03-30-2010, 07:42 PM
Transforming Polarity:
Moving Beyond the Fear of Death
Moving Beyond the Fear of Death
This full moon we are initiating into motion the transformation of polarity through greater activation of our solar encodement of the knowing and true nature of Oneness.
One of most important steps for our collective groups is to move beyond the fear of death. This deeply embedded polarized energy within the human experience is created from the false idea that death separates us from our loved ones, and from existence itself. Death is merely a transformation of form. It is not an end of Being. This misunderstanding of death has been one of the deepest rooting anchors keeping Humanity held within the confines of duality.
Fear of death propels all other separative programming... lack, limitation, resistance, conflict, division. It is a program of opposites: light and dark, right and wrong, us and them. When we stand "for" something or "against" something, we continue to enliven the energy of polarity which always results in a continuous wheel of suffering.
It is this programmed response of "stance" that we seek to shift. We choose instead to stand only in the benevolent mystery and transfiguring flames of Divine Love. As we do this, we set intention this lunar cycle to excavate and root up at a cellular level, all held energy of outer projection and biased judgment. We are asking for clear reflection of our own patterns of consciousness which sustain the polarity embedded in this illusion. We set intention to dissolve every ounce of energy which has been created from projections of division.
Divine Love is the new operating system which overwrites and gently shuts down the old programming, naturally restoring us to our original template. We activate this overwriting through our choice in every moment to remain open to the Love within us, and choose to trust that we are held safely in this Love. From this place of surrender to the Supreme Power of all, our consciousness is free to see beyond the restrictions of the veil. From this greater perception, fear of death holds no power and all other fears naturally dissolve.
As we bridge consciousness paradigms, from duality into unification, our active participation is essential. We each must do the work. It is why we are here n this timeline serving as Lightworkers, directly experiencing and assisting in this great Shift of the Ages.
There is a saying "It is always darkest before the dawn". As we approach the end of duality, the light seems lighter and the darkness seems darker. This can inspire fear in those who do not understand. We can alter the resonance of this fear by altering it within ourselves. Darkness and death are nothing to fear. They are simply part of the illusion. The objects we see in the room when the lights are on are still there when the lights are off. The point is, the Sun continues to rise. We need to look at this rising Sun within us in order to see the darkness for what it really is. One with totality.
"We create beyond time and space...
a new fluid beingness, new inspiration and an immaculate New Earth".
High Frequency Transmitters Group
Full Moon Visualization and Affirmation
I AM a planetary force field of Transfiguring Divine Love.
The Love of God is now thriving on Earth through me. The heart of Transfiguring Divine Love now enveloping the Earth is transforming the primal light substance of my four earthly bodies, as well as the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Earth.
I AM changing the inner conditions for the entire planet, and I AM setting this Earth on a new planetary course of Divine Love.
I feel complete unity with ALL Life, and now with every Holy Breath I take, I inbreathe, assimilate, expand, and project the Love of God into every aspect of Humanity's day-to-day functioning.
I feel this force field of Divine Love permanently secured within my heart flame and the heart flames of ALL Humanity.
I accept that this force field of Transfiguring Divine Love is manifest now, and forever sustained through God's Holy Grace.
It is done, and so it is. Beloved I AM.
From Michelle Andersen
GEO Light Team Coordinator for Southern California
Full Moon Visualization and Affirmation
As Freedoms Flame continues to overwhelm ego's fears; the Resurrection Flame and its sure momentum will assist us and all other life through its use.
Solar/Sun Being Resurrection Decrees:
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Infinite Gratitude for all the blessings life has bestowed upon me.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of every good and perfect thing I need in my service to life including money and supply.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of perfect health, eternal youthfulness and well being.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of limitless physical perfection on Earth.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of my full solar reality now walking the Earth.
...and as I AM raised up so is all Life raised up with me.
From Yoj Chase
Planetary Grid Group and Grid Degrees
Transforming Polarity:
Moving Beyond the Fear
Last night I traveled through parallel existences in a light ship. When I awoke, there was a bumpy ball of dark dense energy in the bedroom. I could feel it hovering in the corner. When I opened my heart and reached for it, I saw a wispy human like figure (as if made of wire or smoke- or some weird combination of the two). As I embraced this Being in Love, I saw the new light codes streaming into our DNA, awakening new levels of understanding and acceptance. I felt this Being's confusion and offered a choice... to be altered by the light of Love and remain, or it must go. It gave me the words "not compatible". It seemed not comfortable in Love and seeks a denser vibrational existence.
I could clearly see that it is our fear which enables such interference. When we CHOOSE fear, we give matching energy a frequency to work with. Wrapping this Being in Love, I showed it that it is free, but it cannot interfere. As I released it, I saw a white dragon being born;...this one representing the new consciousness free of fear.
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Join Children of the Sun this Full Moon
Tuesday in the Planetary Crystalline Matrix!
We are a global platform of unification with a mission serving the world transformation of consciousness. Donations greatly sustain and propel our expanding momentum and influential planetary focus. Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. operates as a non profit public charitable organization, operating number #27-0315891. All contribution is tax deductible in the USA.
VISIT US AT: www.childrenofthesun.org
Moving Beyond the Fear of Death
Moving Beyond the Fear of Death
This full moon we are initiating into motion the transformation of polarity through greater activation of our solar encodement of the knowing and true nature of Oneness.
One of most important steps for our collective groups is to move beyond the fear of death. This deeply embedded polarized energy within the human experience is created from the false idea that death separates us from our loved ones, and from existence itself. Death is merely a transformation of form. It is not an end of Being. This misunderstanding of death has been one of the deepest rooting anchors keeping Humanity held within the confines of duality.
Fear of death propels all other separative programming... lack, limitation, resistance, conflict, division. It is a program of opposites: light and dark, right and wrong, us and them. When we stand "for" something or "against" something, we continue to enliven the energy of polarity which always results in a continuous wheel of suffering.
It is this programmed response of "stance" that we seek to shift. We choose instead to stand only in the benevolent mystery and transfiguring flames of Divine Love. As we do this, we set intention this lunar cycle to excavate and root up at a cellular level, all held energy of outer projection and biased judgment. We are asking for clear reflection of our own patterns of consciousness which sustain the polarity embedded in this illusion. We set intention to dissolve every ounce of energy which has been created from projections of division.
Divine Love is the new operating system which overwrites and gently shuts down the old programming, naturally restoring us to our original template. We activate this overwriting through our choice in every moment to remain open to the Love within us, and choose to trust that we are held safely in this Love. From this place of surrender to the Supreme Power of all, our consciousness is free to see beyond the restrictions of the veil. From this greater perception, fear of death holds no power and all other fears naturally dissolve.
As we bridge consciousness paradigms, from duality into unification, our active participation is essential. We each must do the work. It is why we are here n this timeline serving as Lightworkers, directly experiencing and assisting in this great Shift of the Ages.
There is a saying "It is always darkest before the dawn". As we approach the end of duality, the light seems lighter and the darkness seems darker. This can inspire fear in those who do not understand. We can alter the resonance of this fear by altering it within ourselves. Darkness and death are nothing to fear. They are simply part of the illusion. The objects we see in the room when the lights are on are still there when the lights are off. The point is, the Sun continues to rise. We need to look at this rising Sun within us in order to see the darkness for what it really is. One with totality.
"We create beyond time and space...
a new fluid beingness, new inspiration and an immaculate New Earth".
High Frequency Transmitters Group
Full Moon Visualization and Affirmation
I AM a planetary force field of Transfiguring Divine Love.
The Love of God is now thriving on Earth through me. The heart of Transfiguring Divine Love now enveloping the Earth is transforming the primal light substance of my four earthly bodies, as well as the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Earth.
I AM changing the inner conditions for the entire planet, and I AM setting this Earth on a new planetary course of Divine Love.
I feel complete unity with ALL Life, and now with every Holy Breath I take, I inbreathe, assimilate, expand, and project the Love of God into every aspect of Humanity's day-to-day functioning.
I feel this force field of Divine Love permanently secured within my heart flame and the heart flames of ALL Humanity.
I accept that this force field of Transfiguring Divine Love is manifest now, and forever sustained through God's Holy Grace.
It is done, and so it is. Beloved I AM.
From Michelle Andersen
GEO Light Team Coordinator for Southern California
Full Moon Visualization and Affirmation
As Freedoms Flame continues to overwhelm ego's fears; the Resurrection Flame and its sure momentum will assist us and all other life through its use.
Solar/Sun Being Resurrection Decrees:
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Infinite Gratitude for all the blessings life has bestowed upon me.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of every good and perfect thing I need in my service to life including money and supply.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of perfect health, eternal youthfulness and well being.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of limitless physical perfection on Earth.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of my full solar reality now walking the Earth.
...and as I AM raised up so is all Life raised up with me.
From Yoj Chase
Planetary Grid Group and Grid Degrees
Transforming Polarity:
Moving Beyond the Fear
Last night I traveled through parallel existences in a light ship. When I awoke, there was a bumpy ball of dark dense energy in the bedroom. I could feel it hovering in the corner. When I opened my heart and reached for it, I saw a wispy human like figure (as if made of wire or smoke- or some weird combination of the two). As I embraced this Being in Love, I saw the new light codes streaming into our DNA, awakening new levels of understanding and acceptance. I felt this Being's confusion and offered a choice... to be altered by the light of Love and remain, or it must go. It gave me the words "not compatible". It seemed not comfortable in Love and seeks a denser vibrational existence.
I could clearly see that it is our fear which enables such interference. When we CHOOSE fear, we give matching energy a frequency to work with. Wrapping this Being in Love, I showed it that it is free, but it cannot interfere. As I released it, I saw a white dragon being born;...this one representing the new consciousness free of fear.

Join Children of the Sun this Full Moon
Tuesday in the Planetary Crystalline Matrix!
We are a global platform of unification with a mission serving the world transformation of consciousness. Donations greatly sustain and propel our expanding momentum and influential planetary focus. Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. operates as a non profit public charitable organization, operating number #27-0315891. All contribution is tax deductible in the USA.
VISIT US AT: www.childrenofthesun.org