(06-11-2012, 08:23 PM)Eddie Wrote: Your notions of "higher density" diets are speculative;
No, not at all. I'm referring to what Ra has stated about the "living foodstuffs" and "ambrosia" that 4D entities dine on.
(06-11-2012, 08:23 PM)Eddie Wrote: but there is concrete evidence that diets low in carbohydrates are conducive to good human health.
Compared to what? Compared to junk food diets of white bread and refined sugar, sure.
There is concrete evidence that vegetarian diets are conducive to good human health, after other factors (such as smoking, junk food etc.) have been eliminated.
(06-11-2012, 08:23 PM)Eddie Wrote: exposes "healthy whole grains" for the incredibly destructive genetic monsters they've become. Over 80% of the people he meets today are pre-diabetic or diabetic. In an effort to reduce blood sugar, he asked patients to remove all wheat products from their diet based on the simple fact that foods made of wheat flour raise blood sugar higher than nearly all other foods, regardless if the wheat is organic, multi-grain, whole grain or sprouted. The results were positively drastic. Dr. Davis will discuss the benefits of going wheat free. We'll cover genetic changes of wheat verses ancient grains. He explains how modern wheat is an opiate and appetite stimulant. William also breaks down the internal components of wheat and how they interact with the body in negative ways linked to a slew of health problems. He also explains the great lie of gluten free bread. Why aren't doctors giving this important research any attention?
I don't disagree with any of this, except maybe the sprouted part. The whole point of sprouting grains is that they do become more digestible and nutritious, so I question that part. But other than that, I have no issue with avoiding wheat. I myself avoid wheat because I tested positive on a gluten intolerance test.
The key here is that wheat and corn are no longer natural grains, but are some sort of genetic freaks, due to Monsanto's genetic engineering. Even the organic wheat and corn are tainted. Same with soy. I avoid both corn and wheat, and eat only organic, fermented soy.
Another point is the distinction between flour and sprouted grains. If the grains weren't corrupted by Monsanto, then there would indeed be a difference, because any sort of flour tends to turn to glue in the body.
But the Paleo diet isn't just about avoiding corn and wheat; it's about eating raw meat. That's the part I was referring to that seems like devo.