04-12-2013, 03:43 PM
I felt the desire to share my heart with you all today. I wasn't sure whether to put this here or in the "Strictly Law of One" sub-forum, so I ask the mods to feel free to move it if you feel it belongs there instead.
For a while now I've been re-reading book III of the Ra Material, and I found (or re-found) a few things that culminated in a groundbreaking realization earlier today. It was this passage that really struck me:
Thus those whose desires are shallow or transitory experience only ephemeral configurations of what might be called the magical circumstance. There is a turning point, a fulcrum which swings as the mind/body/spirit complex tunes its will to service. If this will and desire is for service-to-others the corresponding polarity will be activated.
-Book III, Session 72 (Forgive me for not digging up the actual quote.)
It sort of hit me all in an instant...why do I define myself as service-to-others? Is it because I like the Ra Material? Because I identify as being a wanderer? Because I do my best to not be a douche to other people, even when I feel like it? Is it because I believe in aliens and/or conspiracy theories or have had experiences that can't be explained in a conventional way? Is it because I advocate love as a good thing to feel, or service-to-others as a good thing to be? All of that usually comes with the brand, but none of these things make me service-to-others. They make me a seeker, but not a polarized seeker.
Yeah, I'm generally a nice person, I'll hold a door open for someone once in a while and I avoid the type of controlling, manipulative behavior that defines service-to-self. I think about love a lot, and I love a lot of people. Sometimes I feel like I love the whole universe so much that it hurts, but still, does any of that really make me service-to-others? There are plenty of people wallowing in the "sea of indifference" who could be defined as good, nice, loving people without making the slightest effort to polarize.
And effort is the key word here. At least as far as I understand it, polarizing is something that requires effort. Being a friendly person is great, but it's far from the singular focus and dedication of the will that leads one to a truly polarized and "magical" state. When one genuinely pursues a polarity, every action within their life is based upon their perception of that polarity. The entire incarnation becomes a tool of the will to reach that which is most fervently desired. That's not to say there won't be bad days and slip ups, but even those become a conscious means of reflecting, balancing, improving and climbing one step higher on the path toward the light.
I think there is a certain threshold on "the stairs" that marks a turning toward the positive polarity. There is the realization of a world of love, and the promise of all-encompassing acceptance, and that feels warm and good, and it's so easy to just stand on that threshold and bask in that love, and convince oneself that being aware of it is enough to make the grade. However, this is only the gateway to a polarized path. It's true that within this dimension our ability to reach some of the higher and more spectacular levels of knowledge and existence is limited, but there is always room to climb higher, even if only incrementally. Polarization is a state of constant movement. If one stops walking, sliding back is inevitable.
I say these things because I realized today the state of complacency I've fallen into. I've defined myself as service-to-others and allowed myself to be satisfied with that. I often go on an ego trip over how "awakened" I am compared to those who seem to enjoy being completely ignorant of what's happening in the world around them, but just because I've gained the wisdom to perceive a higher reality doesn't grant me entrance through its gates.
For most of my life I have been rather self-absorbed. In a way this is a good thing, because I spend a lot of time trying to figure myself out-to find the roots of my own desires and motivations. In the "Know the self, accept the self, become the Creator" formula, I've dedicated a great deal of time to knowing/understanding myself. However, I often become so caught up in the subtle nuances of my own thoughts that I'm completely distracted from offering service to anyone. I reflect on myself plenty, but I realize now that that reflection has long ceased to be framed with the desire for service, dissolving into irritable nitpicking. I find myself apathetic and bored, and constantly feeling as if something is missing in my life, and I realize now that what is missing is the uncompromising, fervent desire to walk the path I have chosen.
Yes, there are plenty of things I do that could be counted as service-to-others, but usually only when the opportunity falls into my lap and I'm feeling good, and even there's no guarantee my heart is in it. Quite often I've found myself feeling very grudging when giving readings or counseling, or even just doing basic things for other people, because it infringes on my own comfort somehow. I go through the motions because I feel like serving is something I'm "supposed" to do, but I lack the desire, and I'm not fully, consciously aware of what I am doing and why, what does it count for? Even those on the negative path will do things for others if it benefits them in some way. The action itself does not define the service, but the intent behind the action.
I've been tired these past few years, and generally melancholic in disposition. At some point my fire went out and I didn't realize it. That isn't to say I've made no progress at all. Compared to where I was just a year ago I feel like I've taken huge steps in getting to the bottom of some of my more prevalent and stubborn distortions, and in balancing my overall state. I'm actually quite proud of myself in how many personal mountains I've managed to move in such a short span of time. Yet from this new viewpoint, all of that was only ground work. Saying "I've improved" does not make me harvestable. I prefer to not judge harvestabiity by percentages, but in this case I'd say one could go from 49% STO to 50% STO- a notable improvement- and still fall short of the 51% mark. And even if 51 is reached, why not more? Is thinking "I'm serving just enough to make it" really the type of thought held by a polarized individual?
I'm not trying to deprecate myself. If anything, a lack of self-trust and self-acceptance has been the prime contributor to nearly every other stumbling block I've encountered. Having this realization has brought me great joy, because it offers me the chance to move farther after feeling stagnant for some time. I don't want to spend a bunch of time downing myself for not being father up the stairs, as I've already climbed quite a distance.
What I do want to do is to redouble my will and turn all that attention I give myself towards wholeheartedly following the path that I have chosen- to use my perception of my own being to dedicate myself to something greater. I want to be a transparent lens for that light to shine through- an extension of the will of the purest white light that is the Creator's love. I want that love to shine through my eyes onto everyone I meet, and to make my very presence a service because I lighten the vibration of my environment. I want every moment, and every thought, word and action to reflect my choice to represent the Light.
I realize that I will likely fall short of this goal time and again, but I will still pursue it as my highest desire. With every mistake, I want my will to only get stronger and brighter as I learn more and more ways to make myself less and less distorted. I want even my bad days and my mistakes to reflect the Creator's love and acceptance, by accepting and loving myself enough to joyfully learn from them and move on. I realize I can't do everything. I can't help everyone in the way I would like to help them, but I want to do my very best- to do what I can with what I have, 100%. If I'm positive, I want to get more positive. I want to climb higher and higher still. I want my service to be pure and genuine, not something I do out of a sense of obligation.
Simply realizing this- simply having this window into myself open up from re-reading something I've read tons of times before- I am so thankful for that. I feel like for the first time in ages my fire is going again, and being service-to-others actually means something to me.
I feel like the sharing of our inner-most selves with each other is an integral part of the forming of a memory complex, and so I just wanted to share this bit of my insides today.
For a while now I've been re-reading book III of the Ra Material, and I found (or re-found) a few things that culminated in a groundbreaking realization earlier today. It was this passage that really struck me:
Thus those whose desires are shallow or transitory experience only ephemeral configurations of what might be called the magical circumstance. There is a turning point, a fulcrum which swings as the mind/body/spirit complex tunes its will to service. If this will and desire is for service-to-others the corresponding polarity will be activated.
-Book III, Session 72 (Forgive me for not digging up the actual quote.)
It sort of hit me all in an instant...why do I define myself as service-to-others? Is it because I like the Ra Material? Because I identify as being a wanderer? Because I do my best to not be a douche to other people, even when I feel like it? Is it because I believe in aliens and/or conspiracy theories or have had experiences that can't be explained in a conventional way? Is it because I advocate love as a good thing to feel, or service-to-others as a good thing to be? All of that usually comes with the brand, but none of these things make me service-to-others. They make me a seeker, but not a polarized seeker.
Yeah, I'm generally a nice person, I'll hold a door open for someone once in a while and I avoid the type of controlling, manipulative behavior that defines service-to-self. I think about love a lot, and I love a lot of people. Sometimes I feel like I love the whole universe so much that it hurts, but still, does any of that really make me service-to-others? There are plenty of people wallowing in the "sea of indifference" who could be defined as good, nice, loving people without making the slightest effort to polarize.
And effort is the key word here. At least as far as I understand it, polarizing is something that requires effort. Being a friendly person is great, but it's far from the singular focus and dedication of the will that leads one to a truly polarized and "magical" state. When one genuinely pursues a polarity, every action within their life is based upon their perception of that polarity. The entire incarnation becomes a tool of the will to reach that which is most fervently desired. That's not to say there won't be bad days and slip ups, but even those become a conscious means of reflecting, balancing, improving and climbing one step higher on the path toward the light.
I think there is a certain threshold on "the stairs" that marks a turning toward the positive polarity. There is the realization of a world of love, and the promise of all-encompassing acceptance, and that feels warm and good, and it's so easy to just stand on that threshold and bask in that love, and convince oneself that being aware of it is enough to make the grade. However, this is only the gateway to a polarized path. It's true that within this dimension our ability to reach some of the higher and more spectacular levels of knowledge and existence is limited, but there is always room to climb higher, even if only incrementally. Polarization is a state of constant movement. If one stops walking, sliding back is inevitable.
I say these things because I realized today the state of complacency I've fallen into. I've defined myself as service-to-others and allowed myself to be satisfied with that. I often go on an ego trip over how "awakened" I am compared to those who seem to enjoy being completely ignorant of what's happening in the world around them, but just because I've gained the wisdom to perceive a higher reality doesn't grant me entrance through its gates.
For most of my life I have been rather self-absorbed. In a way this is a good thing, because I spend a lot of time trying to figure myself out-to find the roots of my own desires and motivations. In the "Know the self, accept the self, become the Creator" formula, I've dedicated a great deal of time to knowing/understanding myself. However, I often become so caught up in the subtle nuances of my own thoughts that I'm completely distracted from offering service to anyone. I reflect on myself plenty, but I realize now that that reflection has long ceased to be framed with the desire for service, dissolving into irritable nitpicking. I find myself apathetic and bored, and constantly feeling as if something is missing in my life, and I realize now that what is missing is the uncompromising, fervent desire to walk the path I have chosen.
Yes, there are plenty of things I do that could be counted as service-to-others, but usually only when the opportunity falls into my lap and I'm feeling good, and even there's no guarantee my heart is in it. Quite often I've found myself feeling very grudging when giving readings or counseling, or even just doing basic things for other people, because it infringes on my own comfort somehow. I go through the motions because I feel like serving is something I'm "supposed" to do, but I lack the desire, and I'm not fully, consciously aware of what I am doing and why, what does it count for? Even those on the negative path will do things for others if it benefits them in some way. The action itself does not define the service, but the intent behind the action.
I've been tired these past few years, and generally melancholic in disposition. At some point my fire went out and I didn't realize it. That isn't to say I've made no progress at all. Compared to where I was just a year ago I feel like I've taken huge steps in getting to the bottom of some of my more prevalent and stubborn distortions, and in balancing my overall state. I'm actually quite proud of myself in how many personal mountains I've managed to move in such a short span of time. Yet from this new viewpoint, all of that was only ground work. Saying "I've improved" does not make me harvestable. I prefer to not judge harvestabiity by percentages, but in this case I'd say one could go from 49% STO to 50% STO- a notable improvement- and still fall short of the 51% mark. And even if 51 is reached, why not more? Is thinking "I'm serving just enough to make it" really the type of thought held by a polarized individual?
I'm not trying to deprecate myself. If anything, a lack of self-trust and self-acceptance has been the prime contributor to nearly every other stumbling block I've encountered. Having this realization has brought me great joy, because it offers me the chance to move farther after feeling stagnant for some time. I don't want to spend a bunch of time downing myself for not being father up the stairs, as I've already climbed quite a distance.
What I do want to do is to redouble my will and turn all that attention I give myself towards wholeheartedly following the path that I have chosen- to use my perception of my own being to dedicate myself to something greater. I want to be a transparent lens for that light to shine through- an extension of the will of the purest white light that is the Creator's love. I want that love to shine through my eyes onto everyone I meet, and to make my very presence a service because I lighten the vibration of my environment. I want every moment, and every thought, word and action to reflect my choice to represent the Light.
I realize that I will likely fall short of this goal time and again, but I will still pursue it as my highest desire. With every mistake, I want my will to only get stronger and brighter as I learn more and more ways to make myself less and less distorted. I want even my bad days and my mistakes to reflect the Creator's love and acceptance, by accepting and loving myself enough to joyfully learn from them and move on. I realize I can't do everything. I can't help everyone in the way I would like to help them, but I want to do my very best- to do what I can with what I have, 100%. If I'm positive, I want to get more positive. I want to climb higher and higher still. I want my service to be pure and genuine, not something I do out of a sense of obligation.
Simply realizing this- simply having this window into myself open up from re-reading something I've read tons of times before- I am so thankful for that. I feel like for the first time in ages my fire is going again, and being service-to-others actually means something to me.
I feel like the sharing of our inner-most selves with each other is an integral part of the forming of a memory complex, and so I just wanted to share this bit of my insides today.
