12-02-2015, 09:17 PM
Would an individual's personality seem less defined the more they have "peaked" through the illusion? or the other way around? or is there even a relation between the two? Does free will effect ones individual personality?
Certain individuals have very defined personalities and characteristic in which they/others seem to rely on. This strong personality and character that they possess seems to give them more "drive" in which their life becomes a product of said personality and it is almost as if they have less free-will to choose how their life plays out because of how strongly their personality guides there life without them consciously knowing it.
As one peaks through the illusion more, and dances with the idea of unity they realize that they have more choice in what they want themselves to be, and what they want their life to be. As one becomes a more advanced soul they seem to have less of a individual characteristic personality that they and others rely on and instead do not "have" a personality as much as are a more blank tapestry and can utilize archetypal attributes more willingly. As such, that they seem to be a "social chameleon" or are whatever personality that they believe is needed in a certain situation instead of always defaulting to their base personality.
Certain individuals have very defined personalities and characteristic in which they/others seem to rely on. This strong personality and character that they possess seems to give them more "drive" in which their life becomes a product of said personality and it is almost as if they have less free-will to choose how their life plays out because of how strongly their personality guides there life without them consciously knowing it.
As one peaks through the illusion more, and dances with the idea of unity they realize that they have more choice in what they want themselves to be, and what they want their life to be. As one becomes a more advanced soul they seem to have less of a individual characteristic personality that they and others rely on and instead do not "have" a personality as much as are a more blank tapestry and can utilize archetypal attributes more willingly. As such, that they seem to be a "social chameleon" or are whatever personality that they believe is needed in a certain situation instead of always defaulting to their base personality.