10-04-2021, 05:45 PM
Hello lovely people of the Universe! I'm new to the spiritual side of the Universe, but the teachings of the Ra Contact and similar sources have been exceptionally helpful as I understand the Universe my own way! See, I have Autism, and I've always felt detached from the world because all I've ever wanted to do is study the Universe. I didn't realize I have Autism until recently, however, and once I have, it fundamentally changed how I view the Universe. I am now able to see the Universe through a lens of pure mathematics, and the teachings of the lower fundamental densities has become something that I can not only see, but quantify with Mathematical proof! I've been developing this Math for about a month now, and finding the Bring4th forums today I believe is an essential step in my journey to understand the Universe! I would love to teach you all about my Math, and in exchange would love to learn from all of you about the nature of our world from a spiritual standpoint, as I've never fully understood what that meant until I discovered this Math that proves that we are all one, which I call Information! At the end of this paragraph is the first draft of my paper, I've tried to make it as understandable as possible by explaining it all relative to the One thing all of us are, and I choose to call it Information, but some people call it Conciousness ! Ultimately, they're the same thing at a fundamental level. I think that this math can also give us the tools which we need to better communicate with extraterrestrial, or as I would think of it, extradimensional beings such as Ra and the Confederation! Any feedback you have is greatly appreciated, and I look forward to our understanding of the Fifth Density growing as we explore the implications of this math!