03-26-2014, 11:07 AM
Trust is something that we are taught at a very young age. We grow to trust our parents with our livelihood, we trust those teachers to guide us through our adolescence and teenage years and quite possibly through the years of university. But what about once we are on our own within a world of mistrust, deceit, self serving? What about those integral figures from our past that betrayed this supposed trust?
What is trust to you? Some would say that trust is the confidence that one has that an other self wouldn't inflict harm in any way or act in a deleterious way. But are you sure that's all that trust really is? Are you sure you aren't setting up an action, a belief, even an expectation of a person based upon control or self preservation?
This trust as people call it can also be likened to a thought or belief that is willed upon an other self solely for the purpose of self preservation of ones feelings or ego. Such willed thoughts can be looked at as a direct infringement upon the other selfs free will if you think about it. Such willed thoughts are expectations that this other self would never do this person harm or break this bond that they cherish so much but who is one to say what an other self should and should not do?
Then when this pseudo-trust is broken, this person feels betrayed and in severe cases, heartbroken to the point where one dwells upon it and allows such a breach of something so sacred, it starts to take on an identity of it's own. This identity is know as mistrust. This mistrust in any and all of those other selfs which could potentially cause more harm, immediately negates all potential teach/learning experiences to one due to the proverbial wall or shell of protection against that which seems to be the inevitable in this damaged mind.
When one who takes such levels of trust and incorporates them into their daily life, one will inevitably run into disappointment thus by putting such an emphasis on trust, one is potentially setting themselves up for failure from the very start. Such expectations are completely illogical and unreasonable especially considering the ever important point of preserving an other selfs free will which leads me to my final point.
By always allowing the other self to be free of such willed thoughts or expectations, one is truly accepting this other self and the individual that they are. By allowing and accepting that this other self is free to do as thou wilt will enable one to accept that which seems unacceptable to those who place such importance upon this trust concept. You can always hope/trust that an other self doesn't hurt you as long as it's followed by the statement and true belief that this other self is still free to do as thou wilt. Only then can one who's been beaten down by feelings of a breach in trust or even those who have a general mistrust of other selfs can ever begin to break free of the enslavement that this reliance on trust creates.
So in conclusion, trust is something that many seem to hold in such high regard yet when one truly begins to think about what trust truly is in terms of the Law of One, one can never place such an importance on trust in an other self and also truly accept that person in every unconditional way. Because trust is a belief or thoughtform created to serve the self by preserving the self for the self.
What is trust to you? Some would say that trust is the confidence that one has that an other self wouldn't inflict harm in any way or act in a deleterious way. But are you sure that's all that trust really is? Are you sure you aren't setting up an action, a belief, even an expectation of a person based upon control or self preservation?
This trust as people call it can also be likened to a thought or belief that is willed upon an other self solely for the purpose of self preservation of ones feelings or ego. Such willed thoughts can be looked at as a direct infringement upon the other selfs free will if you think about it. Such willed thoughts are expectations that this other self would never do this person harm or break this bond that they cherish so much but who is one to say what an other self should and should not do?
Then when this pseudo-trust is broken, this person feels betrayed and in severe cases, heartbroken to the point where one dwells upon it and allows such a breach of something so sacred, it starts to take on an identity of it's own. This identity is know as mistrust. This mistrust in any and all of those other selfs which could potentially cause more harm, immediately negates all potential teach/learning experiences to one due to the proverbial wall or shell of protection against that which seems to be the inevitable in this damaged mind.
When one who takes such levels of trust and incorporates them into their daily life, one will inevitably run into disappointment thus by putting such an emphasis on trust, one is potentially setting themselves up for failure from the very start. Such expectations are completely illogical and unreasonable especially considering the ever important point of preserving an other selfs free will which leads me to my final point.
By always allowing the other self to be free of such willed thoughts or expectations, one is truly accepting this other self and the individual that they are. By allowing and accepting that this other self is free to do as thou wilt will enable one to accept that which seems unacceptable to those who place such importance upon this trust concept. You can always hope/trust that an other self doesn't hurt you as long as it's followed by the statement and true belief that this other self is still free to do as thou wilt. Only then can one who's been beaten down by feelings of a breach in trust or even those who have a general mistrust of other selfs can ever begin to break free of the enslavement that this reliance on trust creates.
So in conclusion, trust is something that many seem to hold in such high regard yet when one truly begins to think about what trust truly is in terms of the Law of One, one can never place such an importance on trust in an other self and also truly accept that person in every unconditional way. Because trust is a belief or thoughtform created to serve the self by preserving the self for the self.