There are countless animals caged in pet stores and homes. In an effort to open the heart and exercise compassion, I would like to suggest that animals should be free, not used by us because they are pretty (fish in an aquarium, exotic birds), or kept by us in homes (declawed cats, indoor dogs, hamsters, etc.).
In consideration of domesticated cats and dogs I would suggest:
-Rescue animals rather than pet stores or breeders.
-Allow your pet dog or cat some degree of freedom, and interaction with nature.
In consideration of hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, fish, and other common household pets I would suggest:
-Do not support animal merchandizing and phase out of it.
In consideration of exotic pets I would suggest:
-Do not support a system that captures and sells them.
I did a tour of Costa Rica and stayed at a lodge far into the jungle for a few days during the tour. One morning the dock was piled with cages. The cages contained toucans, monkeys, a tapir, and many other beautiful jungle birds destined for the exotic pet trade. They were all screeching and violently trying to escape the cages (except for the tapir who gently walked up to me and stared right into my eyes. I held out my hand and it nuzzled my hand very gently with its snout). I was devastated and was hatching a plan to sneak out that night to free them, but my boyfriend, very wisely, talked me out of it. Most of the animals caught like this never survive the trip to an owner, and of those, many die early because they are not in their own habitat.

In consideration of domesticated cats and dogs I would suggest:
-Rescue animals rather than pet stores or breeders.
-Allow your pet dog or cat some degree of freedom, and interaction with nature.
In consideration of hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, fish, and other common household pets I would suggest:
-Do not support animal merchandizing and phase out of it.
In consideration of exotic pets I would suggest:
-Do not support a system that captures and sells them.
I did a tour of Costa Rica and stayed at a lodge far into the jungle for a few days during the tour. One morning the dock was piled with cages. The cages contained toucans, monkeys, a tapir, and many other beautiful jungle birds destined for the exotic pet trade. They were all screeching and violently trying to escape the cages (except for the tapir who gently walked up to me and stared right into my eyes. I held out my hand and it nuzzled my hand very gently with its snout). I was devastated and was hatching a plan to sneak out that night to free them, but my boyfriend, very wisely, talked me out of it. Most of the animals caught like this never survive the trip to an owner, and of those, many die early because they are not in their own habitat.