07-22-2011, 11:20 AM
I recently lay in bed thinking one night am I doing enough? should I be doing more? If 2012 really is going to be the time of harvest I feel like I am not and have not done enough... I am awake but just because I understand the Law of One, doesn't give me a ticket to 4th density or back to where I came from... If I am a wonderer. I only discovered the Law of One at the beginning of this year, thinking about my life before being awakened seems like such a long time ago when it was only the beginning of this year that I discovered it.. Looking back I always knew something was up I always questioned what "this" was I often had these amazing thoughts of what is this, what is time, what was here before this universe began? I always felt a little lost before my awakening and I feel as though I am a totally different person to who I used to be, sure I was always a kind person, well most of the time but know I am an overwhelmingly happy person who loves life.. But I am still faced with the question am I doing enough? If I am a wanderer what is my purpose? With awakening to the spiritual reality I have also been awakened to the negativity in the world, yes I mean all the conspiracies in the world and what the Elite are doing to humanity all their lies and hate.. I cant believe I lived life before not knowing any of this stuff.. I try to keep away from the negative stuff because there is so much of it and it does get you down to know what they are doing and it takes you away from the positive in the world.. Anyway I am going with what ever comes to my mind right now so it may be a bit jumbled..
I am only 18 years old and I feel it a privilge to be awakened at such a young age, but it is also the reason I feel as though I can't do enough to help other selves... There is only a limited amount of things I can do at 18 I just want to help others in anyway I can! I have recently set up a youtube account under the name "TragedyandHope" I am getting more subscribers every day and I make videos to help awaken people to what is really going on in this world such as creating videos about the atrocities in Libya, my Ron Paul video with over 11,200 views, my video I made about a world wide revolution with over 3000 views and people telling me it inspired them to do something in their life and many other videos which I have posted here before. I always when I recieve negative comments respond with love.. Asking people not to fight to just have love I always comment of how we are all one. I am friendly to everyone and extremelly passionate about what is happening to people in countries like Afganistan, Iraq Africa, Libya.. I have dreams about going over and helping them. My mum thinks I should be a humanitarian because I so passionate about helping others... But is this enough? What else can I do at 18? How are you a service to others in everyday life? I would love your help and suggestions!
I often feel alone like a stranger in a strange land I see the world so differently now since discovering the Law of One and also since discovering the truth about the Elite in the world.. I can no longer and will never see the world the same again.. I do not watch much TV anymore it just seems all so pointless and most of it is just propaganda to keep us trapped in a little box a small mind set and to not think for our selves. Anyway I am ranting again!
Again I would love your suggestions on what else I can do to be of service to others and what you do to be of service to others! I will be amazed if people read this entire rant..
Love and Light
we are One
I am only 18 years old and I feel it a privilge to be awakened at such a young age, but it is also the reason I feel as though I can't do enough to help other selves... There is only a limited amount of things I can do at 18 I just want to help others in anyway I can! I have recently set up a youtube account under the name "TragedyandHope" I am getting more subscribers every day and I make videos to help awaken people to what is really going on in this world such as creating videos about the atrocities in Libya, my Ron Paul video with over 11,200 views, my video I made about a world wide revolution with over 3000 views and people telling me it inspired them to do something in their life and many other videos which I have posted here before. I always when I recieve negative comments respond with love.. Asking people not to fight to just have love I always comment of how we are all one. I am friendly to everyone and extremelly passionate about what is happening to people in countries like Afganistan, Iraq Africa, Libya.. I have dreams about going over and helping them. My mum thinks I should be a humanitarian because I so passionate about helping others... But is this enough? What else can I do at 18? How are you a service to others in everyday life? I would love your help and suggestions!
I often feel alone like a stranger in a strange land I see the world so differently now since discovering the Law of One and also since discovering the truth about the Elite in the world.. I can no longer and will never see the world the same again.. I do not watch much TV anymore it just seems all so pointless and most of it is just propaganda to keep us trapped in a little box a small mind set and to not think for our selves. Anyway I am ranting again!
Again I would love your suggestions on what else I can do to be of service to others and what you do to be of service to others! I will be amazed if people read this entire rant..
Love and Light
we are One