09-07-2011, 03:34 PM
Okay, the whole money argument is a whole other thing. Money is purely a word, yet it leads to nearly all of our 3D problems. It creates the elite and gives them their power. In our current world, money leads to profits. That is all. We let things go rotten and obscelete in the name of the almighty profit. We squander free energy technologies to protect infrastructure that is inefficient and harmful to the earth (check solar panel efficiency restrictions if you don't believe this... any energy device that performs better than 30% efficiency in creating energy is illegal worldwide according to patents by NASA). What if someone 'broke' this concept of money? Released trillions on the world economy and locked inflation at 0%? "But how could that happen?" It can happen easily if it can be proven that the world is being extorted by the banking elite. The proof of this is starting to trickle out. I won't turn this into a conspiracy website, but things are unraveling right now pretty quickly. The first mortgage-based lawsuit against the banking system is said to tally over 200 billion right off the bat; this does not include the private sector suits should they prove to be successful. The world is falling down.
THank you, Namaste; you hit the nail on the head in maybe better describing my intentions. I do not mean to minimize the inner growth and evolution; that is why I say we are all right. The inner self is integral, but we must also realize that 4D means we must start to project our intentions as a group, rather than a confused mess. IMO, 3D was the time for inner transformation; 4D will mark the start of the outer tranformation.
THank you, Namaste; you hit the nail on the head in maybe better describing my intentions. I do not mean to minimize the inner growth and evolution; that is why I say we are all right. The inner self is integral, but we must also realize that 4D means we must start to project our intentions as a group, rather than a confused mess. IMO, 3D was the time for inner transformation; 4D will mark the start of the outer tranformation.