01-29-2012, 04:37 PM
I want to share the story I have been involved in.
My mother is crippled from Ra, wheelchair bound, unable to straighten her fingers or knees. She often dreams about possibly walking in the future. Being cured out of the blue or something.
This morning I was talking to her about choices, blockages, acceptance, and creating reality. When she started to slightly comprehend what I was saying she mentioned that yes, she does see a pattern through her whole life.......
She left her island and came to a white family as a foster child. She spent her time trying to figure out how to escape the family because of herself being treated like a slave.
She finally got away from the family by marrying my father. It didn't take her long to find out that she was even more of a slave than before. She ended up hating him more than anything in the world. In a way still does.
The pattern continued, and once escaping my father, she very quickly had her body taken over and took up her place in a wheelchair. Now the most important thing for her is the power scooter she uses for mobility.
Now.........I have explained things to her, and in doing so may have made things worst. Since she has been unable to accept her lesson she is also beginning to lose her vision.
...........which brings me to todays conversation with her. She asked me what she could have done in a past life to deserve the position she is in. So I looked into it. She had the position of a queen on her island in the past. She used that position to her advantage, never giving or showing love to those below her. This is in contrast to the very loving person she is today. Although I can still see that she carries a dark part of her past, which occasionally shows through.
I explained the contrast, between her "throne/chair" in the past, and the "motorized chair/throne" she now has. She is in the middle of a karmic down swing which needs to be accepted before she can move on to a new lesson. Not only can she not move on to a new lesson, but her experience will worsten until there is no option left but to "give up".
This creates blockages and disabilities for the next experience. A refusal of this lesson can manifest as a blockage say in the sacral and plexus, causing problems with assimilation of nutrients, putting her on the fast track to disablitiy. This can be a repeating pattern, and can get worst each time.
I mention this as a way to understand our normal blockages, and how blockages manifest resulting from lessons refused. We tend to function on belief, which has a lot to do with creating our reality. We believe we are a victim, and hold on to that energy while it builds up momentum of karma. One of the keys to understanding acceptance/integration is that there are no victims. If you can grasp the concept of the Soul choosing the obstacles, the Guides directing and organizing those obstacles, then you as the Brain making a valid choice of how to overcome the obstacle,............you should see that there are no accidents,...........and there are no victims.
Here is a quote from a converstaion I had with another, about changing the past in order to change the future.
My mother is crippled from Ra, wheelchair bound, unable to straighten her fingers or knees. She often dreams about possibly walking in the future. Being cured out of the blue or something.
This morning I was talking to her about choices, blockages, acceptance, and creating reality. When she started to slightly comprehend what I was saying she mentioned that yes, she does see a pattern through her whole life.......
She left her island and came to a white family as a foster child. She spent her time trying to figure out how to escape the family because of herself being treated like a slave.
She finally got away from the family by marrying my father. It didn't take her long to find out that she was even more of a slave than before. She ended up hating him more than anything in the world. In a way still does.
The pattern continued, and once escaping my father, she very quickly had her body taken over and took up her place in a wheelchair. Now the most important thing for her is the power scooter she uses for mobility.
Now.........I have explained things to her, and in doing so may have made things worst. Since she has been unable to accept her lesson she is also beginning to lose her vision.
...........which brings me to todays conversation with her. She asked me what she could have done in a past life to deserve the position she is in. So I looked into it. She had the position of a queen on her island in the past. She used that position to her advantage, never giving or showing love to those below her. This is in contrast to the very loving person she is today. Although I can still see that she carries a dark part of her past, which occasionally shows through.
I explained the contrast, between her "throne/chair" in the past, and the "motorized chair/throne" she now has. She is in the middle of a karmic down swing which needs to be accepted before she can move on to a new lesson. Not only can she not move on to a new lesson, but her experience will worsten until there is no option left but to "give up".
This creates blockages and disabilities for the next experience. A refusal of this lesson can manifest as a blockage say in the sacral and plexus, causing problems with assimilation of nutrients, putting her on the fast track to disablitiy. This can be a repeating pattern, and can get worst each time.
I mention this as a way to understand our normal blockages, and how blockages manifest resulting from lessons refused. We tend to function on belief, which has a lot to do with creating our reality. We believe we are a victim, and hold on to that energy while it builds up momentum of karma. One of the keys to understanding acceptance/integration is that there are no victims. If you can grasp the concept of the Soul choosing the obstacles, the Guides directing and organizing those obstacles, then you as the Brain making a valid choice of how to overcome the obstacle,............you should see that there are no accidents,...........and there are no victims.
Here is a quote from a converstaion I had with another, about changing the past in order to change the future.
Quote:@hotmail.com : I don't see how to do that.
VP : Remember what I said. create a "new past"
@hotmail.com : Isn't that just ignorance?
VP : What do you mean?
VP : By changing the past you can change the future
@hotmail.com : Creating a new past, believing/knowing that the past that I percieved,
@hotmail.com : isn't the past that is real,
@hotmail.com : isn't that just ignorance?
@hotmail.com : The past is the past, it happened, as did every other possibililty.
@hotmail.com : But my memories, my past is the one I lived in.
@hotmail.com : The one I remember.
@hotmail.com : By choosing to forget that past and remember another,
@hotmail.com : am I doing anything other than being ignorant of my past?
VP: You would RE create
@hotmail.com : Ok.
VP : Not using belief.
@hotmail.com : How exactly would I go about re-creating my past?
VP : It has to be a choice. It has to be real
@hotmail.com : Obviously, first by forgiving and removing blockages.
@hotmail.com : How do I make my past real?
@hotmail.com : My new past?
VP : Let's say you did something wrong. That wrong can create blockages for you. Accept it, integrate it, forgive, then toss it out the window and put a better person in its place. Create a memory
VP : All you are doing is modifying a personality
@hotmail.com : So, acceptance, forgiveness, integration, removal, creation.
@hotmail.com : That's the order?
VP : Think of it as a thread
@hotmail.com : Time, as a thread.
@hotmail.com : I already do.
VP : Grabbing a different thread, one of the multiple variables you had access to at the time. By grabbing hold of that other tread, it will have an effect on the now and the future
@hotmail.com : Ok, so lets go back to Feb 9, 2010.
@hotmail.com : I saw a cute girl I felt I should talk to, but didn't, and regret this.
@hotmail.com : What do I do?
VP : Just decide that you made a different choice back then. And it places you in a slightly different spot
VP : Depending on the creation of past, it could cause you to bump into her again. Or, you became aware that there was someone better suited in the future
VP : Living in the past keeps you locked to the past
VP : The lesson. The integration. You cannot move on to something better until you let go of the past. No new lessons until you complete the old lessons
@hotmail.com : You're saying that every past moment had a lesson?
VP : Yes
VP : And when you don't accept them they become worst every time they appear
@hotmail.com : And, if I was to learn that lesson, then I could change which moment, of that past, exists/affects my present.
VP : Yes. You are the master of your destiny
@hotmail.com : *change that moment
VP : At the very least, change your perception of that moment
VP : You walked away from her because you heard she has aids
VP : lol
@hotmail.com : not funny
@hotmail.com : Besides, I know that's not true.
VP : I'm serious. Change your perception. It will change your blockages
@hotmail.com : Ok, I'll go give it a shot.
VP : And it doesn't matter if it is true, it is whether someone made you "think" it was true that allows the perception.
@hotmail.com : Yeah, yeah, nothing is "true" in the long run anyway.
VP : Remember how your throat chakra blockage was connected to gender and fear? That is your belief/past life stuff. Fear comes from belief.....change your belief of the past to a different belief. Blockage will clear and may not return
@hotmail.com : I tried safely assimilating the ego.
@hotmail.com : I felt very overflowed and dizzy, and dropped the pendulum.
@hotmail.com : I asked if it finished, and got No.
VP : Just allow yourself to sit back and contemplate that things were not what you thought. That they were just a perception from a particular angle. Let yourself understand that it can be a different angle, then believe that the angle has now changed. Let out a sigh and say whew! That was easy. Then forget about it, or just consider the "new" option and leave it at that
@hotmail.com : are you talking now about changing the past, or about integrating the ego?
VP : Changing the past has the side effect of integration
@hotmail.com : have you changed your past effectively?
VP : yup
@hotmail.com : I tried now, but it's not really making much sense
@hotmail.com : i thought back to when I was bullied in grade school, and I have no idea how to spin that into a positive, loving memory
VP: More like, those bullies may be dead, may be street bums, main thing is you rose above it all. Water under the bridge
@hotmail.com : but that's not changing the past
VP: You now understand that they acted this way because they had mental issues arising from the fact they had penises the size of a grape.
@hotmail.com : hahahahahahahahahaha
@hotmail.com : hahahahahahahaha
@hotmail.com : so true!
VP : Easy to understand now?
@hotmail.com : yeah
@hotmail.com : it makes sense even!
VP: It should put everything into another perspective
@hotmail.com : so, just that?
VP : That simple
@hotmail.com : a quick, positive spin on past events,
@hotmail.com : then forget about it and move on
@hotmail.com : like,
VP: Is it easier to accept?
@hotmail.com : "oh, i see now, it was just because they were angry at themselves"
@hotmail.com : "that makes sense!"
@hotmail.com : "on to the next memory!"
@hotmail.com : like a game
VP : Re-create the past, and it will affect your future. It allows all that energy in the past to cut loose and work for creating the future. If belief holds you back, change the belief.