05-11-2016, 03:12 PM
I'm terribly behind on keeping up with the last few Q'uo. Luckily, Gary shared an excerpt from this session that I found to be very moving. In fact, the whole session is extremely moving!
The question was sent in and asked, are there ways in which love can be impeded by wisdom? And of course, the short answer is yes. Q'uo is very deft at explaining why.
Q'uo says that due to the habits of the mind complex to focus on efficiency, we tend to forget about the "inefficient" efforts of opening our hearts and sending love and light to others.
Q'uo says sometimes it's just about taking the time away from what we see as our own priorities to make space for the priorities of others.
Ah yes, how easy it is to dismiss a request for service with an "I don't have time for this right now!" or "This is disrupting the usual routine of events." So justified, yet so unintentional.
Q'uo says what others often need, for us to be of most service, is our "listening heart" - creating a safe space for a vulnerable, hurt entity to share their pain.
Q'uo goes on to describe the benefits of wisdom, and the follies of wisdom: Pros being that you learn discernment, which you can use so that you know where your energy should be directed that is of most value. Cons being that even the wisest individual in 3rd density is able to be deceived, because the whole point of 3rd density is confusion.
Opening our heart as a gesture to serve another is a scary business. Sometimes all someone needs is a small part of our day to help them, but even then, again, it's always justifiable to say no. What if we could teach ourselves to make the time for others? To trust that a connection in love to another entity who is seeking comfort is more than worth any effort?
I just experienced this recently. I had a job with a small employee pool and I thought I was doing my best to love and serve the group. But something shifted, and I became the scapegoat for everyone else's bad behavior. This is pretty par for the course in my life experience. However, I see how it can be a group service in and of itself, and either way, Ra teaches that moving through as many groups as possible is a good thing - so getting fired from one group forces me into another group's circle.
Q'uo says here too that yes, there is value in wisdom, because one shouldn't martyr themselves over and over for entities that will just use them. But even in these interactions, it's possible to open the heart still without endangering the self.
Q'uo says be Foolish. It's why we've come to 3rd density. Wisdom has its place, but being a Fool is the name of the game.
And if you're not willing to be totally foolish, just don't let wisdom overrun it all. The wisdom that prevents one from opening the heart in love is not true wisdom.
The question was sent in and asked, are there ways in which love can be impeded by wisdom? And of course, the short answer is yes. Q'uo is very deft at explaining why.
Q'uo says that due to the habits of the mind complex to focus on efficiency, we tend to forget about the "inefficient" efforts of opening our hearts and sending love and light to others.
Quote:We are aware that each here pursues a path of seeking the opening of the green-ray energy center as the primary portion of your journey through the third-density illusion. To be able to open the heart in what is called “unconditional love” in more than 51% of your thoughts, words, and deeds is considered an harvestable quality or quantity for entities to express love for those about them.
My friends, this sounds like a very easy procedure and qualifying level which to meet., however, it takes a certain kind of consciousness and concentration to be able to do this reliably in your daily round of activities, for as you move through the schedules, appointments, and lists that comprise your lives on a day-to-day basis, it is easy to forget the foundation upon which you have built your journey for this life.
The mind, in its attempt to order and organize your various lists and appointments, oftentimes seeks efficiency rather than the type of attitude which allows for a room to express the heart, the emotions in general, and to relate in a fashion which is, indeed, of an open-hearted nature. Too easy is it to move rapidly from one item to another, feeling the satisfaction of checking off each item upon the list and, at day’s end, congratulating the self for having done so.
Q'uo says sometimes it's just about taking the time away from what we see as our own priorities to make space for the priorities of others.
Quote:And yet, if you look at the lists of your spiritual journey, you will find it is a simpler list, for primary amongst each of your priorities, we feel, is the expression of the heart chakra in a way which embraces the unity of the moment, shall we say. This unity of the moment may involve your spending a good deal of time and honestly sharing emotions with those who may be a portion of your round of lists. You may find it inconvenient, often in the extreme, to take the time that another entity may need in any particular moment of your day. Life is often a messy business. There are hurt feelings, painful memories, doubtful futures, difficult moments in the present that intrude upon the smoothly functioning checking off of lists. In this case, you see what could be described as a battle between love and wisdom; the wisdom of accomplishing your task as you define it within your third-density illusion, versus the compassion that is a part of your spiritual journey and which requires reminders throughout the day, much as your list reminds you of your appointments and your schedule.
Ah yes, how easy it is to dismiss a request for service with an "I don't have time for this right now!" or "This is disrupting the usual routine of events." So justified, yet so unintentional.
Q'uo says what others often need, for us to be of most service, is our "listening heart" - creating a safe space for a vulnerable, hurt entity to share their pain.
Quote:Thus, we would suggest that your third-density illusion provides you with a, shall we say, degree of difficulty in accomplishing the activation of the green-ray energy center, for more and more your mechanized, computerized, digitized society requires you to move at increasing speeds in the physical sense, as well as the mental and the emotional senses as well—speeds which oftentimes necessitate, or would seem to, the omitting of what may become extraneous details in dealing with others’ needs for your listening heart.
Q'uo goes on to describe the benefits of wisdom, and the follies of wisdom: Pros being that you learn discernment, which you can use so that you know where your energy should be directed that is of most value. Cons being that even the wisest individual in 3rd density is able to be deceived, because the whole point of 3rd density is confusion.
Quote:Now, the reason that is appropriate and important for us to pass this challenge is that in your third-density illusion, it is not possible to ascertain, self-evidentally, the intention of those with whom you communicate, for it is rather easy to conceal one’s intention in this illusory experience, and you have all developed, over the course of your lifetimes, powers of discernment by which you judge the quality of the communications which you receive, the quality of the interactions which are offered to you, and make an estimate of the best way to respond. This is all part of a process which may be called wisdom.
And yet, the wisest among you may be deceived, and this deception can go very, very deep because those factors which you use to sort out one intention from an other, a good intention from a bad, an open-hearted intention from one which is closed off and selfish . . . These criteria, we say, can be easily mimicked, and if you allow yourself to judge based upon factors which do not go to the heart of a communication, which do not go to the heart of an offering of an other-self, then you can very, very easily discover that you are well on the way to a path that does not lead to the open heart, but rather to a way of serving the self.
These ways of serving the self are, in fact, very many, and very clever in the manner in which they are offered to the self. You may see them as temptations, but they are temptations which are wrapped, very frequently, in an envelope of good intentions, shall we say, such that it can appear to one who engages with others that they are in a fine place with respect to the offering of service, when in reality, the service offered is already of the nature of that which primarily seeks to promote hidden interests of the self.
Opening our heart as a gesture to serve another is a scary business. Sometimes all someone needs is a small part of our day to help them, but even then, again, it's always justifiable to say no. What if we could teach ourselves to make the time for others? To trust that a connection in love to another entity who is seeking comfort is more than worth any effort?
Quote:It seems then that the opening of the heart is a great act of folly and indeed, my friends, we would suggest to you that it can be precisely this, that when you do open the heart, you do find yourself vulnerable, when you do open the heart, you do put yourself in a position where another may act in such a way as to cause you pain, and when you do open the heart and get catalyst that is of a particularly strong nature, you can find yourself in a position of recoiling back upon yourself which makes any future opportunity to open the heart all that much more difficult to avail yourself of. So the opening of the heart may well be seen to have a kind of wisdom of its own built into its process, built into its nature.
One is like the springtime flower opening on the first days of bright sunshine and warmth, but doing so in a manner which is tentative, which tests the air to see whether there is, after all, a hint of frost, a hint a danger lurking. But the flower must open to fulfill its destiny, and it must do so without full realization of what the day will bring, and when it finally comes to see that its glory will lie in being fully opened, even if this glory subjects it to the possibility of damage, then it realizes that destiny which is uniquely its own.
We cannot tell you, my friends, that you will be safe in every effort you make to engage with those around you from a standpoint of love. We cannot say that your offering of love will be accepted and well received. We cannot say that you will emerge from every interaction you enter with the intention of love in a manner which celebrates the love that has been there offered, for you may find that your love is rejected; you may find that those that you have sought to love will not give you love in return.
I just experienced this recently. I had a job with a small employee pool and I thought I was doing my best to love and serve the group. But something shifted, and I became the scapegoat for everyone else's bad behavior. This is pretty par for the course in my life experience. However, I see how it can be a group service in and of itself, and either way, Ra teaches that moving through as many groups as possible is a good thing - so getting fired from one group forces me into another group's circle.
Q'uo says here too that yes, there is value in wisdom, because one shouldn't martyr themselves over and over for entities that will just use them. But even in these interactions, it's possible to open the heart still without endangering the self.
Quote:You have a saying among your peoples that “it is better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all,” and we find that this is indeed true, but its truth does not neglect the fact that to have loved and lost is to have lost indeed. And so, it remains true that it is well to exercise some judgment in guiding your interactions among those around you. It is well to allow this judgment to be imbued with that wisdom which has accumulated as a result of your many past interactions, for it is possible, to quote another of your sayings, “to throw your pearls before swine.” It is possible to unwisely enter into an interaction with the best of intentions in a way and in a circumstance that in truth, offers little opportunity for positive engagement.
And so, you do well to be aware of those limitations, both within your own person and within your group interactions that can put a limit to the possible efficacy of open-hearted communication. Even there, however, we would say that it is still always a possibility for you to keep the heart open, even where it is not fully exposed; to keep the heart open, even where you have taken up a posture in relation to those around you such that those around you will be known not to be able to see that you are being open-hearted in relation to them. There simply are many circumstances in your daily lives where you will be dealing with those who have no intention and no present capacity to engage with you heart to heart, and it is well then to privately wish well these that need to go their own way, to hope that they find what they need to find in order to find their way to the spiritual advancement which they too inevitably seek.
Q'uo says be Foolish. It's why we've come to 3rd density. Wisdom has its place, but being a Fool is the name of the game.
Quote:Thus, we find that it is always a very, very great gift when you are able to address your energies to those of others who do have an interest in engaging with those energies as a part of a process of mutual heart opening. It is always a great gift to find another who can resonate on the same wavelength that you enjoy, and here it is, indeed, not only possible, but highly desirable to open yourself in ways that can seem tremendously foolish. It is desirable when the circumstances offers the promise of sufficient safety for you to avail yourself of this safety and take a chance, and take a chance that you may love freely without stint of reservation, that you may love freely without fear, that you may love freely without holding back in the concern that your love will intrude upon the subjective life of the beloved, for only when your love is offered in this uninhibited way, does another have the full advantage of the catalyst which this moment can uniquely provide. It is a very great joy which you sometimes are able to discover in the sexual life. It is a very great joy which you are sometimes able to discover in the simple gaiety of friendship. It is a great joy when you are allowed to be of some service to another whose pain, or whose suffering, or whose sorrow asks for healing, for that healing that can only come through love.
Every offering of love is a risk. A risk, on the face of it, can seem unwise. Wisdom, however, that has taken account of itself, will eventually come to realize that perfect wisdom is itself an imperfect thing, for perfect wisdom would counsel that no risk ever be taken. Perfect wisdom would counsel that the odds militate against the possible fruition of open-hearted interaction. And yet, if perfect wisdom always prevailed, that spiritual sustenance, which is the very life blood of soul, would be denied, and so to return to our metaphor, the flower must open, the bud must bloom despite the risk of frost, despite the rough winds that may soon blow, despite the hungry animal which may happen by and be attracted to the blossom.
And if you're not willing to be totally foolish, just don't let wisdom overrun it all. The wisdom that prevents one from opening the heart in love is not true wisdom.
Quote:Folly is not the same thing as love, but in a world which is defined too much by wisdom, it can seem folly to love at all. Therefore, we might say that it is indeed the greater act of wisdom to allow wisdom itself to be curtailed in the face of love. It is never wrong to inquire about the modes in which love may reasonably be expected to have sway in particular kinds of circumstances. It is never an untoward question to ask whether the loved one feels in one’s heart would be well received, but there is a moment in which the bubbling up of love from within will not be denied, and a wisdom that counsels it is better not to take a chance, which refuses to allow that expression, is not the greater part of wisdom.
Life itself, however, is a chance, and love is its main chance. And so even those who have become wise with the passing of years, with the passing of generations, must realize in the end that the greatest gift that life has to offer is the gift that surpasses understanding, is the gift that puts one in relation to the mystery of being, and the more open the heart is, the more that mystery can be plumbed. It is a mystery that perpetually confounds the understanding. It is a mystery that cannot be made the subject of any wisdom.
We would say that wisdom has its place; we would say that sound judgment is never to be despised, but if judgment is given full and sole sway, that is precisely the first step on the path to a mode of service which contracts itself merely to the parameters of the serving self. That self which seeks to serve, not solely, its thus-contracted self, must be the blossom that opens itself in love to the creation, and must therefore be foolish precisely to that extent.