09-07-2013, 01:59 PM
Not sure where to post this; mods please move as appropriate.
You can now use shorter urls to link to lawofone.info:
* You can also use the domain l o 1 . info (without spaces), but bring4th's software converts l o 1 (without spaces) to Law of One, so I couldn't show that here.
You can now use shorter urls to link to lawofone.info:
- Session 1: tloo.info/s/1
- Session 10, jumping to question 14: tloo.info/s/10#14
- Search results for catalyst: tloo.info/q/catalyst
- Tarot category: tloo.info/c/tarot
* You can also use the domain l o 1 . info (without spaces), but bring4th's software converts l o 1 (without spaces) to Law of One, so I couldn't show that here.