is big, that still doesnt make the journey enjoyable, and desirable. This may be another reason why the graduations are too low from 3rd density despite the veil that was supposed to create a seeking in entities.
Conclusions :
While before the veil, galaxy seems like an entity in 4d. Living in bliss, love and harmony, feeling little need for change, or using technology, or pushing anything.
After the veil, galaxy seems more like someone who is meditating, or trying hard to activate its higher energy centers, to the detriment of others.
Notice how there is only 17% activity in red energy center of the galaxy. This is similar with an entity who is trying hard to push its energies higher. Red energy represents and conducts change/movement. The analogy is like stopping that change/movement, and then projecting the energies higher. Ie basically disrupting the conditions entity is in, and then projecting another condition upon the being of the entity, not precisely in line with the conditions it is in. Remember how when such an entity stops meditating and returns to its normal life, its energy levels fall, and it reverts back to its normal, ordinary configuration.
With that analogy, the galaxy seems like an entity which is trying to meditate, or, trying too hard to activate its higher energy centers through any means. Since it only has 6% activity in 5th energy ray/chakra, we can say that this entity is either in early 5th density, or, in higher densities but currently having issues with expressing 5th density ray, due to the fact that the activation of its higher energy centers is premature, rushed.
This is not a state that can be maintained. The galaxy will either need its energy centers supported by influx of energy from external sources, or, will have to go back and balance those energy centers. There is no evading that, a minimum balance is mandatory for higher densities.
'Incentivizing' of seeking through pain and suffering, heavy veiling or heavy free will implemented in 3d, doesnt create the intended effect. Harvest yields are even lower, and the experience and its mainenance costs even more, despite low graduation. (Inter incarnation healing, destruction, delays, planetary destructions, fixation on some patterns).
You cannot create a desire that is not there. You cannot substitute one desire for another. If, the entities are not desiring any seeking, they dont seek it. If they are forced to seek something, apparently, they seek the ways to remedy their situation and remedy the circumstances forcing them to seek. This is nothing wrong - you cant rush something before its time.
Similarly, galaxy also wont be able to rush itself through densities, by creating various self induced conditions on its energy centers through any means, propelling itself to 5d or higher, despite in its natural, unmodified state, being 4d. EVEN if it succeeds and starts a 5d experience, it will eventually need to return to lower densities in order to make up for the time it did not spend in those densities.
Therefore, veiling represents some energy center enforcement, blockage, or pressurizing in order to push the energy to higher energy centers. And, as you all know from your experience in these kind of studies, it doesnt last, unless the entity is already a wanderer that is natively of higher densities. But even in that case, it may not last, if the circumstances of the wanderer does not allow continuance of such an energy model, vibration.
Ra sees this 3d experience as very vibrant, as compared to other places in the creation. If one concentrates most of his/her effort in a certain chakra, it can create a clear, active and sharp activity in that chakra through the effort. But, this wont change the current nature of the entity, and when the effort is taken off, entity will revert to its normal state, if circumstances didnt change during this point.
What should be done
Veil should be removed altogether, or thinned VERY much. Free will needs to be limited, or heavily regulated. We, as a galactic entity, should be precisely in the native density we are in, without trying to rush progress, or trying to garner uncalled for, forced wisdom. There is no point in rushing things, when one needs to come back and make up for it, in future, through any means.
It is much more important to have entities evolve through their own higher selves' influence, or, influences that are much more closer to their higher selves, than being forced to seek their actual higher self, while also being forced to submit to influences and emotions and motives of other entities in the process. Even if the 3rd density entities that inhabit that 3d planet are their 'peers', they are still external sources than its own higher self. In that manner, heavy veil and heavy free will becomes a total violation of free will in that, it forces you to exercise choices based on OTHER entities' collective motives and influence. Not your own.
Each entity is existent in this creation to bring a different hue, vibration, color, difference to this existence, so that a unique and vibrant display&music can be created. The best way to achieve this, the precise self realization of any entity in the deepest manner that lies within their subconscious, with maximum effect, is to make them work with and through the influences which are their own, their higher selves', or vibrations that are closes to their higher selves.
Existence should be an enjoyable journey. Not a series of sufferings and rewards that endlessly repeat itself, or, a huge, concentrated suffering and ordeal mid-octave, with huge time spent to make up for the lack of enjoyment in that particular lower octave in the higher densities that follow it. This concept is, in a way, an implementation of joy in 8th density. However, in a perfectly balanced being, as well as a galaxy, all densities should have a proper balance, including 8th ray energies.
Current logic of the heavy veil implementations quite resemble the pattern and implementations of level based massively multiplayer online games - you endlessly spend effort in order to reach various levels and other goals - entire gameplay experience becomes an endless cycle of effort without joy or little joy, followed by a short period of joy due to a reward in a level end or achievement, only to repeat itself in the next level. In such planned mmo games, majority of players leave the game or their in-game characters in early levels or mid levels, losing interest and will in the game. Only the achievement obsessed, or the extremely patient can actually reach the end rewards. Which is ironically similar to a 3d entity's experience.
Though it is not unnatural - our existence as a galaxy is the early 5th, late 4th density existence. Notice how the entities in 4d are prone to suffer for others, and accept and use suffering and pain as a means to evolve, and go forward. Whereas with 5th density, knowledge and understanding of the existence starts to come, and with 6th density, the procedure co-creation starts. When our galaxy is able to reach those densities, it is probable that there will be a much more balanced, and harmonious existence.
From this point on, i will analyze various Ra and q'uo quotes. From this point on its case study, you may just skip these.
First of all, let me have you know that, as someone having done mandatory military service, a boot camp is NO place that one would like to make choices in, lest an entire episode of one's existence in any kind of life. The conditions, harshness in a boot camp makes a person inclined to seek to remedy those conditions, and adapt to the boot camp atmosphere as fast as s/he can, in any way s/he can. Rather than making choices in line with his/her motives or inner desires. Leave aside making far fetched, all encompassing decisions based on inner desires and existential philosophy of serving yourself or others. Its a survival environment. Any entity that is pushed into a boot camp, will try to survive and keep at least some resemblance of some comfort to still feel like a human. In that, its an environment which PUSHES entities to service to self.
But im going to assume q'uo just made a bad analogy here, or an insufficient one. Ill expand on the mystic energy penetration issue below.
Which means, ra, and any group graduated in venus.
Ironically, these are the successful graduates of this episode. In all cases other than venus, either harvest had been too pathetically low, or, environment was destroyed. So, ironically, the ones which are helping this planet, which is under heavy veil, by coming as wanderers, are again graduates of venusin the main. (ra).
It is highly probable that if there wasnt an influx of massive wanderer numbers, this planet would too become inhospitable through war, or get destroyed.
No wise way to teach anything.
Notice that, the subconscious and the conscious mind, the female and male parts of existence, require balance to work together well.
This is a matter of balancing the archetypical mind, the pattern of the entities' conscious mind to be able to consciously work with subconscious, than anything that would be enabled with by external methods like the artificial veil. It also passes valid for all densities in addition, the male/female, conscious/subconscious balance.
Numerous ironies in this approach :
Suffering creates the desire to get out of suffering, than a desire to learn and go forward. Graduation becomes pathetically low, which will mean that in the coming times, the galaxy will have less and less higher density inhabitants, hence chakra activity, with this heavy veil business, if it goes forward and spreads around.
In addition, despite the fact that the 'master-apprentice' method is being criticized as being 'easy way out' here, it has taken numerous wanderers, teachers incarnating up to date, and recently a huge wave of wanderers/teachers from higher densities incarnating to keep this civilization from destroying itself, leave aside increasing the graduation numbers. If you consider the fact that, these wanderers are not only doing activity in time/space (astral planes) unconsciously, and teaching, while also aiding the planteray vibration through their presence in space/time, they are also bringing DIRECT channeled material, teaching from higher densities. Which totally offsets the remark made here - this world too needed higher density aid and teaching to remain viable towards graduation.
A very important sidenote - wisdom will not come with surrender and acceptance. Wisdom is not a passive principle, it is a male principle. Its active. Even if you are just making choices through your wisdom, it is still an active act, not a passive act. Even if you navigate the waters by evading certain encounters/emotions/experiences by not engaging in (therefore seeming passive), the act of making that choice through wisdom is STILL an active act. Not passive. Trying to learn wisdom through surrender and acceptance, therefore is illogical, because surrender and acceptance are female principles - the principle which waits being accessed.
A joke is appropriate here - that loaded gun is SO powerful that it destroyed an entire planet, made another inhospitable, severely damaged another, and had and still has the risk of totally destroying another, unless huge numbers of higher density entities have not incarnated and spent effort to keep it intact. It is evident that that loaded gun is way too powerful, to be given to the hands of children.
Again, dealing with shadows, dealing with mysteries of subconscious, the time/space part of existence, would require a more proper male/female balance built into the blueprint of existence. (ie the archetypical mind, the blueprint of mind/body/spirit complexes). It is not something that can be dealt with interim solutions by just engaging in a single density. And it hasnt been the solution, since the experiences in this solar system shows.
There is no wisdom in hiding or muddying truth. Its as simple as that. The very basic rule of wisdom, which takes full effect in early 6th density and forces negative 5th density graduates to switch to positive polarity, is that, the density of unity, the existence of unity, and oneness, requires honesty. Truth. The entity which is lying to itself, as being all important than anything else, cannot keep the lie going on longer, because it can never be infinite by itself. It has to merge with everything else, and be infinite together.
Moreover, confusing, maddening and frustrating things cause more confusion that they teach any underlying fundamentals - its a simple fact of teaching. After a point, the learner wont be able to discern truth or lie anymore. And if hints are constantly given, they can also easily be ignored due to the total confusion that is abound in the illusory environment, or, the entity, may logically just let go of any hint or truth, and adapt to the false reality it is forced to live in. Which is the case with almost all of the 3rd density students in this heavy veil business. Because, it is WISDOM.
One should be totally unwise and unlearned in order to have to try to not adapt to the reality that one is forced into, and seek an elusive, impractical, not applicable goal that is very far to reach. It belies wisdom. The attempt to teach wisdom by creating an environment which belies wisdom, is, unwise. Notice how the galaxy is yet weak in 5th chakra, the ray of wisdom. It is not unnatural that such an imbalanced approach is being made for teaching wisdom - for galaxy, as an entity, itself doesnt know wisdom ACTIVELY yet, leave aside teaching it.
Acceleration is never good. Rushing is never good. Its another aspect of wisdom, one which the 4th density souls, or souls which have less activity in 5th chakra, and high levels of activity in 4th, generally miss. Remember how Ra describes 4th density entities as being impatient to the extent of not being able to disrupt their service during their meals. And how meals teach patience and act as a catalyst, because they have to eat, and be patient while they eat.
Acceleration is never good. All densities, all experiences should take their due time depending on the entity themselves. Desires, the urge to go forward, actually nothing should be forced emotionally. Especially when dealing with subconscious, you cant rush forward. If you rush forward, you come back to make up for it, regardless of which density you are. Remember the 'octave wanderers' who bring light to this octave to provide for our graduations and harvests.
Acceleration belies wisdom itself.
Same with the other vividry approaches. If you concentrate and work on a certain chakra of yours, you can make it vivid, varied and an intense experience. Just like how post veil creation does, seemingly at the expense of its other energy centers.
In that, it is quite unwise. Overactivating one energy center, by channeling energy from others.
And i assume the upper limit of the free will will be defined by the extreme examples learned in this solar system, and similar others. Natural. We can look towards a removed veil existence, or a light veil, or less free will existence (or balanced reduction of both) in coming aeons.
For doing otherwise destroys avenues of learning, leave aside actually teaching anything. It is beyond wise.
This concludes the initial post i created over the duration of a day.
Forgot one important point :
A 3d entity has no business learning wisdom. 3d is about 'there are other entities apart from me', and 'i am myself an entity', and being able to use abstract thought and reasoning.
It is not about wisdom. There is an entire density that is relevant to wisdom, 5d. It is to the extent that its ray, blue ray, being the definitive ray of wisdom, knowledge, communication. For all entities.
Teaching wisdom beforehand in 3d, instead of 5d, is beyond wise itself. Everything should be taught in their proper density.
the quotes are too numerous to cite one by one here, and will create a lot of page scrolling, if done. therefore i wont cite them one by one, for, the ones who already remember them wont need them, and those who do not, can read them from above.
Notice that this is a long study, therefore a long post, so proceed at your own risk.
Also, do not forget that what you call 'creator', aka 'intelligent infinity' as Ra puts it, is an entity that is learning itself. And it knows more in this octave, than it did in the last octave, and it knows less than it will know in the next octave. Experiments are conducted as Ra puts it, and results learned and refined. Being in the middle of an experiment does not mean that that experiment is the absolute truth, or something that will be used for eternity, or that the results and nature of the experiment is rafined and perfected yet.
You need to keep an open mind.
Now, what we know about the pre-veil situation from Ra :
- There wasnt the service to self polarity. There was only service to other.
- There was a very long 3rd density experience, and then a very long (even somewhat longer) 4rd density experience, then, when the entities started to see the creator, they speedily, rapidly moved to 8d in a very short duration of time
- There was little will or aptitude to develop and use technology, for, the creatures who were living in the oneness of the creation, felt little need to change their situations
- Healing process in between incarnations was not needed, since, there was no harm done during incarnations.
- Consciousness was continuous, and was not interrupted by incarnations. Every entity remembered their past
- Harvest measurement was different - whereas 51% of positive polarity is needed after the veil, prior to veil this was measured with 'stairs of light', each step having a different quality of light, and where the entity stopped measured its density.
- There was little incentive for entities to change their situation, for they were living in relative bliss
Now, lets make a representative picture of galaxy's density distribution, from what Ra describes. Since they dont give percentages, i have used approximates for 'a very long third density and a very long 4th density' experiences. i have assumed minimum balance, and even kept the lower balance of the centers rather imbalanced. we have no data for higher energy centers, despite we have for postveil, circa 1980 situation because Ra gives them. so, this graphic is a bit uninformative.
![[Image: galaxybefore.gif]](
however notice that, this graphic, nomatter how inaccurate, depicts a 4th density entity, having energy centers activated to 4th chakra.
What does veil do :
- Its a wall in between the conscious and subconscious mind. ie, it separates the male heavy principle of existence, from the female heavy principle of existence.
- Through this, it reduces the effect of the oneness of the creation and the subconscious realization of this, and enables creation of separation
After veil situation from Ra :
- Negative polarity can happen, because self can be perceived (in illusion) separated from the unison of creation
- Higher self is seperated from the 3d entity, and must reach through veil/wait to be reached in order to interact with the entity. this also increases the importance and quality of dreams, because veil is not present in time/space
- The veil and its mechanisms created pain and suffering, and caused entities an 'incentive' to evolve, to change their situation.
Ra says that, circa 1980 the distribution of entities to densities is as follows :
5st density 6%
4st density 16%
3st density 27%
2st density 20%
1st density 17%
Lets reflect these numbers on a color chart, as if these were the chakras of an entity :
![[Image: galaxycurrent.gif]](
(notice the 14% remaining densities on top undistributed by Ra is represented by an even distribution of 4.66% to every topmost density - 6, 7, 8, which. the distribution may or may not be even, if its not even it will create a picture of imbalance. i placed them evenly since we dont know. )
this is the picture of a greatly imbalanced entity. notice how there is excessive yellow ray activity, yet, there isnt comparable 4th (green) ray activity to support higher density energies, (ra says green is a very important stepping stone, basis for higher work) especially, the miniscule amount of 5th density, blue ray, the ray of wisdom.
notice also how comparably smaller the activity in red ray, the basis for every kind of activity is.
we do not have data for distribution of higher energy centers. but, considering only 14% of entities remain, we can say that the activity in higher centers is also very scarce.
Veil issues :
- Supposedly to create free will by veiling the subconscious mind, the veil also separates higher self of an entity from itself. Ironically, when under the veil and quarantine, the entity therefore is made subject to all the influences from outside sources in the 3d planet it lives in, ie its 'peers' mainly, ie, entities OTHER than its own higher self, practically, its own self. in that respect, it separates self from self, reduces the effect of its OWN higher principle on him, and makes it subject to wills of other entities. Not only contradictory of the definition of the concept of free will, but also inefficient - an entity's higher self is the most proper fit for influence on its own self, practically the higher self, is the entity itself.
- Veil limits the influence choices to the ones in the 3d world. Ie, peers. In that, veil directly limits the influences from anywhere in the creation, therefore, limiting the creature's influence choices, experiences to those that are stacked under the quarantine, those which can penetrate the quarantine, those who occur under the quarantine. The creature cannot directly work with its own higher self, or, choose one influence from anywhere in the creation that is flowing towards that planet, on criteria of being closes to its higher self. Again, a limitation of free will, than a propagation of free will.
- Veil is supposed to give mind freedom over subconscious. Subconscious that would dominate the conscious mind, in the absence of the veil. Subconscious, that is the female principle, that is the main principle which brings motives and emotions, and feelings into the entity. By the process of veiling, the female side, the subconscious of the entity is hampered, and the entity is made more subject to the feelings and motives that fly around in the 3d society it inhabits, than its OWN subconscious motives, and emotions and feelings. In short, the entity is made subject to others' collective feelings, than his/her own. Which is, in itself a total contradiction in regard to free will. Though this can be argued over the weight of veiling - with a lighter veil, entity's own emotions and feelings will become more dominant, with heavier veil, less. So it can be said that a light veil may provide balance. However, this remains to be seen.
- Veil separates entity from oneness of creation, and therefore is supposed to bring free will. Notice, oneness of creation is a quality that is carried by 6th ray, indigo ray. Also, higher self of any entity is placed in 6th density. In a way, the, veil separates 3rd density from 6th density and its energies. Ironically, in almost all the heavy veiling situations (maldek, earth) since past, and even now, entities are trying to achieve a state of oneness this way or another - either through totalitarian rules and laws and philosophies, or through religions or other philosophies. It is evident that this energy is found lacking in environment, and they are trying to make up for it. Ironically, most of the wanderers in this world at the moment are from 6th density, therefore, making up for the energy deficit of 6th ray in this world. Therefore, the current situation also defies and invalidates the placement of the veil in the first place - the 6th density separation has been undone by innumerable 6th density wanderers, leave aside the channeled material they brought.
- Because the 'urge to evolve and push forward' is created by the pain and suffering that is induced by the existence of the veil, and other mechanisms, entities seek to change their situation. BUT, because this need to change is brought forth mainly by a desire to get out of suffering, it is not an actual seeking of truth or enlightenment, or progress, but instead a desire to better their conditions.
This manifests itself as various issues Ra talks about in tloo in 3rd density entities' activities, like the undecided entity's preincarnative choices generally being in the direction that would give him/her comfort, or, despite various philosophies and methods being given to them through wanderers, the 3rd density entities paying lip service to these, but easily and instantly ignoring them in their daily lives as soon as they are out of the temples.
- Very low harvest percentages. Though we dont have certain numbers for pre and post veil situations, considering how 5% of entire 60 million graduated from 3 to 4th from Ra's experience (remember that Ra's experience was a LIGHT veil situation), and how only 250 peple were fit for harvest at the end of 2nd cycle on earth, despite the fact that there were around 2 or so billion people on earth at that time, and how Ra says despite all the efforts of wanderers and teachers, the final harvest of earth is again going to be very scarce (circa 1980), we can say that heavy veiling basically harms harvest percentages.
Notice that, a harvest, a graduation of entities from a lower density to higher, is actually a galactic flow of energy from a lower chakra to the higher. Therefore, low harvest means less energy flow to upper energy centers. So, in a way, veiling, which is only active in 3rd density, basically acts like a clogging of the 3rd energy center.
Note that the current density distribution Ra talks about shows an overactivity/clogging of the 3rd energy center.
- Entities are inclined to use the technology they acquire to reduce their pain and suffering, and increase their comfort by controlling their environment. This goes to the extent of heavily damaging their planet, which means the disturbance and damage of 2nd density of that planet.
- It causes entities to be able to go to the extent of destroying their entire planet through the technology they acquire, without hesitation. Even a low percentage not hesitating from that, can destroy an entire planet, full of 3 billion or more souls, as it happened in maldek. We dont have numbers for what happened in Mars, we know that in atlantis stampede 3/4 of atlantis entities died. (please correct me if im mistaken). This creates HUGE problems, as the recovery of maldek 'tangle of fear' showed. Even in cases which planetary destruction doesnt happen, but a nuclear or similar holocaust happens, there is need to do much healing, as Ra says. All of these are factors hampering evolution, and galactic energy flow to upper centers. These energies are needed to keep higher densities operating, which, then in turn, provide the necessary resources for functioning and evolution of lower densities. Without sufficient blue ray energy, there wont be enough wisdom.
- Excessive effort, pain, struggling are put offs in everything. Noone wants to go on with a journey that subjects them through a lot of suffering, pain, and effort. It makes a journey a put off, rather than an enjoyable experience. Even if the reward at the end of journey is big, that still doesnt make the journey enjoyable, and desirable. This may be another reason why the graduations are too low from 3rd density despite the veil that was supposed to create a seeking in entities.
Conclusions :
While before the veil, galaxy seems like an entity in 4d. Living in bliss, love and harmony, feeling little need for change, or using technology, or pushing anything.
After the veil, galaxy seems more like someone who is meditating, or trying hard to activate its higher energy centers, to the detriment of others.
Notice how there is only 17% activity in red energy center of the galaxy. This is similar with an entity who is trying hard to push its energies higher. Red energy represents and conducts change/movement. The analogy is like stopping that change/movement, and then projecting the energies higher. Ie basically disrupting the conditions entity is in, and then projecting another condition upon the being of the entity, not precisely in line with the conditions it is in. Remember how when such an entity stops meditating and returns to its normal life, its energy levels fall, and it reverts back to its normal, ordinary configuration.
With that analogy, the galaxy seems like an entity which is trying to meditate, or, trying too hard to activate its higher energy centers through any means. Since it only has 6% activity in 5th energy ray/chakra, we can say that this entity is either in early 5th density, or, in higher densities but currently having issues with expressing 5th density ray, due to the fact that the activation of its higher energy centers is premature, rushed.
This is not a state that can be maintained. The galaxy will either need its energy centers supported by influx of energy from external sources, or, will have to go back and balance those energy centers. There is no evading that, a minimum balance is mandatory for higher densities.
'Incentivizing' of seeking through pain and suffering, heavy veiling or heavy free will implemented in 3d, doesnt create the intended effect. Harvest yields are even lower, and the experience and its mainenance costs even more, despite low graduation. (Inter incarnation healing, destruction, delays, planetary destructions, fixation on some patterns).
You cannot create a desire that is not there. You cannot substitute one desire for another. If, the entities are not desiring any seeking, they dont seek it. If they are forced to seek something, apparently, they seek the ways to remedy their situation and remedy the circumstances forcing them to seek. This is nothing wrong - you cant rush something before its time.
Similarly, galaxy also wont be able to rush itself through densities, by creating various self induced conditions on its energy centers through any means, propelling itself to 5d or higher, despite in its natural, unmodified state, being 4d. EVEN if it succeeds and starts a 5d experience, it will eventually need to return to lower densities in order to make up for the time it did not spend in those densities.
Therefore, veiling represents some energy center enforcement, blockage, or pressurizing in order to push the energy to higher energy centers. And, as you all know from your experience in these kind of studies, it doesnt last, unless the entity is already a wanderer that is natively of higher densities. But even in that case, it may not last, if the circumstances of the wanderer does not allow continuance of such an energy model, vibration.
Ra sees this 3d experience as very vibrant, as compared to other places in the creation. If one concentrates most of his/her effort in a certain chakra, it can create a clear, active and sharp activity in that chakra through the effort. But, this wont change the current nature of the entity, and when the effort is taken off, entity will revert to its normal state, if circumstances didnt change during this point.
What should be done
Veil should be removed altogether, or thinned VERY much. Free will needs to be limited, or heavily regulated. We, as a galactic entity, should be precisely in the native density we are in, without trying to rush progress, or trying to garner uncalled for, forced wisdom. There is no point in rushing things, when one needs to come back and make up for it, in future, through any means.
It is much more important to have entities evolve through their own higher selves' influence, or, influences that are much more closer to their higher selves, than being forced to seek their actual higher self, while also being forced to submit to influences and emotions and motives of other entities in the process. Even if the 3rd density entities that inhabit that 3d planet are their 'peers', they are still external sources than its own higher self. In that manner, heavy veil and heavy free will becomes a total violation of free will in that, it forces you to exercise choices based on OTHER entities' collective motives and influence. Not your own.
Each entity is existent in this creation to bring a different hue, vibration, color, difference to this existence, so that a unique and vibrant display&music can be created. The best way to achieve this, the precise self realization of any entity in the deepest manner that lies within their subconscious, with maximum effect, is to make them work with and through the influences which are their own, their higher selves', or vibrations that are closes to their higher selves.
Existence should be an enjoyable journey. Not a series of sufferings and rewards that endlessly repeat itself, or, a huge, concentrated suffering and ordeal mid-octave, with huge time spent to make up for the lack of enjoyment in that particular lower octave in the higher densities that follow it. This concept is, in a way, an implementation of joy in 8th density. However, in a perfectly balanced being, as well as a galaxy, all densities should have a proper balance, including 8th ray energies.
Current logic of the heavy veil implementations quite resemble the pattern and implementations of level based massively multiplayer online games - you endlessly spend effort in order to reach various levels and other goals - entire gameplay experience becomes an endless cycle of effort without joy or little joy, followed by a short period of joy due to a reward in a level end or achievement, only to repeat itself in the next level. In such planned mmo games, majority of players leave the game or their in-game characters in early levels or mid levels, losing interest and will in the game. Only the achievement obsessed, or the extremely patient can actually reach the end rewards. Which is ironically similar to a 3d entity's experience.
Though it is not unnatural - our existence as a galaxy is the early 5th, late 4th density existence. Notice how the entities in 4d are prone to suffer for others, and accept and use suffering and pain as a means to evolve, and go forward. Whereas with 5th density, knowledge and understanding of the existence starts to come, and with 6th density, the procedure co-creation starts. When our galaxy is able to reach those densities, it is probable that there will be a much more balanced, and harmonious existence.
From this point on, i will analyze various Ra and q'uo quotes. From this point on its case study, you may just skip these.
Quote:Q'uo Sunday Meditation May 28, 2006
Your query this day is about the differences between various planetary entities’ take on third density and what was done differently on the planet you call Venus that allowed that planet to have a more harmonious and far more successful journey through the third density.
The one known as A asked whether the combination of very clear and starkly delineated free will and the fairly profound veiling that is apparent on Earth’s third density, or the Density of Choice [1], was a combination that spelled a difficult and challenging third density for those of planet Earth. And we would agree with this assessment of factors involved in the creation of a somewhat challenging Density of Choice for planet Earth, especially in regards to comparing it to the Density of Choice on the planetary energy called Venus.
For indeed in that third-density environment, there was less of a heaviness involved in the veiling. The free will was as marked as is the factor of free will upon your planet. However, there was, for the entities of Venus, a transparency in the veil which was just transparent enough to allow processes which you know as envisioning, journeying and dreaming to have a more robust life within the conscious processes, as well as the subconscious processes, of the entities in third density upon the planetary influence you call Venus.
This is, in fact, the one difference between the third density of the planet known as Venus and the other planetary influences of which you are aware.
The problem with the somewhat transparent veiling process upon third density is that the choice is not made in an atmosphere of boot camp. Therefore, when the third-density entity becomes a fourth-density entity, and then a fifth density entity, the energies move along with utmost smoothness until fifth density, at which time the lack of challenge in penetrating the veiling process shows up as a dynamic that is negative with respect to being able to work well with the opening of those energies of wisdom which seem dark to the naïve and unsophisticated seeker.
First of all, let me have you know that, as someone having done mandatory military service, a boot camp is NO place that one would like to make choices in, lest an entire episode of one's existence in any kind of life. The conditions, harshness in a boot camp makes a person inclined to seek to remedy those conditions, and adapt to the boot camp atmosphere as fast as s/he can, in any way s/he can. Rather than making choices in line with his/her motives or inner desires. Leave aside making far fetched, all encompassing decisions based on inner desires and existential philosophy of serving yourself or others. Its a survival environment. Any entity that is pushed into a boot camp, will try to survive and keep at least some resemblance of some comfort to still feel like a human. In that, its an environment which PUSHES entities to service to self.
But im going to assume q'uo just made a bad analogy here, or an insufficient one. Ill expand on the mystic energy penetration issue below.
Consequently, the work and challenge came for those entities experiencing the [higher] densities on Venus’ influence instead of in third density. Those who graduated into sixth density from the influence of the planet known as Venus, then, have often, in coming back into third density on your planet to serve as wanderers, been faced with a very challenging, self-given agenda of learning. That agenda is in rebalancing love and wisdom in order to value them in such as way that they are able to interpenetrate each other in true sixth-density unity.
Which means, ra, and any group graduated in venus.
Ironically, these are the successful graduates of this episode. In all cases other than venus, either harvest had been too pathetically low, or, environment was destroyed. So, ironically, the ones which are helping this planet, which is under heavy veil, by coming as wanderers, are again graduates of venusin the main. (ra).
It is highly probable that if there wasnt an influx of massive wanderer numbers, this planet would too become inhospitable through war, or get destroyed.
No wise way to teach anything.
Notice that, the subconscious and the conscious mind, the female and male parts of existence, require balance to work together well.
This is a matter of balancing the archetypical mind, the pattern of the entities' conscious mind to be able to consciously work with subconscious, than anything that would be enabled with by external methods like the artificial veil. It also passes valid for all densities in addition, the male/female, conscious/subconscious balance.
Quote:The benefit of the more impenetrable veil is that it creates for the third-density entity attempting to choose between service to self and service to others a stark and seemingly profound experience of suffering which this instrument would call Golgotha.[2] The third density of your planet calls forth from the seeking entity a purity of humility and surrender that is, in our humble opinion, a far more favorable plinth [3] upon which to build the character that will move through all the densities of your octave than the third density where there is always seen the benefit of teachers and the benefit of taking another entity’s word for something. Third density with a lighter veil creates a wonderful [place] for entities to put themselves in the teaching situation. And the system of guru and chela, as known among your Buddhists, is very similar to the kind of enjoyment that third density upon Venus created.
Numerous ironies in this approach :
Suffering creates the desire to get out of suffering, than a desire to learn and go forward. Graduation becomes pathetically low, which will mean that in the coming times, the galaxy will have less and less higher density inhabitants, hence chakra activity, with this heavy veil business, if it goes forward and spreads around.
In addition, despite the fact that the 'master-apprentice' method is being criticized as being 'easy way out' here, it has taken numerous wanderers, teachers incarnating up to date, and recently a huge wave of wanderers/teachers from higher densities incarnating to keep this civilization from destroying itself, leave aside increasing the graduation numbers. If you consider the fact that, these wanderers are not only doing activity in time/space (astral planes) unconsciously, and teaching, while also aiding the planteray vibration through their presence in space/time, they are also bringing DIRECT channeled material, teaching from higher densities. Which totally offsets the remark made here - this world too needed higher density aid and teaching to remain viable towards graduation.
A very important sidenote - wisdom will not come with surrender and acceptance. Wisdom is not a passive principle, it is a male principle. Its active. Even if you are just making choices through your wisdom, it is still an active act, not a passive act. Even if you navigate the waters by evading certain encounters/emotions/experiences by not engaging in (therefore seeming passive), the act of making that choice through wisdom is STILL an active act. Not passive. Trying to learn wisdom through surrender and acceptance, therefore is illogical, because surrender and acceptance are female principles - the principle which waits being accessed.
Quote:However, it was found, in this early third-density experience, that indeed there were difficulties in higher-density work that were engendered by the seemingly quick and easy move through third density. What this has to offer to those asking this question is our assurance that those within Earth’s third density at this time have received a powerful gift. In receiving such a difficult and challenging third-density atmosphere, you have faced those shadows that await you, if not in third density, then in more subtle work [in higher densities] where those shadows are more difficult to deal with. Your present environment is a powerful environment; powerful, that is, just as a loaded gun is powerful. The question is, “Where do you wish to aim this experience when you pull the trigger on tomorrow?” Where would you like to be headed? Because the choice of heading is indeed yours.
You are in a position, each of you, my friends, to make powerful and life-changing choices this day and every day because you must deal in faith alone. When you do choose to move in faith, the planet moves with you. You take the power of your being and focus it upon your intention, and that which you choose is chosen. We cannot express to you the power that you have over your destiny. We cannot express it, nor can anyone, because that which you choose must be chosen in faith alone.
A joke is appropriate here - that loaded gun is SO powerful that it destroyed an entire planet, made another inhospitable, severely damaged another, and had and still has the risk of totally destroying another, unless huge numbers of higher density entities have not incarnated and spent effort to keep it intact. It is evident that that loaded gun is way too powerful, to be given to the hands of children.
Again, dealing with shadows, dealing with mysteries of subconscious, the time/space part of existence, would require a more proper male/female balance built into the blueprint of existence. (ie the archetypical mind, the blueprint of mind/body/spirit complexes). It is not something that can be dealt with interim solutions by just engaging in a single density. And it hasnt been the solution, since the experiences in this solar system shows.
Quote:Q'uo Sunday Meditation April 18, 2004
there is a carefully structured environment in which hints will constantly be given concerning the nature of that underlying ground of being which has been veiled over by the veil of forgetting, while keeping any sort of objective proof from muddying the waters of unknowing. There is a determined bias within the Creator, concerning this particular third density, towards keeping entities as much in the dark as possible concerning the way things really are underneath the appearance of things. It is a recipe that is designed to be confusing, frustrating, maddening and displacing.
There is no wisdom in hiding or muddying truth. Its as simple as that. The very basic rule of wisdom, which takes full effect in early 6th density and forces negative 5th density graduates to switch to positive polarity, is that, the density of unity, the existence of unity, and oneness, requires honesty. Truth. The entity which is lying to itself, as being all important than anything else, cannot keep the lie going on longer, because it can never be infinite by itself. It has to merge with everything else, and be infinite together.
Moreover, confusing, maddening and frustrating things cause more confusion that they teach any underlying fundamentals - its a simple fact of teaching. After a point, the learner wont be able to discern truth or lie anymore. And if hints are constantly given, they can also easily be ignored due to the total confusion that is abound in the illusory environment, or, the entity, may logically just let go of any hint or truth, and adapt to the false reality it is forced to live in. Which is the case with almost all of the 3rd density students in this heavy veil business. Because, it is WISDOM.
One should be totally unwise and unlearned in order to have to try to not adapt to the reality that one is forced into, and seek an elusive, impractical, not applicable goal that is very far to reach. It belies wisdom. The attempt to teach wisdom by creating an environment which belies wisdom, is, unwise. Notice how the galaxy is yet weak in 5th chakra, the ray of wisdom. It is not unnatural that such an imbalanced approach is being made for teaching wisdom - for galaxy, as an entity, itself doesnt know wisdom ACTIVELY yet, leave aside teaching it.
It is felt, as the harvest of many experiences, that while more information and a more transparent third density is a more comfortable experience, in the end it is a more confusing, a less effective, and a less viable third-density experience in terms of serving as the ambiance within which seeking souls are able, consciously, to affect an acceleration of their learning and evolution. The third-density experience of this particular planet is extremely vivid. The consensus reality/illusion is extremely heavy and it is correspondingly difficult to penetrate. This means that there is great potential for experiencing intense emotions and desires. It is the production of these things: the feelings, the biases, the various elements of a person’s make-up, that the environment of third density is designed to bring into greater and greater relief, so that each seeking entity has complete free will to look at the experience of living in any way that is chosen.
Acceleration is never good. Rushing is never good. Its another aspect of wisdom, one which the 4th density souls, or souls which have less activity in 5th chakra, and high levels of activity in 4th, generally miss. Remember how Ra describes 4th density entities as being impatient to the extent of not being able to disrupt their service during their meals. And how meals teach patience and act as a catalyst, because they have to eat, and be patient while they eat.
Acceleration is never good. All densities, all experiences should take their due time depending on the entity themselves. Desires, the urge to go forward, actually nothing should be forced emotionally. Especially when dealing with subconscious, you cant rush forward. If you rush forward, you come back to make up for it, regardless of which density you are. Remember the 'octave wanderers' who bring light to this octave to provide for our graduations and harvests.
Acceleration belies wisdom itself.
Quote:Ra Session 79 of the Law of One February 24, 1982
Questioner: I was just wondering since this seems to be the crux of the experiment, the large breaking point between no extension of the first distortion and the extension of the first distortion, what the result of this original experiment was with respect to that which was created from it. What was the result of that?
Ra: I am Ra. This is previously covered material. The result of these experiments has been a more vivid, varied, and intense experience of Creator by Creator.
Ra Session 76 of the Law of One February 3, 1982
Ra: I am Ra. This creation is somewhat more condensed by its Logos than some other Logoi have chosen. Thus each experience of the Creator by the Creator in this system of distortions is, relatively speaking, more bright or, as we said, vivid.
Same with the other vividry approaches. If you concentrate and work on a certain chakra of yours, you can make it vivid, varied and an intense experience. Just like how post veil creation does, seemingly at the expense of its other energy centers.
In that, it is quite unwise. Overactivating one energy center, by channeling energy from others.
Quote:Ra Session 77 of the Law of One February 10, 1982
Those Logoi whose creations have been set up without free will have not, in the feeling of those Logoi, given the Creator the quality and variety of experience of Itself as have those Logoi which have incorporated free will as paramount. Thusly you find those Logoi moving through the timeless states at what you would see as a later space/time to choose the free will character when elucidating the foundations of each Logos.
And i assume the upper limit of the free will will be defined by the extreme examples learned in this solar system, and similar others. Natural. We can look towards a removed veil existence, or a light veil, or less free will existence (or balanced reduction of both) in coming aeons.
For doing otherwise destroys avenues of learning, leave aside actually teaching anything. It is beyond wise.
This concludes the initial post i created over the duration of a day.
Forgot one important point :
A 3d entity has no business learning wisdom. 3d is about 'there are other entities apart from me', and 'i am myself an entity', and being able to use abstract thought and reasoning.
It is not about wisdom. There is an entire density that is relevant to wisdom, 5d. It is to the extent that its ray, blue ray, being the definitive ray of wisdom, knowledge, communication. For all entities.
Teaching wisdom beforehand in 3d, instead of 5d, is beyond wise itself. Everything should be taught in their proper density.