04-09-2012, 07:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-10-2012, 12:49 PM by Steppingfeet.)
I've been feeling a little down and have had the fool mentality. I searched llresearch for foolish and came across some quotes that seemed to speak to me. I always do my best to adore Creator in every situation I come across, so such words as these are rather touching to me.
"What does the Creator hope for from you but that
you be yourself and that you explore what the self is
in an ever more profound sense; that you come to
experiences with your whole self and allow them to
affect you."
"Your responsibility to the Creator, then,
begins with being who you are. Not striving, not
making efforts, but, indeed, letting go and releasing
that which is not you."
"There is no one within the
energies of your third-density world that remains at
all times in a perfect state of self-awareness. Truly,
this is not the reason for which you took form
within the Earth world. Indeed, each of you came
specifically to be thrown off balance, to be confused,
to be puzzled, even to be in distress and to suffer.
For you knew before incarnation that the great
opportunity that one has only within the illusion is
that it cannot be seen or proven that spirit exists,
much less that it is a transcendent state which, in
fact, doubles the illusion. You are not here to be
masters of the illusion but rather to be confused,
puzzled, foolish and wrong."
Indeed, I've been so confused at times that I feel like throwing up.
This part is challenging:
"Precisely what you feel
is that which is right for you, yet you are creators.
You are those who have all of the infinite resources
of that spiritual part of self that has nothing to do
with the illusion. You are people of magic and
power, and you can, as this instrument was saying
earlier, dream a new present for yourself and
envision a new future. You can use techniques that
allow you to release old pain and embrace the
present and the future with confidence."
"It is foolish
to seek to give the self full of love to those whom
you do not know. And yet, my friends, is it not
foolish to love the Creator that you have not yet
met? Is it foolish to seek the heart of love when love
is that force which has created all that is? Is it foolish
to walk upon the dusty trail of the seeker of truth
when that trail so often seems isolated and alone, yet
when explored fully is filled with fellow seekers and
pilgrims who walk that same trail and who seek in
that same vein to love without end, to give without
stint, and to be in harmony with all that there is?"
"What does the Creator hope for from you but that
you be yourself and that you explore what the self is
in an ever more profound sense; that you come to
experiences with your whole self and allow them to
affect you."
"Your responsibility to the Creator, then,
begins with being who you are. Not striving, not
making efforts, but, indeed, letting go and releasing
that which is not you."
"There is no one within the
energies of your third-density world that remains at
all times in a perfect state of self-awareness. Truly,
this is not the reason for which you took form
within the Earth world. Indeed, each of you came
specifically to be thrown off balance, to be confused,
to be puzzled, even to be in distress and to suffer.
For you knew before incarnation that the great
opportunity that one has only within the illusion is
that it cannot be seen or proven that spirit exists,
much less that it is a transcendent state which, in
fact, doubles the illusion. You are not here to be
masters of the illusion but rather to be confused,
puzzled, foolish and wrong."
Indeed, I've been so confused at times that I feel like throwing up.
This part is challenging:
"Precisely what you feel
is that which is right for you, yet you are creators.
You are those who have all of the infinite resources
of that spiritual part of self that has nothing to do
with the illusion. You are people of magic and
power, and you can, as this instrument was saying
earlier, dream a new present for yourself and
envision a new future. You can use techniques that
allow you to release old pain and embrace the
present and the future with confidence."
"It is foolish
to seek to give the self full of love to those whom
you do not know. And yet, my friends, is it not
foolish to love the Creator that you have not yet
met? Is it foolish to seek the heart of love when love
is that force which has created all that is? Is it foolish
to walk upon the dusty trail of the seeker of truth
when that trail so often seems isolated and alone, yet
when explored fully is filled with fellow seekers and
pilgrims who walk that same trail and who seek in
that same vein to love without end, to give without
stint, and to be in harmony with all that there is?"