10-12-2015, 09:53 AM
I'm discovering more and more how important it is to deal with negative emotions when they arise, and what I've noticed is this. I might feel frustration and unhappiness and choose to disregard it - thinking that I'm doing well by staying superficially peaceful, even patting myself on the back for doing such a good job of not raging. Speak nicely to people, even meditate - no overt aggression. But the energy is still there, and it tries to sneak malicious behavior under the radar - suddenly I'm dissatisfied with things, so I'm very very subtly criticizing someone; it might not even sound like criticism, but the underlying motive is certainly that. And I'm not even aware of it. But then it takes just a slight trigger and verbal aggression spills out - this happens so quickly that there's no time to react or reflect beforehand, and afterwards it's too late.
Emotions are like lightning. When the charge is building up, there's a slight change in the air; we might notice it but not pay it any mind. But then, all of a sudden, all of that potential energy manifests as a lightning bolt, and at that point there's nothing to be done but repair the damage. So the time to pay attention is to that subtle change in our emotional tone, even if it seems like it's really not a big deal.
Transforming our emotions through love seems to be a vital aspect of becoming more consistently loving and crystallized. How? Well, that's the question, but love is the answer, I think. Jeshua talks about seeing our emotions as an unhappy inner child who is confused by the world, and "wrapping our angel wings" of love around him or her. Anyone with similar experiences?
Emotions are like lightning. When the charge is building up, there's a slight change in the air; we might notice it but not pay it any mind. But then, all of a sudden, all of that potential energy manifests as a lightning bolt, and at that point there's nothing to be done but repair the damage. So the time to pay attention is to that subtle change in our emotional tone, even if it seems like it's really not a big deal.
Transforming our emotions through love seems to be a vital aspect of becoming more consistently loving and crystallized. How? Well, that's the question, but love is the answer, I think. Jeshua talks about seeing our emotions as an unhappy inner child who is confused by the world, and "wrapping our angel wings" of love around him or her. Anyone with similar experiences?