08-13-2012, 09:08 PM
I'm not one that has ever been drawn much to Astrology. I knew my Sun Sign, of course, from an early age, and learned about Chinese Astrology during my 'malaysian awakening'. But this passage from Q'uo caught my eye; and has an interesting reference to Mr Cayce. That guy really did have a hotlink into the akashic records. A true benchmark for psychic ability.
taken from: http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0207.aspx
the question
the answer
so again, we have the dominance of the 'male version' of events, that is, tropical chart, which is concerned with the outward nature of things, or the personality shell. And the feminine astrology points to the inner path, or the soul's journey.
ps the bits in red are added by me
taken from: http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0207.aspx
the question
Quote: “Edgar Cayce said that most modern astrologers use the wrong zodiac and should be using one based on the “Persian calendar.” The use of the sidereal zodiac, which accounts for precession of the stars as espoused by Cyril Fagan and Donald Bradley, results in rotating the planets about 24 degrees clockwise in the horoscope chart or eight-tenths of a sign backwards when compared to the use of the tropical zodiac. For example, my Sun sign is Pisces in the tropical zodiac, yet falls back into the sign of Aquarius in a horoscope based on the sidereal zodiac. I believe that my Sun sign is Aquarius. I also believe that the use of the Fagan/Bradley sidereal zodiac is more accurate than that of the tropical zodiac to determine the placement of the “planets,” which also include our Sun and Moon, in the signs and houses of a natal horoscope. Can you confirm this?”
the answer
Quote:With regard to the query asked by the one known as E concerning the use of the sidereal astrology as opposed to the tropical astrology, we cannot confirm the choice of one type of reading over another, and we would make a few comments about our inability to confirm this preference.
It is our understanding—and we offer it humbly since we feel that it is only a rough approximation of the truth rather than the precise truth—that the use of both sidereal and tropical astrological charts is appropriate when studying the influences which make up the geography of an entity’s interior landscape.
There are two aspects to a density. One aspect is relatively fixed; one aspect is relatively unfixed. The masculine side of the study of astrology is that of the tropical astrological chart. It represents that which is fixed into the Earth by the occasion of your birth into third-density existence.
There is another aspect which influences the use of astrology and this is the feminine aspect of the density. In this focus of astrology, the information is considerably helpful, but it does differ from the tropical chart in that it embraces more of the unfixed or soul-driven, if you will, aspects of personality.
Therefore, if an entity is actively investigating his own soul aspects, it is quite likely that he will find sidereal astrology more helpful in describing the environment in which he finds himself in his inner work than if he uses the tropical astrological chart.
Gazing at the differences between a sidereal and a tropical chart will give to an entity an interesting view of the various aspects of his own character. The sidereal aspects (feminine) describe more the soul aspects of the entity, whereas the tropical chart (masculine) describes more the personality or applied incarnational aspects of a personality.
Looking at the difference between the two gives to the student of his own personality an idea of the dynamics of the earthly self with respect to that self which entered incarnation and that self which shall remain after incarnation.
Neither aspect is higher than the other aspect. We wish to make that clear. The two aspects are, as it were, the vertical aspect and the horizontal aspect of that cruciform nature of personality. There is that vertical aspect that touches down into the earth and holds into incarnation certain aspects of the personality, and there is that floating or horizontal aspect to the personality that is never completely nailed down by incarnation, but rests within the energy body as the deeper aspects that the soul has brought forward into incarnation at this time.
so again, we have the dominance of the 'male version' of events, that is, tropical chart, which is concerned with the outward nature of things, or the personality shell. And the feminine astrology points to the inner path, or the soul's journey.
ps the bits in red are added by me